Do Christians really think Obama is the next anti-christ?
By cynddvs
@cynddvs (2948)
United States
June 4, 2008 6:30pm CST
I've just recieved my fifth forward today from people warning me not to vote for Obama. These emails aren't about his stances on the issues. These emails are quotes from the bible warning that all the signs are there that he is the next anti-christ.
Are there people out there who really believe this? Obviously the people who are sending me these emails seem to believe it. No offense but it's really just giving me a little bit of a chuckle reading some of these emails.
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26 responses
@alexwander (170)
• Canada
5 Jun 08
It is an old practice that never fades. Someone they don't like: " _ _ _ (fill in the blanks) is the anti-Christ, it is written in the Bible." Then they quote some whatever biblical verses as proof. Obama from the East? JFK is also from the East (Massachusetts) so he fits the profile too. Clinton was once said as the horseman in the book of Revelation. Bush is the Anti-Christ predicted by Nostradamus (Mabus -- BUSh born in MAsschusetts). Saddham Hussein, of course. Etc, etc. Such practice is repeatable and predictable.
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@00BleedingShadow00 (784)
• Philippines
5 Jun 08
This really disgust me. Some people are using Christianity to ruin someones reputation. I hope those Christians get burned to hell! I am a Christian too but some Christians really disgust me. Give me a break! Before, some Christians used Christianity for business (fake church)purposes. But now some Chirstians use Christianity in politics. Wow! This is worst than ever!
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Yes, it's likely that some christians believe this.. but then again I heard rumors the anti-christ was George Bush too! It's all part of the propaganda machines.. I find it hard to believe one party is evil and the other good
(rather than merely focusing on different concerns) - I find nothing wrong with Mr. Obama.. even though I lean moderately conservative.. (and I'm a christian!

@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
5 Jun 08
No, I don't think most Christians think Obama is the anti-Christ. I got the same kind of emails when Clinton was in office.
The Bible says that we will not know the time when Christ will come again. But it does give some signs and many of those signs do seem to have been achieved.
As we are shoved into a more global economy, as more people talk about a one-world government, the Bible prophecy does seem to be coming to pass.
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@MntlWard (878)
• United States
5 Jun 08
My star is low because I usually get into discussions where I disagree with a lot of the people in the discussion. I'm getting a little tired of that, though.
It's not that I really care about the star, but talking to a wall is losing its flavor.
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@k1tten (2318)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Geez, these people really are nuts. I don't know how people can believe this stuff. Some of these people are just rediculous. I'm sure they're just going for it because those people just don't want a colored president. I don't see why that's a problem as long as they can keep this country in a better sort of order.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Jun 08
I saw your reply when I made mine and thought wow, isn't that strange and nostalgic? I remember my grandpa on my dad's side saying "colored" and my grandpa on my mom's side not making any reference. I asked him once why he didn't refer to Larry as "colored"-Larry helped with the hay harvest-and he told me everyone was colored in some way so why say it? LOL! What an eye-opener! My dad's father was from Kentucky, the south, my mom's dad was from Ohio, kind of northern midwest. What a difference just a couple of hundred miles away!
Not criticizing you, just remarking on differences in our country. You brought back memories of dear people for me. And I agree with you, I don't care if the president is bright orange with purple eyes, as long as he or she can run the country and maintain a democratic republic and economic health, it's fine with me.
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@Chip2828 (13)
• United States
5 Jun 08
This is just their racism coming out. The muslims are trying to destroy the nation? What garbage! This kind of bull-sh## propaganda is what led to the the holocaust and millions and millions of deaths. If you find yourself reading this and seeing any "truth" in it stop, and smack yourself in the face! this is utter and blatant racism and it is THEM who are trying to destroy the nation's infastructure, not "muslims".:/ (angry face)
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
5 Jun 08
It would be hilarious if it weren't so pathetic. I'm not sure if those who send these e-mails really believe it themselves or if they're preying on people who may just be gullible enough to fall for it out of pure dislike for Obama. I hate to say it, but I think racism has a great deal to do with it, possibly unconscious racism for some. Or the fear of someone with a "different" sounding name and I different kind of background. Welcome to the American of the future, people! We are a diverse nation and it's getting more so. Anyway, none of these propaganda e-mails are about the issues, if it's not some anti-Christ $h1t it's something about his "relatives" in Kenya or his Muslim beliefs. It's all a crock like I've never seen before!
