Trouble conceiving after D&C
By robynnlang
@robynnlang (1)
June 6, 2008 6:54pm CST
I had a miscarriage and D&C last October. We had to wait awhile before trying again - but at this point it's been 6 months. We conceived the first try last time. Is anyone else having trouble conceiving after a D&C? I've heard that in rare cases scarring can be an issue.
12 responses
@hanama (1)
• Puerto Rico
9 Jun 09
I too got pregnant the first try (age 27) but then had to have a D&C after being diagnosed with a blighted ovum. I immediately got back to my normal cycle (as though the D&C was a period), I ovulate regularly (I feel the pinch each month, right on time), but still, six months later I haven't been able to get pregnant again. And it's certainly not due to any misunderstanding regarding fertility windows, etc.
Apparently mild scarring from D&C's is quite common, but it's not clear what the consequences are for fertility. Since your post was more than a year ago, I hope that you've since had better luck!!! If you or anyone else out there has had a similar problem, ie unexplained trouble conceiving after a D&C, can you describe your experience? I've picked through scientific abstracts on PubMed (a database of medical literature, check it out) and have found surprisingly little research about problems from D&C's, except for cases where there is clear, serious scarring (these patients have little or no menstration following procedure). This lack of studies could be because there aren't any problems related to D&C's (except the severe, obvious ones) OR it could be because the problems are rare and thus easily overlooked by doctors and researchers. However, even if a particular problem only affected a small percentage (say 1%) of women, D&C's are so common that would still means 1000's of women out there having trouble! So please post your experiences if you feel comfortable. I hope that through communication we can all make a little more sense of our fertility.
@sophie73 (2)
• United States
26 Jun 09
hanama, I want to thank you for your comment. I just started browsing the web about this.
I had D&C three years ago, and just these two months am trying to get prego again... no luck so far. I know 2 months isn't a long time but I'm worrying...three years ago I got preg. at the first try.
My concern until I read your comment was that I have scarring, because my doctor had to do the D&C twice at the time because after the first time he said I developed an infection ( I bled non-stop for 4 weeks), then he did it again and the bleeding after the second time stopped in about 10 days... I was traumatized to say the least.
Anyway, your comment puts my mind at ease because I didn't know that patients with scaring had no menstruation following the procedure.
thanks again, and I'll keep checking this forum and I'll keep you updated if I find anything.
@gogeorgia (1)
• United States
26 Jul 09
so sorry to hear your story. I got pregnant my first and second time without much thought. However, I had to have a D&C the second time at 10 wks due to the baby passing. I had a period that was heavy a month later and then another period. A day after my second period since the first D&C I started bleeding terribly. I had to have another D&C as a result. They said pathology reports showed that there was placental tissue left over from the first D&C. Very traumatizing believe me! Needless to say I had to take iron supplements because I was very anemic from all the blood I had lost. They told me to wait 3 months to ttc again to get my blood supply up. Now we have been keeping track of my ovulation and my periods are pretty regular again. We have been trying for 4 mths and nothing. I'm worried that something is wrong with me especially when we never had trouble conceiving the first 2 times. I'm going to make an appt this week to have the doc see what the heck is going on. I'm worried that something is messed up with me, I really hope not! I'll write back if they tell me anything. Good luck to you too!!
@GiGi1977 (1)
• United States
17 Aug 09
how did your appointment go? Did they answer any questions? I'm going thru the same thing. Got prego at first attempt, D & C at 10 weeks, its been a few months, I'm tracking periods which are regular and ovulation which is consistent...and still nothing. I'm 32 and so worried that it's not happening so easily for us. Just wondering if you got any helpful advice from your appointment. Best wishes to you.

@gabby1560 (1)
• United States
24 Jun 10
Wow!!! I am so thrilled to read that other people have gone through these problems. Don't get me wrong I am very sorry that everyone is having a difficult time, but I have yet to find any sites that there were other people that are going through or have gone through the same thing.
I myself am TTC and back in 2001 I got pregnant with no problems and then lost the baby about 8weeks in. I had a D&C done and about a week later I started having the most excruciating pain if I was in labor or something. I went to the ER and they told me that it was just a heavy uterine lining and I was they gave me some pain meds and said you should be ok. 2 days after the ER visit I was lying in bed for a couple of minutes before I had to leave for work and all of a sudden I felt like a little pop in my abdomen..almost felt like a bubble popping and then just like that the PAIN swept in so did Niagra Falls (Bleeding) I rushed to the bathroom and sat there for 30 min hoping that the bleeding would stop..just kept coming and so did the pain..Finally my parents had to rush me to the hospital where of course I had to sit and wait and could not take anything because they did not know what was going face is turning pale because of the amount of blood I was losing..I was soaking through everything and was in pain on top of it all....
Anyways, after what felt like doctor came and ran some tests and an ultrasound and then came back and told me that I was hemorrhaging because the last D&C I had done...the jerks left 3/4 of the tissue inside of me and it caused a major life threatening infection.
The doctor performed another D&C and got the remaining tissue out and told me to take it easy for a few weeks and come back for tests just to make sure that everything was clean. I came back after a few weeks, I was sore and still had cramping and the doctor did one more D&C just to be on the safe side...
For the past 8yrs, I had been bleeding pretty much non stop with maybe a couple weeks off here and there..i kid you not and everytime i went to the doctor they just said ohh you have a heavy uterine it hasn't shed in 8yrs..I guess I do!!!
