Why does our prayers remained unaswered ?
By fleeting
@fleeting (18)
11 responses
@SusanLee (1920)
• United States
9 Jun 08
I can honestly say that I have never asked God for understanding in an area that I did not receive an answer eventually.
As for material things. I have asked for things and nothing came of it. I put that down to the answer was no.
Other times I've asked for things and got them, but not on my time table, and not what I was wanting.
There was a time that we had to have another car, there was no way to get around it. We prayed about it and started shopping. We were wanting to get a bigger car like a Crown Victoria or something, they weren't real expensive and that's what we wanted.
We found good deals but no one would finance us. That seemed so odd and it was very frustrating, 'God why aren't you helping us?'
After about six months we just threw our hands up and gave up for awhile. Suddenly out of no where this deal came up on those little Kia Sophia. They finaced us with no problem, so we had our second car even though it wasn't what we wanted.
Believe what you will. Within a few months of getting the car, gas prices shot-up. I realized then that not only had God answered our prayers, He was looking out for our best interest. He knew what the future held. No way could we have afforded the gas that one of those big cars took not to mention the gas milage, we live in the country, town is 20 miles away.
My husband is still driving that little car, and prices are still going up. If we had got the car we wanted, it would be sitting in the yard even as I type this. We couldn't afford to drive it.
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@roanne05 (1290)
• Oman
9 Jun 08
It is because God has plans that is why he still did not answer your prayers...he has another plan for you...far greater than what you are praying for...he is just waiting for the right time for everything!God Bless!

@deebomb (15304)
• United States
9 Jun 08
The bible tells us that God will take care of our needs not necessarily our wants. Sometimes we want what we want and that want may not be good for us. He knows us so well that he can anticipate a our real needs. Sometime we have to assail the gates and then it can still be no. Sin can also interfere with our prayers or we don't ask for the right thing in the right way. What we might feel is important God may not see as being important.
@torchablazed (3218)
• Philippines
10 Jun 08
There are three(3) ways in which God answers our prayers, yes - one which we classify immediate answer that we saw our eyes, hence it is affirmative, wait - that is something that you wanted so much yet God has other ways of giving you that and a no - which means that it is something that what you needed. You see, when we pray, we have to acknowledge that God is a sovereign God, he knows before we ask Him, yet He wanted His child to call to Him and in all of this, He knows what is Best for us.
Our human perspective is so limited that we demanded God for a favor for us. When our prayers arent answered, God has something in mind better than what we can think of.
His ways are still perfect. Cheers!
@mary463 (145)
• India
9 Jun 08
If you have a child or you have uncle's or aunt's child,did you noticed one thing,child will cry for his/her need,If he/she cried for a knife or for a big bottle of medicine did you give that to that child? never,because it will harm him/her in many ways.Our prayers are like that. God will know what can give us in which time. And he will interefere in our prayers at the right time to help us and answer us.Because ours best time is not god's time.So be patient for god's answer.
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
15 Jun 08
Someone said God answers prayers in three ways: Yes, No and Wait. I think God answers all prayers, but not always in the way we ask. Blessings!
@jenlynw (41)
• United States
11 Jun 08
Hi, I have felt the same way before, but have since realized that God DOES always answer our prayers, however, sometimes the answer is no... Other times, later on down the road, in some wierd way that we never expected,things just fall into place. He is an on-time God. It may not be when, or how we want it, but He will be there right on time... Just keep your faith!
@chechuva (1275)
• Philippines
9 Jun 08
God is all knowing! he knows the right time for everything! he does answers prayer if he see that it is the time for us to have things! and if our prayers are according to His will. God have His purpose for us. at times He also test our faith in Him. just wait and have faith! things will come in His time! be patient! and keep on praying!
@almasihealthcare (18)
9 Jun 08
There are several reasons why our prayers remain unanswered. One is that God, in the Bible says that His ways are above our ways and His thoughts above ours. So we may never fully understand the way He does things.
The second reason may be that there may be something hindering your prayers. The Bible tells us that if a husband is mistreating his wife, his prayers may be hindered.
Another reason could be that your prayers have been answered in the spiritual realm but have not yet being manifested in the physical realm due to oppositon. From the book of Daniel we see that the prince of persia resisted the angel for 21 days but the angels eventually won the battle. Daniel's prayers had been heard from the first day that he set himself to seek the Lord through prayer and fasting but there was this resistance.
@Zergonipal (807)
• Poland
9 Jun 08
God always give us the answers, qustion is... can we see them, and are we enough brave and wise to comprehend them?