What would you do if Internet ends?

June 6, 2008 12:23am CST
What would happen if you get a news that internet was going to end that very day? What do you do in present time with internet, what are the websites you visit?
2 responses
• Singapore
13 Jun 08
Before the day that Internet is ending, I will surf the Internet as usual and shut down the computer then go to sleep.
• India
13 Jun 08
A better idea, because i think that internet will also sleep with you, and when you wake up Internet would not wake up.... I fell horrible if it happens any day! Hope you will sleep well...
• Singapore
17 Jun 08
Thanks for voting my response as the best response.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
6 Jun 08
Before inerest closes,some other device will come into existence which will be thousand times faster than internet.
• India
6 Jun 08
Just don't think that because as far as i know internet will end by the year 2012, and wiLl just become like a TV, with a few selected websites!