This past year, my period is trying to get back to normal..I am going months on and months off now..but now I am going through some weird symptoms where my period will come and go within a day or a day in a half. I am also trying to conceive but uhhh having some major problems...I feel I could be pregnant now cause of symptoms I am having but preggo tests are coming back negative, then again I am so internally messed up..they could possibly stay negative even if i was pregnant...
I am going to go back and get an ultrasound done to see what is going on but I am ttc and have been for a very long time and we shall see....
So I know how you all feel and I really hope that god chooses me to be a mommy cause I am sooo ready for it..I am 32 :)
Good luck to all of you!! :)
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
17 Apr 12
I have experienced two miscarriages in my life, but I didn't have to have a D&C after either of them. With that said, after I had my first miscarriage, I wasn't trying to get pregnant again because I was still in college and it wasn't the right time for me to have a baby. However, after my second miscarriage, between my daughter and my son, I did try pretty soon after (I lost my daughter in June and conceived my son in January).
It might not be the D&C at all that is making it difficult for you to conceive because the window for conception in a given month is a very small window. I'd keep trying and if nothing happens in the next few months I would check with a fertility specialist.
@mcar77 (1)
• United States
24 Apr 10
I got pregnant in October of last year after our first attempt. I had a missed miscarriage and a D&C at the end of december 2009. At the same time, I had lost so much blood, I required a blood transfusion, then while I was in the hospital, I got pneumonia. 2 months later, my doctor gave us the go ahead to try again. it is now the end of April, and I haven't been successful at all. I have 3 children already and never had any difficulties conceiving. I am getting so discouraged and am wondering what is going on. I've been told that my body will know when it is time, but I'm so sad.
@alou767 (2)
• Australia
23 Sep 10
hi guys - it says my response below contains mature content - it does not - just talking about my experiences of miscarriage & my D&C and about trying again - i just poured my heart out after reading about all your experiences (which make me feel better that im not alone) i think the mature content they are refering to is a word i mentioned when talking about pregnancy symptoms - i said i got tender b..... crazy.
anwya read my comment below it might make you feel better bacause reading others has made me feel better by knowing that it is normal to be 6 months after a d&C and still not pregnant.
also - i read something else today that made me feel better. it can take the average normal couple with no fertility problems up to a year to fall pregnant. so dont stress if it isnt happenenign as soon as you would like it to.
also - thank god your not an elephant - they only ovulate once a year!!
@libertysweet (112)
• Philippines
22 Dec 11
just dont lose hope keep trying its not the end of the world merry chrstmas to you and a happy new year
@mialei23 (2385)
• Philippines
7 Jun 08
I think you should seek for your doctors advice.After a miscarriage you really need to rest for a long time, maybe you just don't hit your fertility period, or like false alarm. Try to make some check ups and better ask some advice from your OBGYN.
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
7 Jun 08
Each month you actually only have a small window around ovulation to conceive. You may have gotten lucky the last time around. Also, after the D&C your cycle may still be messed up and/or your body may not be ready yet. Just because you menstruate doesn't mean everything is already fully functional again. An adjustment time is needed after every pregnancy no matter if you make it to term.
You should discuss your concerns with your doctor at the time of your next visit and have him check you for other reasons such as the scarring you mentioned. But mostly it's not always as fast as you want it to happen. I wouldn't stress yet. Some things take time but will be received with more joy once they happen;)
@pinaybigbucks (267)
• Philippines
26 Jun 09
I had a miscarriage in may 2003 due to blighted ovum. i had d&c but i got pregnant after 6 months, december 2003 and gave birth to my baby girl august 2004. my husband and i just tried to conceive whenever i was fertile so we had to count days. i wish you luck and i hope to see your post when you get pregnant. :)
@sophie73 (2)
• United States
21 Apr 10
I wanted to update you all just in case someone else ends up here looking for answers.
After trying for a few months, I got pregnant (Jan. 2010) but had a miscarriage at 7 weeks. I'm 37, and my age played a big role, my doc said. I didn't even think of getting a D&C this time, I waited it out and though it was heartbreaking and painful, I didn't have any complications, like with the D&C.
I am pregnant again, and am hoping and praying to God that this one sticks and I carry to term.
I read a lot online and decided to do these two things while ttc, which I think helped me greatly: 1. I ate Royal Jelly with B pollen- one teaspoon daily for 5-6 months before I got pregnant and 2. this time I also took 1 small teaspoon of Robitussin (the plain kind only, with only 1 ingredient: Guaifenesin, and no other ingredients). I took it once a day- 2 days before ovulation until 1 day after ovulation. Plz do your own research and ask you doctor before taking anything. I just wanted to share my experience.
Love & Baby Dust to you all, Sophie
@JST582 (1)
• United States
23 Apr 10
I also had a miscarriage and D&C in September 2009. We waited a cycle before trying and have been trying for six months since then. We are still not pregnant but continue to try. I went to my doctor in March 2010 for a check up. He said everything looked healthy and that the chance of scarring from the procedure, that would affect fertility, is very rare. He could tell from the exam that I didn't have scarring. Perhaps, you can go to your doctor as well. It might give you peace of mind. Best of luck to you in starting a family. It is a real test in patience but once you achive a family you will be so joyous!