Depression - How do I help someone who is suffering? Advice please.
By ellie333
@ellie333 (21016)
June 6, 2008 6:18am CST
Hi Someone near to me is suffering from depression and as I have always been such an optimisist person even during times of struggle I am finding it hard to be able to understand but want to and want to be there for them. I realise that it is something someone can't just snap out as it is very complex. This person themselves has even said they wish they could but just can't and they are now frightened that they are affecting others close to them because of this. They have no real reason for feeling this way as no major events have happened recently in their lives that they are aware of that has triggered this despair. How can I help. Ellie :D
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20 responses
@Timothy31 (649)
• United States
6 Jun 08
I have been in a similar situation with friends many times. Its really very hard to say what to do. The best advice i can give is to just be there for them the best that you can and try to help in anyway you can. Either by listening or giving them a shoulder to cry on. If you think their depression is really serious you should encourage them to seek professional help for it.
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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jun 08
Hi Timothy31, I have already encouraged them to seek help. They did in fact have counsellif for this years ago and thought they were ok now but they seem to have relasped big time in the last couple of weeks having been fine for a few years so I have said to try to go back but meanwhile like you say I will be here to listen and to be a shoulder. They themselves do not want to be feeling this way either bless. Thank you. Ellie :D
@Timothy31 (649)
• United States
7 Jun 08
Well good luck to your friend. I hope they find a way of dealing with the depression in a positive way and things get better for them.
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@evviesands (162)
• Uruguay
7 Jun 08
Lok at it this way, is not what events happen in her/his life, it's just that she's not as strong as you are. I suffered from depression for several years.
ultimately, I decided to take up the AA approach, just for today.
Everyday as I woke up I said promise myelf not to cry today, but only for today, so i didn't chastise myself if I cried that day cause there was always a new day later.
Another thing I found was that being depressed was like being in the bottom of a deep hole, and it was always much more easier to moan than to get out of it.
It took me quite long, I never asked for help cause I was ashamed of it, so tell your friend to seek professional advice, the doctor will help a lot.
Please, don't forget that is not just the major or minor events that happens in our lives that lead to depression, just some people are more prone than others, and these people are usually very sensitive and care for their friends a lot, you say your friend is worried about their depression affecting others.
Please be supportive, when I was depressed all I asked for was a shoulder to cry on and no questions asked.
Good luck and please let us know!
@ellie333 (21016)
7 Jun 08
I have encouraged her to go the doctors re this situation but I know she hasn't as yet. I like the way you describe being at the bottom of a hole and it being easier to stay there than to fight to get out and the one day at a time approach too. I will definately be there as a listener and a shoulder if needed. Thank you for sharing this with me, much appreciated. Ellie :D
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
6 Jun 08
I used to have a friend who is like that ellie, extra emotional!But, she has all the reasons for feeling that way! but for that, It will be hard, maybe just let him/her talk and talk to release whatever bad feelings inside, or advice to start playing the favorite sports to divert the attention. Or maybe just need to hangout with friends who can cheer him/her up!
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
6 Jun 08
I am sure when they are ready, they will start to open up!
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
7 Jun 08
Hi dear
Depression is not a good thing only motivation, and distraction of mind can help them out, so spend time with them and make them busy in some thing they might intrest so their mind distract and get free, have motivational talk and comparison as how lucky they are as compare to billions on face of eath, facing problems klike femine, natural disasters, wars etc
And in night let them have anti depressein/mind relaxing tablet and tight sleep
I am sure soon they will be out of that depression, but sure need patience
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@ellie333 (21016)
7 Jun 08
Hi Cupid, They know all this and have even said that they wish they could stop feeling like this when there are so many other worse things happening but they cannot help the way they are feeling right now. I have just been a listening ear and am trying to encourage them to get professional help for this and the fact they can't sleep too well at night is adding to the problem but when I can get them out I take for walks rather than out in the car so that they are getting fresh air etc. I will also give a hug where needed too. Thanks for your advice. Ellie :D

@ellie333 (21016)
7 Jun 08
Hi Olivemai, the one thing I never do is judge so you have no worries there at all. I am trying to persuade them to get to the doctors and am listening when needed to and stepping back when they need their space also. Hopefully they will find the right help and start being helped through it back out to the other side eh! Ellie :D
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Jun 08
In simple terms Ellie. Just be there for them. Provide a shoulder to cry on sometimes. Be normal, don't over crowd. Hold their hand sometimes. Just be you. If they haven't done so already, get them to see their doctor. For myself, I find that just having people supporting and encouraging me is enough. I don't want amateur analysis, just friends. If your friend wants to talk, and offer if you wish, then having a listening non judgmental ear is invaluable. If asked, give advice but I would not suggest saying "this worked for me", as we are all different. Ask "open" questions: "what is it the makes you feel unhappy" as opposed to ""are you feeling unhappy" allows them to open up a bit. Once you have had a chance to discover some of why they feel the way that they do, you can then discuss things that they might or can do to improve matters. Mostly though, just be the pal that you are.
