Tell me all about your labor stories or your parnters labor story!
@vickilouise85 (95)
United States
November 2, 2006 3:17pm CST
I have a 15 month old daughter. I was in labor for 16 hours. My epidural worked for two hours then it quit on me and then they readministered it and it worked again for two hours and quit again. So of the 16 hours it was 12 hours of pain. I also had a fever in labor. OF course I was in too much pain to notice a fever. When they popped my water my daughter had meconium in the water. Which for those of you who don't know it means that she pooped in utero. And then after all was said and done my beautiful little girl was here! Just felt like sharin! I know I love talking about my daughter and my labor and everything about being a mommy so I thought there would be other people that feel the same way.
4 responses
@tash111077 (269)
2 Nov 06
hi. I had my daughter almost 3 years ago (how time flies!) but I remember the labour as if it were yesterday. I was in early labour for 3 days and then established labour for 16 hours. It was a saturday and I was in a midwfry led ward so there were no doctors on hand and they were under-staffed. There were 7 ladies in labour at the same time but the 3 midwives just weren't able to cope. I started on gas and air. They kept checking me and telling me my daughter would be coming very soon, but after 12 hours I couldnt take anymore and requested ab epidural. I hadnt eaten for 3 days and was in serious pain. once the epidural set in it was instant relief. My daughters heart rate started to drop and her head was kinked and she wasnt able to come out. Another 4 hours later they told me that they were going to get her out and that a doctor had come in in case there were complications. Luckily all went fine and I had a beautiful little girl. Unfortunately, the labour had completely killed me and I was unable to appreciate her. I was useless - absolutely shattered and starving. The last thinkg I wanted to do was deal with a screaming baby. Luckily by the following day I was a lot better and shes my world! My sons birth was totally different (this july). The whole labour lasted 12 hours from start to finish, I had an epidural straight away and was able to relax and enjoy every moment of the birth!
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@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
2 Nov 06
wow! Well we all are a little useless afterwards but I'm sure it was ten times worse for you!!! You are truly amazing!!!
@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
2 Nov 06
My wife was in the early stages of labor for about 10 hours when our daughter's heart rate dropped and we had to have an emergency c-section 15 minutes later.
My daughter also had merconium, but since she was a c-section, that couldn't be removed early and she got it in her lungs. So, she was on oxygen for a couple of days until she was able to cough it out of her system.
After some lab tests, they found that the placenta had an infection, burst and became draped around my daughter's neck. All things that weren't picked up in the ultra sound they performed the night before (my wife had some unexplained bleeding). We are very lucky she's with us today.
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@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
2 Nov 06
Oh my! Thats an amazing story! I'm glad your daughter and your wife are doing good! Labor can be a scary thing but then again being a parent can be scary too!
@SophiesMommy (1288)
• United States
4 Nov 06
My daughter is 2 months old so I remember labor like it was yesterday! I was in labor for 21 hours. I had 2 epidurals. The first one left a "window" area on my lower stomach that could feel EVERY contraction. I was being induced because my princess was late so they were harder than regular ones since they were pumping pitocin in me. The second epidural worked for about 5 hours and I slept the whole time it was working but then I started feeling pain in my back! I was exhausted and crying for hours! In between contractions I was passing out from being so exhausted. I also got a fever during labor and they had to give me antibiotics the whole time I was in the hospital. When they came in to break my water no fluid came out. There was a nurse that kept coming in having me push to bring the baby's head down and in between pushing I was passing out. I forgot to mention that I didn't sleep the night before my induction because I was so excited she was going to be here. The easiest and most painless part of labor was pusing her out! That was the part I was the most afraid of! My baby girl came out 8 lbs. 3.6 oz. 20 1/2 inches long.
Sorry my story is all scattered but as I was remembering I was typing.
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
5 Nov 06
Wow no fluid came out? scary! Well Congratulations! My little girl was 7 lbs 10 oz and 19 3/4 inches long :)
@AprilNicole1983 (564)
• United States
4 Nov 06
I was in labor a total of 22 hours with my son who's almost 2 months old. I was progressing really slow even though my contractions were regular. Once they administered pitocin, I started experiencing back labor and gave into the epidural. I also had to have an episiotomy because his head kept getting stuck while I was pushing. But everything's healed and I'm grateful for my baby boy.:)
@vickilouise85 (95)
• United States
5 Nov 06
Congratulations! I didn't have to have an episotomy because I ripped naturally they told me that they could not have cut me more perfectly than I ripped on my own!