Greyhound bleeding.

A Greyhound - poor thing. it's probably dead now.
June 8, 2008 9:01pm CST
I work at a vets and all the time I see people bringing in their 'old' greyhounds to be bled before being euthanased. The problem is, these greyhounds are not old, they are usually only a few years old and are perfectly healthy with absolutely nothing wrong with them. It is just that their owners no longer need them for racing, they can no longer make money for them so they just dump the dogs with us. Greyhounds are such happy and gentle creatures and make such good pets. I know there are a few greyhound adoption programs around but it angers me so much whenever I see and have to temporarily care for a greyhound who is going to be killed for no other reason than money. It disgusts me. At the moment at work there are two greyhounds who are brothers. In a couple of days they will be bled and euthanased. I spent some time today walking thema nd feeding them and they are so sweet. My heart was melting! The poor things were so affectionate and all I could think was "if only these dogs knew they were going to be killed for no good reason."I have decided that one day I will adopt a greyhound. Have you ever adopted a greyhound or know someone who has? Would you ever consider doing it? Does this anger you?
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32 responses
@Valenas (1507)
• United States
9 Jun 08
We have a greyhound at our clinic that we adopted because we did not want him to be put down. We treat him like an old, wise friend. Sometimes the techs do draw blood from him and we use his when we need to, but we always make sure to give him two cans of wet food as a treat (that is the only time he gets it) when he does. I think he knows that his blood is put to good use because he never protests. We always play with him when things get slow and we get the time. I think that the only time a dog should be euthanized is if he or she is suffering. We love our companion at work so much, and we took him in because he was going to be put down. Every clinic could use a greyhound. =D We have three dogs at home, but they are getting into their older years. Mother wants to adopt greyhounds one day, but not right now. Our dogs love to roughhouse, and greyhounds have such a thin layer of skin! So, maybe one day, when we know that they will have a safe, happy home. :)
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• Australia
9 Jun 08
That is great! What is his name? I wish we had a clinic dog. Instead we have three clinic cats who are fat and like to sleep on the heat mats. We sometimes get blood from them too.
• Australia
9 Jun 08
Haha he had to have it surgically least he's living in the right place!
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@Valenas (1507)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Slim Jim McGraw. I was calling him random names one day when he wasn't listening to me, and I called him Slimothy (like, Timothy), and now it has become habit. I am sure that I am not the only one with a nickname for him. He is very silly, though. The only problem we have with him is that we cannot leave him alone with a toy. The last time we did that, he ate it, and it had to be surgically removed. We also have clinic cats, but we only have two of them-Roundabout (he was found on a roundabout, so that is what he was named), and Tipper. They go out front and visit with all of the people that come in. ;)
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@GreenMoo (11833)
9 Jun 08
It is disgusting, I couldn't agree more. Greyhounds are indeed lovely dogs. All our pets are adopted, though no greyhounds. My latest plan is to adopt a donkey, though I am yet to convince Mr Moo that this is a good idea!
2 people like this
• Australia
9 Jun 08
Yeah! Adopt a donkey! That would be super cool. Mr Moo will be ok, just suprise him with a donkey whe he comes home one day
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@GreenMoo (11833)
9 Jun 08
Referring back to another discussion, I expect he'd boil me!
@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
9 Jun 08
why are they bleeding them? I think greyhounds are beautiful, but I wouldn't what to have one. I just can't afford a dog that big and eats that much. I do have a friend that wants to adopt one.
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• Australia
9 Jun 08
We bleed them to store their blood incase we need it for transfusions. Horrible, isn't it? I hate it.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
9 Jun 08
I really love animals and have two dogs, poodles called Secret and Magic. I adore my dogs and will always want to care for them for all of their lives. I think that if a person races a greyhound then they should retire and care for their greyhound when he or she gets old. People retire once they get old and it is right that dogs should too. I believe that it is immoral to kill a greyhound that has completed his or her racing life. I think that charities that find loving homes for ex racing greyhounds are kind orgasnisations. I know that greyhounds make excellent pets and I feel sad about the poor greyhounds being killed just because their money making days have finished. Like wise people that have kept and ridden a horse should retire that animal when he or she is old. Vets have to euthanase sick dogs that can't be made well again. It is my opinion that it it is only right to euthanase that sort of sick and old dog not younger dogs with plenty of life left in them. I respect other people's views though and think it is lovely that you will adopt a greyhound one day. I have to have a non-molting breeds of dog so I wouldn't be able to have a greyhound but I would if I could.
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
9 Jun 08
Hi coffeeshot! That is really cruel! It upset me when things like this happen. Oh, those poor dogs. If only I could just adopt them but it is impossible to have them shipped here in my place. I just wish there will be more people in your place who will adopt them instead of having them killed even they are healthy. Take care and God bless!
@freedomg (1684)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Yes it does anger me. I never understood why they would kill them when there are so many people that would adopt them. I have to ask you though, and please don't think I'm dumb, what's with the bleeding? Why would they have the dog bled is what I mean.
• United States
9 Jun 08
Hi coffeeshot! I have read about the fate of greyhounds before. I think its awful that these poor animals are bred to make money then tossed out like last nights garbage. I am curious what is "bleeding" before they are put to sleep?
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
9 Jun 08
Quite frankly... it makes me see red. It should be against the law. If that is the way they treat their dogs... greyhound racing should be ban. People are scum. They will kill and destroy anything on this planet to make money.