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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jun 08
Thanks P1kef1sh, appreciate the advice and as always good solid sound advice. Be normal? me, LOL. No I have been trying to be myself around them and staying very calm as they are having panic attacks too but am not pushing and allowing them to talk when they want. As I have never experienced other than an odd down day I am finding it difficult to relate to but do also understand that it is a process and that they won't suddenly wake up and be better. The open questions one is a great idea. Ellie :D
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
12 Jun 08
The best thing that you could do for a friend who is suffering, is just to be there for them. Offer your support. Call them, email, send little uplifting notes. Anything you can think of is great.
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@ellie333 (21016)
13 Jun 08
Thank you for your advice. I am doing all of this and just being myself around her rather than being down too and eventually with help she may come back out the other side eh! I really hope so but I feel she needs medical help but other than pysically dragging her to the docs I can only encourage her to eh! Ellie :D
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
14 Jun 08
The only thing I can think of is to introduce humour whenever possible. Watch funny movies. Or kit your friend out with some art paper and acrylic paint. Encourage her to finger paint her feelings to get them out of her and onto the paper.
Personally, I take St John's wort. It's an herb. It's available in chemists, health food stores and the health section in supermarkets. It lifts my mood when I'm down or sad. I live alone and I get anxious about my Dad who also lives alone and is 95. He goes along really well but sometimes I think about when he'll be gone and I worry. The little tablets work and keep me on an even keel.
I know some people can have an imbalance in the chemical that sends certain messages to the brain so the messages get sidetracked or distorted in some way. Medication is required to repair the balance. Maybe she needs to see a doctor for an assessment.
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 Jun 08
I have St. Johns wort in my cupboard so may take some round to her. Anything to make her feel a bit lighter in herself bless but I think medical help is needed to be honest but they have been feeling a little brighter over the last couple of days, the sunshine helps too eh when I can get her out. I think I would also worry if my father were living alone and 95, that is a grand age and it is lovely to here that he is still independent too. Ellie :D
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Jun 08
I really don't know what you do...I have a friend the same way.....the only thing she says she can figure out is that she feels like she has lost herself. Like she said once she got married her husband and kids came first and she never does! It seems to be the major part of her for your friend...I don't know. Just having someone to talk to mean so much! Good for you for trying to help and understand!
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@ellie333 (21016)
8 Jun 08
Hi Jill, I think just by being there to listen and to give a hug is really all anyone can do unless they are a professional. Your friend obviously needs to become herself again rather than mum or wife and become selfish but in a good way to lift herself back up from the sounds of it. I love my children dearly as you know but I have never lost Ellie and relish the days I do get just for me. I am pleased to her she has you as a friend though Jill becuase I'm sure you will be able to help her by being here with kind words and a listening ear. Ellie :D
@drakesuyat (1063)
• Philippines
7 Jun 08
whenever i feel depressed, i always go to church specifically the adoration chapel so i can pray sincerely and even cry if needed. i always feel relieved everytime i do this.
@littleowl (7157)
8 Jun 08
Hi Ellie I have suffered with depression and was a manic depressive I would do self mutilation rather than hurt someone else but it made me feel better-unfortunatley there is very little you can do for her she has to come out of it herself in some way-the only thing you can do is be there,give her hope in and about life but as for bringing her out of it you can do nothing but keep her in your prayers that will probaly be the best thing you can do-hugs littleowl
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@ellie333 (21016)
8 Jun 08
Hi Thanks Littleowl, They did in fact used to self harm when they were ill a few years ago and had been fine since and now suddenly the last couple of weeks they are very low again which is why I am trying to encourage them getting medical help. I know all I can do is to be there to listen and to hug when needed and it is a time process. It is painful seeing them suffer in this way though. Thanks for sharing and your help and advice, appreciated. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jun 08
Hi Greenmoo, Thanks for the advice I am trying to encourage all of this anyway but it is so frustrating seeing someone I care about this sad. I know I can't fix it and that it is something they must do themselves in time with help, but meanwhile I will be a listening ear and someone to give a hug when needed eh! Ellie :D
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@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
9 Jun 08
The only thing you can do is be there for her and encourage her to get help from a professional. I saw that you responded to someone and said that you have already encouraged her to get help. Unfortunately, this is all you can do. People with depression either come out of it on their own, get help to come out of it, or end up doing something drastic when the depression gets worse. I know you wish you could do something, but it's in her hands right now.
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@ellie333 (21016)
9 Jun 08
Hi Pheonix, yes she is the only one that can really help herself right now by getting the help that has been adviced and I realise that all I really can do is be there for a listening ear and a hug and encouragement, thank you for you support and advice. I appreicate it. Ellie :D
@naaadh (217)
• United States
7 Jun 08
If you are so optimistic than it might be hard. You know that depressed people talk complete crap, and you have to tolerate it and help them out. The first thing you need to do it put yourself in that situation. Imagine you had the same experiences, good or bad as that person, and how you would feel, and how you would think to save yourself. To help a depressed person you must know his or her complete past, and how he or she takes thing, how he or she understands. Then you can understand. You have to be a good listener, and a good adviser, who just dont give advices, but you have to even prove your point.
