' Runnin' with the pack

@agfarm (930)
United States
June 5, 2008 4:34pm CST
Holy Cow !!!!!!!! I think I have just ran the single-Best Marathon of my Life. My team is Damn good too.......I trailed behind them ( the wolf-pack ) MAn......CAn they run a race! I need a little help here.....there are so MAny FAntastic Victory Songs ( including....Running w/ the pack : BAd Company ) ( Okay.....well that's a personal FAvorite!!! ) But I need help picking the perfect Victory Song to Dance to. Yes......I have more energy at the end of this MArathon , than when I first started....like I said I have a DAmn good team. So can you give me some songs to DAnce to??????? Thank you so Much!
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2 responses
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Hurray for you, afarm! Congratulations, bravo, and job well done, girl! I want so much to come up with a victory song for you. Let me think. Ok, how about We Are The Champions by Queen? or maybe even I Want To Break Free by Queen too? It would work for a victory dance, I think. or What about the theme from Rocky? or I'll think about it and if I come up with any more, I'll pop back in. Dance, sister, dance!
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@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
6 Jun 08
Congratulations! Good Job! and HOOREY for you! How about "i am women" by Helen Readdy or "born to be Wild" i don't remember who it was by but it was a great song when i was in school.
• United States
6 Jun 08
It was by Steppenwolf, cjgrooms. Nice contributions!!!