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
6 Jun 08
I don't base my dislike of him on anything in the Bible or rumors or news articles. I base it on what I have seen him talking about and what he has in store for the U.S. if he becomes President should worry anyone with half a brain. I am praying that McCain gets in b/c although he isn't the perfect choice he's a d*mn site better choice then Obama.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
27 Jul 08
I hear alot of ppl slamming President Bush and blaming him for us being at war right now. The way I see it he was in a no-win situation after 9-11. Either he could go to war, defend our country and those opposed would call him a war monger or he could refuse to go to war and be called a coward and leave us open to more attacks. As for being over there so long, like most things one thing leads to another. Often everytime you change one thing, the next falls over and your left having to handle that too.
I may not agree with everything that President Bush has done but having watched and listened to him I know that he at least is attempting to do what he feels is best for the U.S., I can't say that about Obama. I think the only ppl Obama is loyal to are his own family, his friends and his family in other countries.
I think alot of ppl are doing alot of backseat politicing when it comes to President Bush, after all it's easy to sit back NOW and say what should've, could've been done.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
16 Jun 08
We have a lot to fear if he wins.
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
5 Jun 08
I don't have a link but I'll copy the email for you:
God help us if this man is elected!! But it is all stated
In the Bible and it will happen sooner or later.
This is from Darlene Millican, wife of the pastor
Of Trinity Bapt Church here in Sun City .
I have felt for sometime now that Obama is the
One person that 'Frightens Me'. I believe the Bible has
Warned us that 'A man will come from the East that will be
Charismatic in nature and have proposed solutions for all our
Problems and his rhetoric will attract many supporters!'
When will our pathetic Nation quit turning their back on God and understand that
This man is 'A Muslim'....First, Last and always....and we are AT WAR wit h
T he Muslim Nation, whether our bleeding-heart, secular,
Liberal friends believe it or not.
This man fits every description from the Bible of the 'Anti-Christ'!
I'm just glad to know that there are others that are frightened by this man!
Who is Barack Obama?
Very interesting and something that should be
Considered in your choice.
If you do not ever forward anything else, please
Forward this to all your contacts...this is very scary to
Think of what lies ahead of us here in our own United
States...better heed this and pray about it and share it.
Who is Barack Obama?
Probable U. S. Presidential candidate,
Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu ,
Hawaii , to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM
From Nyangoma-Kogel , Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white ATHEIST from
Wichita , Kansas
Obama's parents met at the
University of Hawaii
When Obama was two years old, his parents
Divorced. His father returned to
Kenya His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL
Muslim from Indonesia . When Obama was 6 years
Old,&nb sp;the family relocate
To Indonesia . Obama attended
& nbsp;a MUSLIM school in Jakarta . He also spent two
Years in a Catholi c school .
Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that
He is a Muslim . He is quick to point out that, 'He was once
a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic school.'
Obama's political handlers are attempting to
Make it appea r that that he is not a radical.
Obama's introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence was
Temporary at be st. In reality, the senior Obama returned to
Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his
Son's' education.
Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his
Stepson to Islam. Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta .
Wahabism is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists
Who are now waging Jihad&nbs p;against the we stern world. Since it is pol itically
Expedient to be a CHRISTIAN when seeking major
Public office i n the United States , Barack Hussein Obama has
Joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay
His Muslim background. ALSO, keep in mind that when he was
Sworn into office he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Koran.
Barack Hussein Obama will NOT recite the Pledge of Allegiance
Nor will he show any reverence for our flag. While others place their hands over
Their hearts, Obama turns his back to the flag and slouches. Do you want
Someone like this as your PRESIDENT?
Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy.
The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what
Better way to start than at the highest level - through the
President of the United States , one of their own!
The Bible says 'He will come from among you!'
Please forward to everyone you know.
Would you want this man leading our country?
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
5 Jun 08
These people disgust me. I can almost bet my next check that if you were to check with the pastor's wife in Sun City, she'll have no knowledge of this email (nor will there be evidence on her hard drive). Someone creates these hate filled messages of "Christian love" and then attaches someone's name to them to give them an air of legitimacy. The fact that people actually believe them is MORE disturbing than that someone has this kind of evil thinking!!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Jun 08
I've gotten forwards like this and it's no longer amusing. I don't want to be told what to thing or what God says--it's right there in the Bible, not in a forwarded email. I always check if I get something interesting and this Obama thing is totally fabricated.
The only reason I'm doubtful of the man is that he's spoken millions of words but said nothing. He seems bright enough and is certainly a good orator. He seems as sincere as a political aspirant can be but we have no clue of his agenda or beliefs other than that whacko minister in his church. I've known and quite liked ministers who were certifiably nuts, so I don't hold that against him.
