I Am Tempted Not To Go To Work Today - Do You Take Time Off Without Cause?
By ellie333
@ellie333 (21016)
June 9, 2008 7:07am CST
It is a lovely sunny day and I have to leave for work soon knowing that I am going to be cooped up in a windowless airless room until 11pm tonight. I never take time off work even if I am feeling poorly but I must admit I am very tempted to today. I will go in though as there are only two of us on duty in the evenings and it is not fair on the other person.
Have you ever taken a day off when there is no reason other than you can't be bothered?
Ellie :D
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40 responses
@p1kef1sh (45681)
9 Jun 08
I confess that whilst I certainly did have the thought, I never did it. My view i that it would have been throughly unprofessional to do such a thing. But then I am a dinosaur. LOL. However, I have been known to take a day's holiday at short notice because I fancied the day off. I only did that if I had no other obligations that day.
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@ellie333 (21016)
9 Jun 08
Hi, yes I had the thought as was tempted but still went in, as you may remember when I was poorly a couple of months back I think you suggested I had the day off, I still went in but phoned them earlier to ask for light duties as I wasn't feeling well rather than them them down. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
@p1kef1sh (45681)
9 Jun 08
I do remember. However, being poorly is different surely? I would never suggest that anyone go to work if their health isn't up to it. One of my bugbears is something called "presenteism", people that come to work ill because companies are so short sighted that they won't let their staff have a reasonable time off with paid leave. What happens is that bugs just get pushed around all the faster, thus making the outputs less achievable and ultimately hurting the bottom line of the company.
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
11 Jun 08
Hi dear
Well some times weather do mesmerisim and u r spell bioiund to it and at that time ur decesions are rational decesions but get impulsive and during this any thing can be happened and decided not to go to work is not a big One
well if i dont have urgent meeting or task then some times either good weather or bad weather hold me to go to work, but if have some thing important then make it there

@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
9 Jun 08
Glad you're going in. It's a sign of maturity.
In my 20s I was pretty bad. I would take time off at the drop of a hat or the opportunity to party. When I hit about 30 I stopped doing that and became a little bit more responsible.
Now, after many years, I have my own home office and NOW I can take off any time I want. That doesn't mean I do but if a buddy calls and wants to go fishing or playing guitar I'm outta here.
Now I have a son that is in his early 20s and he does the same thing I did at his age. :)
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@ellie333 (21016)
9 Jun 08
Hi WebMann, yes I guess I must have finally grown up (45) LOL. I am going in but today I really don't want to but needs must eh! Its great that you work from home but I found when I did that people would always be popping in to distract which they couldn't do if I was out at an office, even my husband used to phone for me to just......grrrr, I was trying to work. Thank you for sharing. Ellie :D
@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
9 Jun 08
Yeah I feel your pain when people come unannounced.
I solved that little problem by letting all my friends and family know that I was working from home and gave my hours. It took a little while but they all learned and now I have my office to myself most of the day.
Family was actually the hardest to train. My son especially and he is in his early twenties. But being firm showed them all that I mean business. :)
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@ellie333 (21016)
9 Jun 08
Thats brilliant that you have set office hours and people respect that. I know what you mean about family being the worst though as my mum used to just pop in for a cuppa and a chat and just didn't seem to get the fact that I was trying to work bless. It certainly does give flexibility though if there is something you really want to do though, like play guitar or go fishing I agree. Ellie :D

@mummymo (23706)
9 Jun 08
What do you do honey cooped up in a room like that! I have never taken a day off when I didn't need to sweetheart - like you i was more likely to go into work when I shouldn't have! Mind you I have been off of work for over a year and it drives me batty not being able to work1 xxx
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@ellie333 (21016)
9 Jun 08
I work at the Royal Marine Camp but the setion I am in has no windows, in fact the only air I got today was when the fire drill alarm went off and we had to evacuate, boy was I pleased that happened. LOL. Just in now and shattered but mentally awake so will be here for a bit. Ellie :D
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@arlene05kang (277)
• South Korea
10 Jun 08
Sometimes I'm thinking of doing it. But I can't , I'm a teacher and If I'm going to do this my students mother might go on strike...lol.

@Darkwing (21583)
9 Jun 08
The only time I took off work was when I was genuinely sick. Too much relied on my being there, and I hate letting people down. It just doesn't make for good working relations.
Now, I have all the time in the World, but my pocket isn't so healthy, but when the weather is like it is today, I just have to get out and about for a while, even if it's only to sit in the garden for an hour or two. I love being at one with nature, so either the garden, or a local, countryside work is great, at any time.
Brightest Blessings, my dear friend. I hope you made it to work ok.

