do you dare to say "no" to your boss?

June 6, 2008 12:43pm CST
Hehe... i found many people are so OBEY their boss and never say the way they think to their BOSS, since, they afraid to argue with him/her. They dont wanna loose their temper, and wanna keep their identity or "cover" as "good and nice" worker. Heheh... Hm... im not working yet, still unemployed... ahah. That;s why i just wanna ask you, do you dare to say NO to your boss? or dare to say your own mind without feel uneasy that he probably dont like you or you will be contradict to him... And it will lead you to LOSE YOUR JOB! Tell me your experience...
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25 responses
@bower007 (14)
• Portugal
6 Jun 08
Yes I dare! I'm one of those people when have something to say just say it or shut up. If I think something is wrong or that my boss is telling a wrong thing I surelly tell him "no". I don't understand why people are scared of saying that to a boss! He is just a normal person, but don't go on this so easy..Remember he is the guy who gives you the cash for you to live xD
• China
24 Jun 08
the boss pay us living? not all is true ,our company is national-owned , i don;t think it is her whom pay us money ,she is not so nice woman in my eyes , manythings she did is not good , but she has bad temper ,but i don;t care if i feel not good , i will say it directly , but now i changed my mine , the whole company are not demcracy ,how about my office , so now i don;tsay anything , let it be , what i think is maybe i can find a good parttime job online , it is must be nice ,i can say i don;t rely on her
@plumwish07 (4057)
• Indonesia
12 Jun 08
i will say "NO" or even arguing my boss if i see those kind thing is unprioriate but surelly in good manner cause either we like or not he is still our boss and we should respect him as a company leader. so far i don't think its wrong and it won't direct me to loose my current job. everything has their own way to say even just saying "NO" to your boss
@subha12 (18441)
• India
9 Jun 08
it is very tough i know. still i managed to say no many times. there were times when i was in fix. i knew i need my guts feelings and all. so i managed to say so in affirmative way.
11 Jun 08
well you say about those person those who depend on others those who are confident in their work they should be truth in all situation so i m hard working and i m confident in my work i will be frank to my boss.
@Yum2008 (29)
• China
8 Jun 08
Hehe.., Usually I donnot say "NO" directly, I will explain why I could not do that. Anyway, My boss is not such a disgusting men, I can bear him.
@ml2blog (414)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I will not say "no" to my boss whom I know not very well. But I will say "no" to my boss whom I know.
@jhartana (1084)
• Australia
7 Jun 08
Well I have to, otherwise it could cost my job. My boss is fair and being honest and trying his best to manage the company. Well the company where I work to could lose their main client if we don't meet the client's target. This is why my boss is very responsible to his clients to make sure that the productivity is maintained at satisfying level or better. If you just started your job then it is a big no-no if you say no to your boss, you'll get kickout or maybe if you're still in company then you will lose your reputation being as a good worker. Be careful to bosses, some of them maybe fair but some of them maybe unfair to you but bosses always wins and you are no way in position to disagree with him.
• India
7 Jun 08
see i used to work in a call center previously and i know its difficult to say no to ur boss. but i tell you, if you tell yes every time then you can never say no at all so say no whenever you feel like saying no. atleast when you feel that its necessary.
• India
7 Jun 08
Even I'm unemployed, but in the recent training sessions where they trained us about how we have to interact with people in real life employment, we were told that Boss is Always right. And I'm like " That's BS".. . Well, I'll be starting work in another 2 years.. Lets see what the scenario will be then. bourne
@lieanat (1137)
• Malaysia
7 Jun 08
As I just started to work and in a new field. I really seldom say no to boss as I'm afraid my "no" will give bad impression to my boss. But slowly I learn it as some of my colleagues told me it's normal to say no if I have reasonable reason to support my "no".
• Indonesia
7 Jun 08
it one risk..we must say truth and tell him( boss) if wrong...iam ready lose my job
• China
7 Jun 08
I am working in government,my leader is a woman amd is fine,but I dare not to say 'NO' to her.I do what she ask me to do,that is the meaning of "leader" I think.But one sunday ,I planed to climb mountain with my friends,my leader called me,asked me to have dinner with some guests,I thinked for a few minutes,and said'no".Because I think sunday is my own time,not the working time.She looked like that she understand me,but I don't know how she think of that.
@Tamerin (20)
• United States
7 Jun 08
I don't work well under a boss. Since I've been out of the Military I had one job where I had a boss who saw over me. It only lasted a couple of months. I found that Civilian bosses don't know how to manage service men. Service men don't like to be micro managed after years of 'leading the way'.
• Singapore
7 Jun 08
yes,I have told a lot many times whenever he is extra demanding from me. ya there is a fear for this retaliation but i cant work under pressure of my boss and he has also understood this by this time.:-)
@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
7 Jun 08
Hi manya_pearl, I work without any supervise with my bos. All he need to know is at night time he see the book filled with money. So i never argue or meet him in personal. It is sad though,.. because he almost forget that he have a very loyal employee that need a salary raised.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Jun 08
I most certainly did! I said no to two bosses - both of which asked me to forge borrowers signatures, forge tax retursn, forge W-2's..all so that they'd reflect the requirements of the guidlines for qualification to fund. I got called on it seeral times them trying to intimidate me into doing it, by the boss and the loan agents. But I stood my ground (I knew they wouldn't fire me, I was to good at what IO did honestly and they wouldn't fire me for not forging) and told them if it was so imparitive that this be done, YOU do it! Of course, they didn't and they finally stopped asking me - they asked other processors and I know those processors gave in. BUt not me. I am not dishonest for anyone. And I am certianly not putting my life on the line for them all to have a fat paycheck!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Jun 08
I never did say no to my boss as she was bi polar and the least thing could set her off. we all walked on eggshells around her most of the times as she could be really sweet one day and the next day she could bit your head off for no reason whatsoever.
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
7 Jun 08
I haven't been able to work for 5 years because of illness and injuries. But when I did work, I never let a boss walk all over me, that's for sure. And once I walked out on the spot when a boss cussed at me and called me an idiot in front of staff and customers. Later, she called and apologized, but I didn't go back. I valued myself too much, and that was abusive behavior on her part.
• United States
6 Jun 08
I will say no to my boss if need be but in a polite way and explain my reasons for it to her. She may or may not like it but she would rather us be like this with her then gripe to others about the problem. There was only one time she got livid w/ me for she wanted me to work w/ one indiviual who i couldn't stand who is slower than molasses and I refused and sarcasticly said "no I'll do circles around her I'd rather work with a snail" she lost it and went off the deep end at me saying "you will not tell me who and who you will not work w/ when I assign you to work with a certain indiviual" and of course I had to work w/ pokey and ended up doing more than 1/2 the isle myself and she did 20 ft in 8 hrs. just putted along I was so mad. I still tell my boss no on certain things and I know she dosn't like it but oh well.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
6 Jun 08
There are bosses that like honesty. I always find that my bosses are like this, so if they do something wrong and I do not like it I will let them know. If they ask me to do something that are not in my job description I tell them no. It is best to do the things that are right, because it no pleasure to be murmuring at your workstation it will only makes you miserable and eventually you will lose interest in the job.