Besides, the Bible says that the Antichrist will be of the house of David, doesn't it? Mr. Obama isn't Jewish.
As for Islam, have any of these people ever read that book?! For the most part, it's Christianity under a different name. Sure, it's a bit more radical but it espouses kindness, the golden rule and charity. It has specific rules of war, like not destroying an enemy's livelihood--that, right there, tells you that the zealots that perpetrated 9/11/2001 had no understanding of the Quaran.
And no, I'm not Muslim. I'm a Presbyterian. We believe in tolerance and the love of God under whatever name a believer chooses.
Oh dear, this has become a religious thingie. Sorry. But attacking Senator Obama for his religion or where his ancestors came from is so low. When you were a child, did you get to choose your school or church?!
I personally am leery of the guy, he's too slick. But these attacks are way off-base. Wait till he says something of substance--if he ever does--and then the email forwarders could have something to discuss.
Whew! I'm tired....rant mode off! 

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Well, Chip, I wouldn't say he's perfect but he obviously knows what the American people want to hear. I just hope he can deliver, because I think he'll be our next president.
I'm sick and tired of career politicians. I'd like ten people picked at random for each party and have them run. We'd do this every four years and allot them each a budget of $15,000 to campaign. You can bet we'd get some quality candidates out of that. And some people who know exactly what Americans need. You'd get people who are actually interested in helping the country instead of people who put on a false face just to get elected for their own ends.
We need a statesman. I'd like to think that Senator Obama is one but he's a politician so I think my hope is in vain. 

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@roanne05 (1290)
• Oman
5 Jun 08
i am a christian but not american, neither living in US. but i heard this prediction that who ever will be elected president in US will shape the future of all nations not only US. this is the first time i heard about obama being an anti-christ... i really don't care who ever wins..what i just want is having a good leader on every nations for everyone to prosper and have peace!just vote wisely...
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@roanne05 (1290)
• Oman
5 Jun 08
what can say???hmppp...i really don't know.i am a christian, but american.but i heard some prediction that the future of the whole world depends on this coming US elections...whatever it is, i just hope one thing..the rightfull leader will be elected.
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
27 Jul 08
You haven't said what you believe in, I wouldn't worry too much what other people believe in, or you intend to follow?. One thing the whole world can't believe is nearly 200000 Germans was standing to greet him and listen to what he had to say. Isn't that remarkable?.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
27 Jul 08
I'm a Christian and I'm an Obama girl, even if I'm Green Party voter. I think those emails come from the crazy fraction of my religion, the part I don't like claiming. Calling someone the Anti-Christ is an old trick that some people still think gets over on people. The person sending out the e-mail is ridiculous and using their faith as a method to display how stupid they are. We are of the same faith and I am offended for them and I don't even know who they are. My best advice is to delete the e-mail and giggle.
@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
5 Jun 08
I have been reading about him and there are some things I just can't understand about that letter. First they say his father divorced his mother. In recent findings it was said that he just abandoned them to go back to his legal wife. So how can you divorce someone you were never legally married to? Then about him being raised a Muslim by his step-father. I read he was raised by his white grandparents and did attend a private white Catholic School. Guess we all should dig a little deeper to find the truth. He may fit the description but then so do a lot of other men...
I do have a bad feeling about him being our president but not for that reason.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Being that his father was Muslim, he can take more than one wife. If he actually married Obama's mother in the USA by an Imam (like a priest only, Islamic)in a mosque, he is considered married under Islamic law. However, if they did not marry by JP, it is not legal in the eyes of the American law.
You should have a bad feeling about him.
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@challs12 (548)
• Malaysia
5 Jun 08
I believe that Obama has no negative attitude towards Christian. Ask him if he want to forget what he trying to achieve right now, for sure he will have no thinking about anti-christ.
Can you imagine someone who wants to be President of America has that attitude?
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@Samanthavv (1380)
• United States
5 Jun 08
I have heard people thinking that he is the anti-christ, but I don't believe it. I don't think he's a good canidate for office, but I don't think he's satan! Some people are pretty out there.
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@shewolf52002 (1214)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Well i dont know where they get their information but can anyone say they would truly be surprised if he were a muslim in christian clothing? Naa probably not I think that would not go over to well with the muslim faith.
I do wonder about his Muslim background because it is so anti-christian and anti-american, but Ill have to agree with Dragon above I am more concerned with the fact that he has said nothing of value.
Besides christians should not really be too concerned about the anti-christ, he has to come some time and its not like we can stop it? I mean really the bible says the anti-christ will fool even the very elect among the church. These people would better serve by reaching out to the people in this world especially if it is all circling the drain.