@34momma (13882)
• United States
9 Jun 08
oh girl yes. i think we all go through that. i give myself three i don't want to be bothered days a year. I have only taken one so far. there are just days i don't want to be bothered with getting to work, work itself and everything in between. so i allow myself three days a year just for that. treat yourself to a day off. there is nothing wrong with that
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@julietscreations (205)
• Philippines
12 Jun 08
Yes I also do that before.. I worked in a Japanese Corporation for more than 15 years and my job is tiring especially the graveyard shift. I started workin as single and never avail any vacation except for legal holidays but after 5 years I got married and when I have kids, I find my work really tiring so there are times that I really absent myself from work just to be with my kids, I stayed home of course because the Management then was strict that at times, there are actual surprise visits to know why you never showed up at work. When the company offered an early retirement scheme, I never had a second thought and availed it. Now I'm running a homebase business and most of my transactions are online, I'm happy and contented that I have the freedom of my own time. I can work while attending with my family at the same time.
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@littleowl (7157)
16 Jun 08
Hi Ellie-sorry I know this is a bit late as the weather once again has changed-but I was a supervisor cleaner in the evenings for 5yrs but sometimes if I felt I needed the time off even though it was probably cos I couldn't be bothered to go in I would take the time off and ask for the assistant supervisor to cover for me-it was bad of me but I was always there the same as you it was just now and then that I had to have a break from it-so I wouldn'tblame you if you took a day off-your friend littleowl
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@ellie333 (21016)
16 Jun 08
Hi Littleowl, I did go in and the weather is beautiful and sunny here again today and guess where I am going later......yes work LOL. Thanks for sharing, at least being supervisor you got cover but in my case there isn't anyone to cover without causing real problems. Ellie :D
@littleowl (7157)
16 Jun 08
Hi Ellie I thought you would of done! yet I am now working in a pub at the weekends and some days it is so lovely outside you I miss out on it too now I have no choice in the matter either otherwise it would cause problems too-the weather my end is rainy cloudy and rather dismal-yet there are some dry patches and thats when I take my dogs out-hugs littleowl
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
10 Jun 08
I am about to take time off without a care. I hate my job. A job ain't nothing but work!!! Call in I'm a no show kind of guy. They'll miss me when I'm gone!!
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
11 Jun 08
Ellie..I did take Sunday of to do that yard sale otherwise i would have been working my store..but then i'd be inside and not in this awful heat/humidity...so what did you do?
Am writing this from an email so don't know if you stayed home..hope so!
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
10 Jun 08
Yes, when I feel like really not going to work I always give my self the benefit of it. I've been working hard for long years now and in fact have been very efficient all my life but really there are days when I feel like just staying home and stay in bed the whole day listening to good music or watching TV and then call somebody to do my toes and give me good body massage.
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@ellie333 (21016)
10 Jun 08
Oh I just wish that I could do like you sometimes but I will alsways go in unless I am too ill and bedridden. I don't like to let people down and I would if I phoned to say I wouldn't go in as I am only on with one other in the evenings. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
@ljforte1024 (150)
• Canada
10 Jun 08
I'm not saying that you should make a habbit of it, but every once in a while you need a day to do whatever and relax. That's why we have personal days we get paid for. If you won't get paid for taking it off, then go to work:)
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
10 Jun 08
LOL yea when I use to work I would call in sick on occasion just so I coudl hang out at the beach or nurse a hangover etc....I've even let my kids blow off school in the past so they could just chill at home with me..I'd give them "go to hell" days and we'd sit around in our pjs and watch movies all day LOL
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@ellie333 (21016)
10 Jun 08
Wow the 'go to hell days' sound great. I never have missed off work, used to all the time in my school days though. Thanks for sharing. I have a beach within walking distance so was even more tempted than usual yesterday to just chill and go down there instead of work. Did go in and shift passed quickly as we were busy. Thank you for sharing. Ellie :D
@patchmypal (344)
• Philippines
10 Jun 08
Yes ellie! I'm a legal researcher, a dedicated employee but I also make it a point to enjoy my work, no matter how stressful it may be at times. However, there are certain days when I just feel like not going to the office for no reason at all. But this happens very rarely! I'd call in sick, and just have the day to myself..
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@gunslinger (184)
• Philippines
10 Jun 08
Yes, I've been guilty of these pleasures as well. When my workload is light and deadlines are not that tight, I go on leave for any reason that I can think off. It's not plain laziness though. I believe that these instances make me sane instead of just being cooped up in work for endless hours. I don't hate my work, but I just want to take some time off whenever I can.
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@yoz_43 (46)
• Philippines
10 Jun 08
Yes! It makes me just like when I was in elementary when you wake up and then you have don't have to go to school or classes are suspended. Its very exciting for me because you cant be burdened for the day. Btw, I think your daughter is very pretty. Would you consider letting your daughter get dated by me? Im currently 21 years old and lives in the Philippines. Take care.
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@ellie333 (21016)
10 Jun 08
Hi Yoz, Thank you for asking permission re my daughter but she is in a relationship and very happy. You look like a lovely guy so if she had of been single no problem. I have a younger daughter also but she also is with somebody. Anyway back to discussion I used to take time off in school but now I work even though tempted I always go in, like today. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
@justadevil (65)
10 Jun 08
I know how you feel, i sit in my litle office and look out of the window and see the sun and think what i would do if i wasn't at work. Looking out of my window now it looks as though it is going to rain, very cloudy and i have a line full of washing at home
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@ellie333 (21016)
10 Jun 08
I suppose the advantage I have is that one I am indoors with no windows I can't yearn to be out there in the sunshine as I really have no idea what the weather outside is like. I hope it doesn't rain today so that you can go home to a dry line of washing. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D