Do you cry when you watch a sad movie?

@danoluma (817)
June 5, 2008 11:03am CST
Do you get emotional when you watch a sad movie that you cry?
6 responses
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
14 May 09
I do get emotional when I watch sad movies that make me cry. If a movie gets emotional it will be hard for me to not cry. My boyfriend and I went to see Ghosts of Girlfriends past and I have to admit there was a part or two that ended up making me cry and I do think I saw my man wiping his eyes in that manly way LOL.
@dan20071 (724)
• Romania
5 Jun 08
Some movies really get that emotional side out of me. But I don't really cry at sad movies. I tend to keep it to myself and not let it out, because I seldom watch movies alone, so I guess crying can expose your weak side if you are a male. I am a very emotional person, but I don't like other people to see that
5 Jun 08
I get really over-emotional at movies. It's not just sad ones that get me, but any movie with a bit of poignancy will make me weep. I can't watch The Green Mile without sobbing, so as a general rule, I don't watch it unless I want a good cry. I tend to get more upset over animals and things, than people. It was Mr Jingles that got to me in this film, I wasn't particularly bothered about the people.
5 Jun 08
Always! I'm such a weeper. I'm really quite over-sensitive. There's certain films that my Mr. won't watch with me because I get too upset. I even cry my eyes out at "Lilo and Stitch" every time, and it's one of my favourite films that I've seen dozens of times! I think my hormone cycle has a lot to do with it too though!
@INGA832 (1114)
• Russian Federation
5 Jun 08
I guess I'm very emotional person coz I cry when I watch sad and even happy ending. Just can do nothing with myself.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Not only do I cry during sad movies, I cry during emotional movies and during happy ones and I will still cry if I see Toby Keith's video "American Soldier" because watching that little boy cry as his dad is leaving for war just brings me to tears.