what do you do when your nervous?

@tonibabe (189)
June 8, 2008 3:56pm CST
if i am nervous or bord i play with my hair or with my rings! and it really annoys my husband but most of the time i dont realise im doing it! what do you do when your nervous? do you bite your nails or something else? does it annoy your partner? thanks in advance for your responses
4 responses
@Wizzywig (7847)
23 Jun 08
I just drivel on about nothing and make silly comments and then, when its over I stop and think 'OMG did I really say that??'
@tonibabe (189)
24 Jun 08
yeah i talk alot of rubbish as well lol thanks for your response! x
@shmeedia (1044)
• Canada
8 Jun 08
i used to fiddle with my rings too! but i tend to not wear them much anymore, so what did i do to replace the habit? i rotate the hoops in my ears! i mean they are earrings, sleepers...so they can twist 360degrees over and over again. very annoying even to ME! but nobody else seems to notice, or at least they've never mentioned it to me.
@tonibabe (189)
8 Jun 08
yeah sometimes i play with my ear rings but i wear 3 rings so its easier to mess with them! thanks for your response
• Philippines
9 Jun 08
You can't see it in me when Im nervous because Im trying to be relaxed but you will notice that Im a bit out of focus.
• Philippines
9 Jun 08
Youi can see it in me when Im nervous because Im trying to be relaxed but you will notice that Im a bit out of focus.