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@ellie333 (21016)
7 Jun 08
If fact I have had some very similar experiences in life and a lot more but I have dealt with these issues in different ways so I can appreciate a lot of what they are dealing with but they are different to me and all I can do is guide them into getting professional help and being a friend who is there to listen and give a hug when needed. I want advise as such but will use third party stories to get a point across and sometimes I find this a more effective way of getting the message through. I can't change how they are feeling right now as this is what they are feeling. I just need to be there for them. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this one. Ellie :D
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
7 Jun 08
the best way is get them to go to a doctor, who will assess the situation either give them medication or send them to a therapist to help them, that is the best you can do. The other thing is to be there for support.
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@chechuva (1275)
• Philippines
6 Jun 08
hello ellie..
i think what you need to do is just listen your friend. listen to what ever she says. don't ever ever say that "it's ok, things will go fine soon." since it is not really fine with them. and it will give them false assurance. try to visit your friend frequently and just remind your friend that you're always there for him/her. you can also ask your friend to go out and have fun. ask also your common friends to visit her/him. just help her do some activities that will divert her/his attention.
hope your friend surpass this depression. and good luck with you...
ps.. i admire your concern with your friend.. she/he is blessed to have you..

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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jun 08
Thank you Checuva, I think it is only natural to be concerned over our friends and I have been trying to keep them as active as possible but some days they just want to hide from the world and not participate which is not a problem if they is how they feel as I am sure everyone at some stage gets their world go away days and just want to be alone. I am letting them know that I am there but at the same time allowing them their space to be too. I have encouraged also for them to seek help professionally and will listen when they want to talk but they don't always want to talk either or can't as they themselves don't know what is up if that makes sense. Thanks for your support and advice on this one. Ellie :D
@Palmerhusky (843)
• United States
6 Jun 08
I would say that the best thing you can do is simply be there for them for whatever they need. if they need to talk something out offer yourself as an ear. not necessarily to advise in any situation, but just be their to listen, and be a shoulder to cry on if need be. you can also plan fun activities that you can do together that will take their mind off thing for a short time...kind of like a stress reliever. When i broke up with my fiancee my friends immediately took me out to eat and did whatever it took to cheer me up. even if it was only a drop in a bucket. if you have to just sit with her and hug her then just simply do that. sometimes knowing that you support her is enough to help at least a little. Everything will be ok in time.
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@ellie333 (21016)
7 Jun 08
Hi Palmerhusky, it sounds likeyou had some really good friends to help you through this stage and I hope you are feeling much beter now. I will be a listening ear if she needs to talk but I can't seem to get her out right now as she just wants spce and to be by herself which is a difficult one. Thanks for your support and advice i this. Ellie:D
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
7 Jun 08
Depression could kill and therefore your friend needs you very badly. Be with her all the time you can. Keep her happy, bring her in different places that will keep her happy and appreciate life like get together with caring friends.. Show her the beauty of life..., the nature, the goodness of God... and the many thinks she has to be thankful about... Read to her the Bible and the promises of God...and tell her she has nothing to be depressed about for this one great God who loves her so muchhhhhh!!!
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@ellie333 (21016)
7 Jun 08
I myself pray daily for her and it is something she herself wouldn't accept to do for herself so I will try to get her out for walks and show her the beauty of nature and be there for her as always. She has spoken and said that she is angry that she feels so low when there are so many other people suffering real problems, but I reassured her by saying she can't help the way she is feeling and that depression is a real problem and have suggested she alos seek medical help too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Ellie :D
@DuDaDs (88)
• New Zealand
7 Jun 08
First thing you should do is not to treat them like their suffering from depression. If you discriminate them by acting differently because they're suffering from depression even though your intentions are good then this will only make things worse.
"The biggest barrier from recovery is discrimination."
All you can do is just act normally around them and help them whenever you can. You can also try and get them outside the house and enjoy stuff.
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@ellie333 (21016)
7 Jun 08
Hi DuDaDs, Just be myself around them and don't pussyfoot around them because they are not well and that will help resolve in some way. I have been trying to get them out but they just want to hide away at the moment but when I do I make them walk rather than come in the car with me as I know fresh air is good. Thanks for your advice. Ellie :D
@moonreys2 (21)
• Trinidad And Tobago
6 Jun 08
Hey Ellie, kudos for you on being an optimistic person. Thst is great and keep on the bright side.
An individual suffering from depression just does not snap out of it, no matter how hard they try, they also afflict others around them with negativity, worry, and concern.
Maybe the person is depressed because they are not happy where they are living, with family members, finances, health issues, with themselves or whatever the underlying cause may be.
What you can do is listen, if they don't wanna talk - encourage them to talk and get fresh air, listen to music, anything to refresh the mind and encourage positive thinking. But Ellie, just be a friend and listen. And that is the most precious thing you can do. Love moonreys
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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jun 08
Hi I understand what you are saying about it affecting others around them as I must admit too long around and I do start to feel a bit lower myself even though I am usually bright and bubbly. I will listen when needed and I have tried to coax out for walks etc and the main thing is that they know I am there for them when they want to open up and talk. I have also encouraged that they seek professional help for the problem. Thanks you for your help and advice on this situation, much appreciated. Ellie :D