Lesbian's And Gay's, Should They Have A Place in Society?
By yshashikant
@yshashikant (401)
June 9, 2008 1:19am CST
hello friends i have got this question, that should gay's and lesbian's be allowed in the society? Dont you think that it is eating the moral values that we had once. What is happening to this world. I am surely waiting for your responses on this topic. A serious matter.
Should they be allowed to have marriage? And even if they do , should they be allowed to adopt a child? wouldn't that adopted child would then not grow up naturally. Whom will that child call mother and father?
I mean to say that why are we people always trying to defy the laws of nature? Dont we love her?
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45 responses
@vinnys1981 (30)
11 Jun 08
Wow! This is a very interesting question I guess it all depends on what You believe. I feel that You must follow Your heart but in the same time I Myself am old Fashioned in this aspect I feel Man should be with Women it is in My opinion the natural order of things. However it is what it is and to each is own so I say let Them get married if They love one another it isn't hurting anyone as for the children Who there parents are doesn't matter as long as They love Them and raise Them well. They will be attracted to Whom ever Their heart chooses. Attraction is involentery I believe You seem someone and You know right Then if Your physically attracted and then later will learn if other attraction follow.
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@nikkidv22 (69)
• South Africa
9 Jun 08
They should have NO place in society, for Goad will have NO place for them in Heaven.
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
9 Jun 08
LMAO, you're in for a big surprise when you get to heaven. What will you do then when you're surrounded by gay and lesbian people?
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@nikkidv22 (69)
• South Africa
10 Jun 08
1 Cor 6:9-10 'No homosexual offender will inherent the kingdom of God', the only way a gay can get into heaven is by accepting Jesus and changing there ways. So, NO, they won't be seen there.
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@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
9 Jun 08
What is wrong with gay people rasing kids?
There are many mkids out there being raised by only one parent - and no one says kids need a mom and dad.
Your father raped your sister. Hmmmm... yeah thats wholesome family values. How can you think that two people who love each other are not able to care for children? When your own father did something so terrible to your sister.
And as for kids being raised by gay couples. Are you afraid that gay people will raise their kids to be gay?
That is stupid. ALL GAY PEOPLE HAVE STRAIGHT PARENTS. So what do you say about that?
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@yshashikant (401)
• India
9 Jun 08
ohk i believe but what then ki no nation except one has yet passed the law of homosexual marrigae in their respective countries.? what do u say for this?
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Nice post . You know you can add Californa to that list as well . I will never understand why it is such a big deal to people.
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@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Oh, I see you already added usa, my bad .
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@yshashikant (401)
• India
9 Jun 08
ohk i do agree with you but tell me from your inner self if you grow up to know that one of your kid's ia a gay or lesbian. then how would you feel.
tell me frankly?
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@yshashikant (401)
• India
9 Jun 08
yeah thats what everybody says when asked. ohk then that would mean that you are a great person. thats all i can say cause i cant really see my child becoming a gay or lesbian.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
10 Jun 08
Hi yshashikant, Lesbians and gays must have the same rights as others. We are all human beings and children of the universe. Being gay or lesbian is not something that people decide for themselves, it is the way they are born. It happens in animals as well as humans. We have to be careful not to judge others. Blessings.
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@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
11 Jun 08
TO the ORIGINAL POSTER: AGAIN no one choses it, they are born that way, it is GENETIC! There are missing chromosomes. I can not stand ignorance. Do a little research! The firststudies were doen on hermaphrodites, children born with genetic abnormalities and had features of both genders. They found the genes that caused it. Please those who discrimate, have the common sense to actually know what you are talking about!
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@nikkidv22 (69)
• South Africa
9 Jun 08
They should have NO place in society, for God will have NO place for them in Heaven.
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@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
11 Jun 08
