Time management!!

@Bebs08 (10681)
United States
June 8, 2008 2:28pm CST
Oh!! I am having a hard time now managing my time. I ca not do my house hold chores properly since I am into mylot.. heheh How did you manage your time while you are earning online? what about those who have into different sites? how did you do that? I'm just wondering.
8 responses
@roxanne271 (2034)
• Trinidad And Tobago
8 Jun 08
Hey Bebs, Well, if I have access to a computer I am usually on here for ten minute intervals during the day but if I have some serious work to get done then I need to really get to it. But at night I have all the time I want to myself, till the boyfriend callsbut I love it when he does. Anyway, this is when I find the most time to use my money earning sites and sometimes in the morning time I would get some extra time too. I have to admit, I have a hard time pulling myself away from myLot when there are good conversations to reply to but when t is slow I can close the window real easy *shrugs* How do I do it? No idea, I need to learn to prioritize to be quite honest so when I do pull myself away to concentrate on my work I am surprised as well...
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@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
10 Jun 08
I feel the same. When there is a very intriguing discussion? I can't go away from my computer. lol.. sometimes even if I'm holding the vacuum cleaner, I will stop by and check mylot.. lo. Thanks for sharing..
@alcazar (761)
• India
8 Jun 08
well..i just start sorting thing s in the order of their priorities and give importance to them accordingly...thats it...no high level planning or anything..
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
@elisa812 (3026)
• United States
8 Jun 08
I have to admit, I also have a difficult time managing my time sometimes when I am trying to do things online. I tend to get a little bit carried away and lose track of the time when I'm online. It just seems to go by so quickly! It's really easy to get into some interesting discussions here on mylot and then forget about other things that need to be done.
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
8 Jun 08
yes, i do too. Thanks fro sharing this.
@zeroflashx2 (2491)
• Philippines
8 Jun 08
What works for me, when it comes to Time Management, would be priority. You can apply this for anything. Try to outline the things you need to do and follow a schedule for it. Allot spaces in between just in case you need to do something off the bat. But always remember to try and finish all the most important things you need to do and the most urgent ones. Take the lesser priority at the bottom of the list. Concentrate on the task at hand and then once done, you can move on. Hope this helps.
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
8 Jun 08
ea. you got it right!! that's the thin I don;t have. I should make a priority list to manage my time wisely. thanks for sharing.
@INGA832 (1114)
• Russian Federation
8 Jun 08
I had the same problem as you and it's very hard to leave mylot. But I decided for myself that I would spend 2 hours here not more. Well I still follow my decision.
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
8 Jun 08
yeah , I plan to have that 2hrs. but sometimes I can't go away with mylot.. discussions are intruiging.. hhehe Thanks for sharing.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
8 Jun 08
Hello Bebs, my other site are sometime neglect. My house chores, I do these early in the mornings and since I do not work spent the rest of the day on it. Sometimes it does become boring so I will take a break and go to the sites to see if there is anything interested. If you are a working person then you can be on mylot in the nights. I found it much nicer in the nights because it is less crowded. My server moves much faster too.
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
8 Jun 08
Well, I am a stay at home wife.. no kids.. and I am into the venture of online earnings. yes, I am having a hard time budgeting my time even if I'm not working outside home. i sometimes have to time to clean the house.. lol. I also work in full concentration at night sometimes until 1am..lol. Thanks for sharing..
@ozkid92 (549)
• United States
8 Jun 08
haha yeah, can be an issue sometimes. I basically only go on mylot when i have absolutely nothing else to do, and even then i find a good amount of time on here. Or if there are things i can do at the same time easily i will. I never let it interfere with important things, no matter how much i hate doing those important things.
@webmom75 (33)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Yes there will never be enough time to do all thing we intend to do during the day. I am new to my lot, and 2 hours goes very fast. Since I have been busy with my lot, I put aside other things to do online. I need to manage my time online differently and keep it that way.I need to set goals I have to accomplish a day and follow them. I often get side track online, which does not allow me finish what I supposed to do online. So definitely I need to keep up with my schedule to get my things done.