eat or not?

@redkey65 (221)
June 7, 2008 11:05am CST
when you face a lot of your loved food, such as sweets, ice creams, and other fat food. what will you do? eat or not? it is said that many successful women will control their meal to keep fit, shape and beauty. they will not eat more than they have planned, no matter how attractive the food is. they control their own emotion strictly. is it worthy? so what would you do? will you eat or not?
2 responses
• Norway
7 Jun 08
Oh yes, I would eat and I would very much enjoy it! I am not overweight, I don`t have a heart condition etc, and I use common sense in my everyday diet, so I see no reason why I should restrict myself when face to face with a table of delicat foods:)) I never unederstood why healthy women are so strict with themselves, trying to live up to the ideal body. I mean, I don`t work as a model, no one pays me to keep a certain apperance. I have a daughter of 8 mo., and I dread the day she will start worrying about her apperance, starving, restricting herself in fear of not living up to a certain standard.
@redkey65 (221)
• China
8 Jun 08
it seems that nowadays people would consider their appearance first, when looking for a job, get a promotion, attend a competion, sometimes even searching for the loved. don't you think so?
• Norway
8 Jun 08
That`s right. I have friends that will spend the lest week before a jobinterview searching for the perfect outfit, instead of consentrating on how to present themselves as an attractive employee. "HI, I don`t know anything about the firm or the job I`m supposed to do, but I am very thin and have cute clothes! Please hire me!" :P
@Blinda (26)
• China
8 Jun 08
I will eat,because ilove it and i'm not overweight.
@redkey65 (221)
• China
8 Jun 08
you are so lucky.