You paint a very bad picture of God . The God that I know is a loving God who loves everyone and not the God who has is biased. God is indeed love and I am sure he loves those gay and lesbian people. Why create them in the first place?. In his infinite wisdom, I won't presume to know his mind or what God would allow. There are just some things that are too deep for my mind to fathom and I just surrender those things to A Loving God.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Jun 08
Did God tell you this personally nik? It has always been my impression that judgement as to who gets into heaven and who doesn't is strictly the choice of GOD not MAN. And that judgement will be based on what God reads in the heart of the individual, not his lifestyle. Do you forget that even Christ as He hung dying on the cross begged His Father to take into heaven the criminals that were hung with Him? To say that gays have no place in society is a rather shortsighted and hateful comment. There but for the grace of God go YOU. Christ made it clear that we were to love ALL of our 'brothers and sisters', not just those WE considered worthy. I would suggest that all of you who are such sticklers for certain passages from the bible as the ONLY truths in it, read the entire thing and see the whole picture rather than just parts of it. No offence intended, but I have to say your comment left me feeling offended.
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@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
10 Jun 08
How can you not "allow" a group of people in society? What do you plan on doing? Gassing them?
Children need love, support and attention. Gays and lesbians are perfectly capable of all of those things.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Lets see, hmmmm. How to respond?
Should gay and lesbians be allowed in society? (your first question)
They are already part of society. They work, pay taxes, use the infrastructure, participate in government, fight for their country, play sports, add to the economic stability of communities. They (gays and lesbians) are already part of every part of society. So I guess the answer is YES.
My question to you would be what part of society would you like to exclude them from, beyond that which they are already excluded from?
Don't you think that it is eating the moral values we had once? (your second question)
Why no I don't think that at all. I think what errodes the moral values of this country are those that believe it is appropriate to shove their fear, stupidity, and religious rhetoric down my throat and into my bedroom simply because they want to save my soul or control my life. Thanks I will pass on that. My sould is just fine as it is and my life is my own on every level.
Should they be allowed to adopt a child? (your next question)
Why yes if they are emotionally stable and financially sound they should. If Angelina Jolie can adopt, one of the most twisted and sick individuals around why would others who are not drinking blood, getting into public brawls, french kissing their brothers on national televised programs....why wouldn't stable, loving couples of any pairing be able to adopt and provide a great home. Explain to me how this would in any way do harm to the lucky child who finds a great set of loving parents? By the way homosexuality is not a disease, it isn't catching! If a child is born straight they will continue to be straight whether raised by gay parents or not.
How does homosexuality defy nature? I am responding here to you next question with a question. Homosexuality is not a choice that is made; rather it is the way in which as much as 10% of the human population is born. Homosexuality occurs in most primates of which man is simply the most evolved. Homosexuality is not a modern ocurrance it has been with us throughout recorded history. In some societies it is well accepted and in others, such as ours it is not. Homosexuality is perfectly natural.
Yes homosexuals should be allowed all of the same rights and priviledges of any other person within society. This includes the rights provided by a marriage contract. I personally don't care what it is called marriage, civil union, or other so long as the end result is the same.
The only way it is appropriate to deny these rights or any other protections is to also refuse to accept their contributions. If you disenfranchise people you must also stop demanding that they pay your price for participation. This means no taxes just as a starting point.
Finally, what would I do if one of my children were gay? Nothing. I would continue to love them, cherish them, and hope that they find a loving partner to share their life with. What else could I do as a mother?
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Personally do not like to see or think of them. Yes it does eat away at the morals. I do not believe they should be allowed marriage. My own son in law was partialy raised by a guy couple (guys). He is seeming normal. How the foster parents pulled off getting permission for that i don't know. I feel that these people can not help the way they are. I believe it some kind of a chemical imbalance in their genic make up. Not something intentional. Im not rude to the but at the same time dont' want to be close friends of them.

