Can you prove that God exists?
By clrumfelt
@clrumfelt (5490)
United States
10 responses
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Truth is, you CAN'T prove God's existence, but he is not hard to find if you really want to.
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
5 Jun 08
Why should one provide prove to that God does exist. Isn't your life prove enough. You woke up this morning. Did you do it by yourself. The wind is blowing but you cannot see it. What do you want someone to tell you. God is by faith. Once you believe, then you will see that God does exist. Read your bible, ask God for wisdom and understanding.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
5 Jun 08
What I am asking, I guess, is if you could give compelling evidence to an unbeliever that would nudge him in the direction of believing in God. Could you help him think in his mind of the possibility of God's existence instead of rejecting such beliefs as fairytales?
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
5 Jun 08
The reality is that god (any higher power for that matter) can't be proven to exist or NOT exist..Which is why I can never understand why ppl become so arrogant and are so convinced that they "know the truth"..they DON'T...NOBODY we shoudl all be free to believe as we see fit WITHOUT harassment, being ridiculed and so on..
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Absolutely, we are all free to believe as we see fit. I believe in God and that he made us to be free moral agents. That means he will never force anyone to believe in him, otherwise he would have made us to be preprogrammed robots incapable of choice. However, just because I believe in God does not mean you have to. My convictions convince me that what I believe is the truth, but I also believe I should love others as they are and not attempt to change them to be like me, even though I may share the truth of my convictions with them through whatever means seems appropriate, though not rudely or forcefully.
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@drknlvly6781 (6246)
• United States
6 Jun 08
The only way to prove God's existence is through faith. Faith is the evidence of things not seen. I could show you the creation of life, or phenomenon that occur in nature and say that is evidence of God, but if you don't have that belief in him, if you don't already have faith that he exists, it will be all for nothing. It will be like trying to explain the color green to a person who has been blind all of their life. There is no way to prove the existence of God, however, I do believe strongly that he exists.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
6 Jun 08
drknlvly, you have a very good way of explaining faith.
You are right that no one can really explain the existence
of God to someone who has no concept of him. Even
though compelling evidence of his existence if presented, it still amounts
of a personal choice whether they choose to use the measure
of faith God has given them.
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@benx22 (87)
• Philippines
5 Jun 08
that is a billion dollar question that nobody can answer. it is a mystery, as what the religion says. it cannot be fathomed. i have also the same dilemma about his existence. i mean, if we basically base the truth in the bible, it only leads to deeper mysteries. as far as my belief tells me, the bible is like all other books about history and legends and fables. only that it has given a heavenly majestic godly importance. so, i don't have to dwell trying to find the answer. i just have to live and enjoy life's pains and joys.

@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Though we cannot prove that God exists because it is indeed the greatest of all mysteries to man, we can, however, lead others toward the truth of his existence. I am thinking of schools that allow the "theory" of intelligent design to be taught alongside the theory of evolution in science classes(yes, there are some schools that allow this). According to the worldly mind both possibilities are just theories, but there exists compelling evidence for both. Perhaps the student who studies both will begin to consider the possibility that GOD has created all this, rather than some big bang that came about out of nothing. After all, intelligent design makes a lot more sense(to me, anyway) than believing a lot of gasses existed by themselves as the start of what is here today.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
6 Jun 08
drknlvly, that is a good way to explain it. And, where did the gasses come from in the first place?
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@drknlvly6781 (6246)
• United States
6 Jun 08
You know what? My question about the Big Bang Theory has always been what caused that humongous explosion in the first place? Its too coincidental that some gases just all of a sudden came together and caused it out of the blue. My favorite response to it is "If there was a big bang, it would take someone like God to light the fuse."
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
5 Jun 08
This is true. Experiencing a relationship with God is a heart experience rather than an intellectual one, but to believe there is a God has to be a first step toward having a relationship with him.
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@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
7 Jun 08
I know of no way to prove God exists. Neither can I find a way to prove He does not exist. I believe it is purely faith. I can't prove love exists, but I know it does. One thing about it--if God doesn't exist, then you have nothing to lose regardless of your beliefs. If He does, exist, however, and you don't believe, then you have a lot to lose! Personally I think God does exist and that He has made a difference in my life--like love.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
8 Jun 08
I, too, believe that God exists and is at work in my life constantly. Even though his existence can't be proven by the human intellect, his Presence is certainly sensed and appreciated by the
human spirit.
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@SusanLee (1920)
• United States
7 Jun 08
You know, I just don't think there is a way for one person to prove to another that God exists.
Many will say, look at creation, look at your children. Things like that. And those are all good examples, unless the person asking the question is wanting an answer like someone who knows God one on one.
I can tell you He does exist. Can I prove it to you? I'm afraid not. If there is one thing I have learned over the last 30 years, it's that we all have to follow the same path.
For some believing by faith alone is enough. I applaud those folks. I don't believe I would have been able to stand if I had had to do it by faith alone. Faith brought me to believing, and from believing into knowing.
We have have all heard 'Faith is the substance of things hoped or, the evidence of things not seen' this tells me that faith is actually a substance. By faith God spoke things into existance. We are taught that to all men was given a measure of this faith. We are not going to be asked to do something without the tools to do it.
When this faith was stirred in me, I began to ask questions, I began to question the existance of God, the whole purpose of being. Like many of us do I guess.
For me, it happened in a little church that I wandered into. 'Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.' I heard the word, my faith was really stirred up and I realized I needed what the man Jesus had provided on the cross, did I understand it all? Absolutly not. But I knew I wasn't whole. I didn't have to have anyone tell me that.
Faith is what allowed me to consider, and yes, believe. Three days after I accepted what this man had done, what he had sacrificed, why he sacrificed himself, why only he could do this. I experienced something that was not of this world. I know what I saw, I know what I felt. I know what went through my mortal body, what I heard in my spirit.
Faith helped me to believe, and believing brought it into reality. Some say faith brings the spiritual into the natural. I believe that.
Am I telling you you have to believe on Christ? I'm telling you to let your faith be stirred, chew on it, think on the things of God. God said, 'Come, let us reason together' It's not my place to say how or when He will reveal himself to you. I just know he will never reject a child like heart. You can be 100 years old, never know God, approach the subject with humility, sincerity, hunger and desire, and He will be there.
If you get many responses to this subject, you will see me raked over the coals. But that's okay. I know what I know right along with millions and billions of other people.
If I could I would hand you a cup full of this, but it just doesn't work that way.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
7 Jun 08
Thanks for your reply. I admire the faith and passion of your convictions.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Absolutely. There are many compelling arguments that can be made in favor of the existence
of God, but no one can prove conclusively that he exixts. We are free moral agents and can
choose what we want to believe.
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@jasmine0728 (677)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Some people never see proof but they believe on faith alone.I have always had faith and I feel I have had my own proof.I won't go into the details but there have been at least two times in my life that I can say I know my prayers were answered.Times when I prayed and prayed for him to help me in a bad situation,and the only thing that could have happened to change things is exactly what happened I firmly believe God knew what I needed at the time and even I though it made things difficult for me at the time it was amazing that it was just what I needed.I think sometimes we should thank God for unanswered prayers because when you think he hasn't listened you can look back several years later and say wow it really ended up for the best.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
6 Jun 08
The one with who has an experience is not at the mercy of
the one who merely has an argument.When one experiences a
relationship with God and witnesses his working in their
life, no onewill have to convince them of the existence of
God. They will KNOW he exists just as surely as they know
the other relationships in their lives exist.
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