Domestic violence: Do men suffer silently?
By Nic
@academic2 (7000)
June 5, 2008 5:01am CST
Women cry out,But I have not heard or seen men crying out that they are being, kicked, spat at, shouted at sexually starved, and emotionally deprived by their wives-do you think men suffer suffer domestic violence but
7 responses
@Gollywog (1092)
5 Jun 08
Yes I know of a young man in his thirties, his wife was always accusing him of cheating! He adored her but she would set about him kicking, punching, biting she would hit him with anything she could get her hands on. The last straw was when he came to my house for help she had stabbed him in the back! I took him to hospital for treatment the stab was not to deep, he would not leave her he loved her so much. I told her she needed to get help and Im sure she did as they are still together!
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
7 Jun 08
That was taking the viloence a little too far, stabbing on the back? Looks lke that was true love-am sure you stab me, I survive but will never set eyes on you again! Thanks for this response!
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Hello acadmemic,
I have known one friend in College who have this experience. he confessed to us that most of the time, he will be kicked and shouted by his wife and will asked to do all the household chores in spite of his busy schedule being a full time teacher..He also can't leave since he doesn't like his kids suffer from the break up. It was really sad for him.He has no "word" in their house.
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
5 Jun 08
It happens all the checapricorn-we men are very protective of our weak points!-we always want to be on top
@karinna (233)
• United States
10 Jun 08
i myself came from am abusive marriage, after years of putting up with it i finaly left. after the shame i sought help, i see a therpist and i go to meetings. i had a friend back in high school who's girlfriend was very abusive to him, and typicly as a guy he didnt want to say anything to anyone. but at the meetings i attend there are quite a few men there, they are there privatly but there. there are alot ALOT of men who are abused by wives or girl friends. but the fact is that there is more out there to help women because men dont speak out, i dont think its because ppl dont think it happens to men its just men as many posts state men take the macho road and i not as a man but as an abused woman can understand that. after my 10 year battle with abuse being stabbed, my face crushed in, an ax to my neck and countless black and blues, i felt shamed and didnt want ppl to know that i wasnt a good wife, i wasnt a good enough person, but i realized i was a good wife and person after realizing that it wasnt my fault. no one deserves to be hurt by another person wife, husband or parent. men are human to with feelings, heart and pride, men just as women deserve to be treated with love and respect. the men i go to meetings with are kind, loving and desent ppl just mixed up in feelings that are false. my feelings after years of being abused were false, i didnt love my x-husband anymore i was just afraid and thats what these men are.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
9 Jun 08
Hello dear academic friend. It is an interesting question. It seems common for women to cry out as women are more tender in emotion. I think that it is good for women to cry out for their uncomfortableness when getting hurt either mentally or physically. But it is different on men's side, who tend to be controllable of themselves even if they have the same experience.
Well, I once read a piece of news on the net about a short husband who got abused by his strong wife by way of beating him and such. I showed great pity to him and hope that the wife would be treating her husband better...
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Jun 08
There is a huge body of evidence to show that men suffer domestic violence. Men tend not to display it as much as perhaps they feel that it is not macho, shows signs of weakness etc. But it happens. I knew a man, over 6' tall whose wife regularly beat him with a broom handle, especially when she had been drinking. When asked why he didn't retaliate he said "because I would kill her". men often joke about their wives abusing them, but for a minority, that really is the case.
@luciusaloc (291)
5 Jun 08
Men often keep quiet about domestic violence mostly because it goes against the whole idea of manhood- machismo if you would like to call it that.In some cases as stated earlier,they donot react and take it all in because the retaliation could end up ugly.
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
5 Jun 08
You are absolutely right my brother-no man would accept to appear weaker before a woman!
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
5 Jun 08
I do think that some men suffer from domestic violence also. I think alot of them are afraid to say anything about it because it may make them look weak or soemthing like that. I think they are ashamed to admit that they have wives or girlfriends like that also. I think they may talk to their family members but I bet it is a hush, hush thing.