• Australia
9 Jun 08
Yes scum pretty much. I'd be embarrassed dumping my 'useless' greyhound at the vets. I agree that it should be banned if this is what happens to them.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
9 Jun 08
No i have never had a greyhound but if i were the vet i would not perform that job,it sure does seem unjust and it appears to be animal cruelty..I think this should be agaist the law.I can see how you feel so bad about it,and of course it is not your fault but my goodness it seems a law should be in order to stop this treatment....i wonder if the animal cruelty dept would been notified if it would do any good?
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Well in that case i supposs that is the kindness way..Seems such a shame though...
• Australia
10 Jun 08
Yeah if we didn't do it people would take it into their own hands. They obviously don't have much regard for the dogs so disposing of them in the most sufficient way possible would be what they're inclined to do. Chopping off IDs? Unbelievable..
@Galena (9110)
10 Jun 08
the tragic thing is, if they refuse, the dog will not be better off. sometimes they are shot, other times hung or have their ears cut off to remove ID tattoos, then dumped, or tied and left to die. the vets are doing their job, and probably kinder than if they sent the owner away with the dogs.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
9 Jun 08
See, this is why I couldn't work at a vet clinic. I would be tempted to take every single unwanted pet home with me, especially if they're going to get euthanized. I'd probably get fired for decking any person abandoning a perfectly healthy animal under the examples you described. When I was growing up I learned to have a healthy disrespect for any person who just dumps an animal like it's no big deal. They used to drive out to the part of town where I lived - the country - and just dump their dogs expecting them to just pick up and live life as a wild animal. Those dogs that didn't get hit a passing car within the week became coyote food. Some were shot by farmers because they tried to take a bite out of their livestock. The lucky one's found there way to my house or the house of someone willing to hold them until animal control came to pick them up. I would never let a stray go unfed and un-watered, so they usually stuck around my place until my parents called for them to be picked-up. I would love to adopt a greyhound - or any dog save for a chihuahua - except I don't have the money or the room for it. I've seen a greyhound before, and while I'm partial to Labradors, I think they're pretty cute dogs. I may, one day, adopt a greyhound. Of course, that'll be after I adopt my dream dog: the chocolate lab.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
10 Jun 08
It is really sad that this happens, but I know that it does happen as I used to go to the greyhound racing quite a lot. I personally would never have a greyhound as it is just not a dog that I really like but I do think it is sad that they are treated like this. What do you mean when you say that they are to be bled before being euthanased though? I have never heard that before.
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@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
9 Jun 08
My sister has adopted several off the track in NH. Two of them she has had for many years, and one finally passed a few months ago. I know they had/have a much better life with her, as she spoils them terribly, but why not? They're very lovable dogs for sure. I think she's had 3-4 of them. My Mom (who lives in an attached apartment attached to my sister) absolutely adores them. Every time we talk I hear funny new stories of what they've done. I don't personally care for the breed myself, but I have adopted others. And yes, it is very sad and makes me angry that people think they're so disposable.
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@aswinbio (174)
• India
9 Jun 08
no i didnt but i like dogs
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@Zinkle (23)
• United States
9 Jun 08
We definitely want to adopt a greyhound when we buy a house with a bigger yard. I know several people who have adopted them and think they're great. One person even got her greyhound his own loveseat! Yes, this does anger me! All you can do is give them lots of love until their time is up :(
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@mummymo (23706)
9 Jun 08
I am not sure why they are bled coffeshot but I get really upset when I hear about people doing this to any animal that has outgrown their use or 'profitability'. My brother in law had a few Greyhounds that were racers and one especially did very well. I am glad to say that when their racing days were over they were kept as family pets and all the kids would help look after them - as you say they are adorable dogs and are so affectionate they make great pets. I don't think I would cope with people killing off these beautiful animals because they no longer make money for them! xxx
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Oh my god...that is horrible. Why not take them to a shelter? Why are these dogs bled??? I don't get it. I don't understand why this has to happen. I would say that it does anger me and I don't know how you deal with that. It's ridiculous that people have such a disregard for nature and life in general. I have always wanted to adopt a greyhound actually. A friend of mine has one and they are really sweet dogs. Amazing with kids too. This is just horrible.
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• Bahamas
9 Jun 08
Hi coffeeshot! You know! i've never seen a greyhound on my island. But this is heartbreaking, to think that some people can do this without a second thought just amazes me.How would they feel if their loved ones decided to do away with them because they are no longer of use? I think an animal should be euthanized for humane reasons only, not because it's no longer profitable to have them. The sad thing is, this is happening far to offten. Yes, i would consider adopting a greyhound if i were ever in the position to. And yes this does anger me.
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@MichaelJay (1100)
9 Jun 08
I didn't ralise the dogs were beld to store the blolod for transfusions. That is horrible. I am a dog lover and fully support the people who save ex racing greyhounds. It is one sport we could all do without and is only carried on for the profit of bookmakers.
@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Everything about exploiting an animal then killing it when it is no longer profitable makes me furious! There should be some way to keep people that does that from getting their hands on another poor animal. There should be a list of serial animal killers. At the least there should be a shelter where these people are required to place these animals and pay for room and board until they can be adopted. I have never had a greyhound but all i have ever seen about them says that they are good pets.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
9 Jun 08
My brother and his wife adopted a greyhound and she was the most beautiful and soft dog I have ever seen. She was a retired racer, and lived until about 13 when they had to put her down due to her hip problems, she had trouble even standing up and going potty. Until recently (I moved) I have never had enough room for a greyhound, and I would consider adopting one but my current dog doesn't get along with other dogs at all. This story is upsetting to me and I wish that I could adopt them all, maybe some day after my dog passes away a greyhound will be our next dog.
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