@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
11 Jun 08
Jdryrj777, this is a discussion site. When you post, people will contradict you, especially in a topic such as this.
OK, your reasons for your bigotry against gay people are personal. That's fine. I appreciate that you believe they are gay through no fault of their own, but I think it's silly that you would also seek to deny them happiness when their sexuality hurts no one.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I also can not believe what you just wrote. Your showing off your ignorance by running your mouth about s--- and you dont even know who your taking to. First of all im responding to yshashikant and like it or not i do have a right to my own opinion. If normal is having an open mind then you best open yours. I dont really feel i have to explain myself to anyone, but just for the sake of showing you how stupid you've been here, i will. Partical means not all the years. He was also with his dad, grandma and then the foster parents. Who are both very nice people. The boys they fostered were not even aware they were gay. My son in law and i get along excellently. I also associate with gay people. I choose not to have any for close personal friends my preference. Nothing can change that. My reasons are my own and a whole different subject which i will not go into with you. I respect them as a person like anyone else. Nuff said.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
11 Jun 08
Bigotry??? Seek to deny them happiness??? What the F---??? You do not know who you are talking to. You have no reason whatsoever to say anything like that to me, a person you know nothing of. Ya all need to get over it and stop being so defensive and ASSumeing stuff you do not know of.

@jczvrse (169)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Gays and lesbians definantly have a place in our society, the should be allowed to marry, and should be allowed to adopt children. If it is against the laws of nature then so be it. It is their choice like so many other things we do that is against the laws of nature. We are not here to judge that is up to God we should be accepting of others beliefs as they are of ours I'm sure.
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@leobaq90 (41)
• Philippines
9 Jun 08
Hi. I think we should let them be. Who are we to judge them anyhow? And I think they have every right to adoption, as much as anyone else. How the child grows up depends on how he IS brought up, and not on the fact that he has two dads (or two moms). Just my opinion. Peace! :-)
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@yshashikant (401)
• India
9 Jun 08
i think you are correct at what you are saying, but tell me this what if after you marry and have a girl and come to know later in life that she is a lesbian, than what will you do?
its as simple as that i know you will be answering that its ohk and all type of comments,
but tell me from the true you what you will do?
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@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
10 Jun 08
They do not chose this life, they are BORN this way. It is genetic! Do you think anyone would really chose to be discriminated against? Defy the laws of nature, that is a good one, prentending to be straight then woud be really defying the laws of nature, their inner nature.
How would you feel if you married someone who did not really love you or not attracted to you, but really wanted to be with the opposite gender? Do you think that is fair? No one is "cured" they just try to act normal to go along with pressure from others.
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@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
9 Jun 08
I believe there is much more to worry about in the world:than who is loving who. I beleive they should have all rights that a straight person should have.Many people in this world just make it too diffcult for them. Why should they not adopted a child . All that matters is if you raise that child in a loving home.
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@ambkeb (782)
• United States
10 Jun 08
WOW! What an ignorant question. It doesnt really matter who a person is with as long as they are in love. As far as it being a "law" that they cant get married...they CAN get married....As far as the kids...I know a few children who have gay/lesbian parents...they are just like every other child in the world. THey dont get made fun any more then any other kid does. There is NO mental abuse there...and a few of them are even more well behaved then some other kids. If MY children grow up to be gay or lesbian...then I will be happy for them. You can not help who you are attracted to and love.

@ambkeb (782)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Apparently you didnt read my response. You are wanting to know about the children. And I answered that in my response. There is absolutly nothing wrong with children with gay parents. Like I said...the ones that I know are very well behaved and do not get made fun of any more then children with straigt parents.
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@yshashikant (401)
• India
10 Jun 08
i m sorry if i have offended the homosexual community. but i feel is you people are not trying to understand me.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
10 Jun 08
YES they should! They are human beings with the same civil rights as anyone else. God gave us free will and if some people choose to practice a different lifestyle then that is none of my business. Live and let live!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
10 Jun 08
I am well aware that they are born that way. However it is also a FACT that many homosexuals CHOOSE not to practice that particular lifestyle but remain "in the closet"
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
10 Jun 08
Sorry to pop in here, but gay people to not 'choose to practice a different lifestyle' as you say.
They are born like that, whether anyone likes it or not. It is FACT.

@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
9 Jun 08
What is your opinion about a straight person who does something immoral against another person, should that person be allowed in society?
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@yshashikant (401)
• India
9 Jun 08
ohk then here comes my final question. and if you reply to it correctly then i will surely bend down on you people.
tell me if everything is nice and good then why doesn't law allows their marriage?
the biggest and the most important question/
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@hersheyskiss (761)
• United States
10 Jun 08
I think you are correct in saying that this is a serious matter, but I don't think that it is our place to judge these people and what type of lifestyle they have chosen. If they do marry it does not mean thier childdren will be raised any different than anyone else's, in fact they may be raised with more tolerance than others because of the obstacles they do encounter everywhere. And as far as whom they will call mother and father, there are many children these days that have both a mother and father and they still don't have anyone to call mother and father because they are not there doing the job that they should. Because of their lifestyle does not mean they don't love nature.
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@hersheyskiss (761)
• United States
13 Jun 08
I guess maybe you misunderstood my statements. I never said it was a choice. Thanks.

@Tianna2 (1273)
• United States
9 Jun 08
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. Gays have just as much a right to live and be happy as anyone else. All of the hatred towards them is whats really doing the damage here. Gay's should be able to marry, adopt kids, work and whatever else that straight people take for granted.

@yshashikant (401)
• India
9 Jun 08
yes that is true that they should be given equal rights and all the stuff but just tell me this what if your son or daughter becomes gay or lesbians themselves. then what?
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@ebookyoung (184)
• Nigeria
9 Jun 08
I tell u my brother, I don't know what this world is coming to. a man marrying a fellow man, a woman marrying a fellow woman. i think the whole idea is ungodly, devilish and evil. God definitely will judge such societal anomally. the state of California has passed a Supreme court judgement to back this infamous action up. God save us all.
@yshashikant (401)
• India
9 Jun 08
yes dear i do agree with you. this is not a right thing. actually i m not against homosexual's but i m against them raising kids. that's all.
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@ebookyoung (184)
• Nigeria
9 Jun 08
I know perfectly what u are talking about? Your question is whether gay or lesbians should adopt children? their associationship is ungodly, so whatever they do or perfect to look normal like a marriage, taking care of adopted children is also ungodly, period
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@ebookyoung (184)
• Nigeria
10 Jun 08
Thanks very much. I appreciate that someone out there reasons along my line. GOD IS THE ULTIMATE JUDGE. So we should not judge anyone in order not to be judge by God Almighty. We shouldn't condemn, because God has not condemned us. For we are all sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God. But only God has the capacity to forgive. If the Gays and Lesbians could only forsake and confess their sins, God will forgive them and cleanse them with the blood of His righteous son, Jesus.
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