Faith and Works
By Pose123
@Pose123 (21635)
June 9, 2008 5:00pm CST
I have a friend who is a born again Christian, but he is very careful not to seen as doing a lot of what he calls "good works". He is afraid, he says, that people will get the idea that good works will get them to heaven. According to him, faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. He claims to take the Bible literally, yet The Epistle or letter of James puts it very clearly in chapter 2 and verse 17, and I quote " Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone" and again verse 20 "faith without works is dead". Did not Jesus say, " by their fruits ye shall know them" Matthew 7, verse 20, and again "a good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things" Matthew 12, verse 35. I believe that If a man or woman is a follower of Christ, (the term Christian was first used by non-Christians, and was meant as a derogatory term, for members of the early church refereed to themselves as saints), he/she will live as Christ taught. Am I right in saying that a Christian will be known by his works as will as his words? Blessings.
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16 responses
@crispa (18)
10 Jun 08
My understanding is that, if you are a Christian (i.e a follower of Christ), you want to live you life like Christ did. Since Christ himslef commanded the we "Love our neighbors as ourselves" then how can Christians avoid doing good works? It seems to me that it is part of the job description and something that must be done not to earn a place in heaven but to further God's kingdom here on earth. Just because people might think your friend is doing good deeds to earn a place in heaven doesn't mean that he should refrain from doing them.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
10 Jun 08
Hi kitchen, Thank you for commenting. I have relatives who are Mormons and attended their church years ago. It is not for me. I don't believe there is any one true religion. However, if you have found what you want and are at peace, than I have no problem with that either. There are many paths. Blessings.
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
12 Jun 08
There is no "true" religion....everyone is entitled to think that their religion is true, but there is no proof on whose is the best or true religion....religion is religion and everyone has their perception of their own and of course they are going to think that there own is the true one!

@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
12 Jun 08
Repent, turn to God, and do works befitting repentence. Your good works count toward rewards in heaven. But you will get no where with God unless you first believe in the finished work of Jesus on the cross.
What James is saying is if you have faith in God, some part of your life should reflect that. No one becomes perfect as soon as they are saved. Perfection is a life long process. But if your salvation does not change or restrain you in some way, then it is in vain.
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
10 Jun 08
Hi Pose123! I do agree with that. We can observe that people who preach goodness and then see their behavior which is the opposite of what they are preaching will not gain them followers. Words alone are empty, they should also be seen in action. As a Christian, I try to live by the Word and make that life meaningful through Works. I am not that good nor am I always doing the right thing, but I am trying my best.
Take care and God bless! 

@freedomg (1684)
• United States
10 Jun 08
I don't see how faith alone can get one anywhere. If you have faith in the lord but keep it to your self. As well as keep all generosity and love to yourself that is not what God wanted of us. If not even for religious reasons we should all try to find was to do go works in our lives. It's a lack of real community and sense that there are people out there that care that has seriously contributed to the downward spiral we currently are in. If everyone helped out one person a week there would be a lot less need in this world, and where there is less need there is less desperation.I don't mean you have to give money to every panhandler you see, it could be a simple as a shoulder to cry on, or an extra set of hands when a neighbor is moving. Some of the simplest things can make the biggest impact. Do you see where I'm going with this. The rewards are here in this life as well in the next. I'm sorry if I seam to be ranting but this is something that I have always felt strongly about. But that is just one little persons opinion.
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@slyvixen42 (926)
• United States
10 Jun 08
I think you're right in saying that. A Christian who loves God will show their love by doing the things that God loves. Their heart has to be in it, though, or it means nothing. He is right when he says works are not what save you, but he shouldn't keep from doing them because other people might think that he's doing them for the wrong reason. I think he's too concerned with what people think of him.
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
10 Jun 08
Yes Pose, though not a Christian myself, whatever I have heard of Jesus and his teachings all point to one direction…good words, good deeds. I can only think of our very own dear Mother Teresa whose entire life was spent on the footpaths of Calcutta. She might have converted many beggars to Christians, but to me that is completely beside the point. The way she adapted herself to this squalid country, adopted its forsaken children as her responsibility, persuaded the rich and famous the world over to donate for the poor of this nation…you just had to see her dedication to understand the meaning of being a Christian and all being God’s children. She was forever so gentle, so soft, so endearing…pls ask your friend to update himself on her life, I think he will have his answer.
I don’t know where the Mother is now, but to many Calcuttans she is forever in our hearts.
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
10 Jun 08
I don't know where he's coming from with that idea. Of course you should do good works. The Bible is full of examples. Maybe what he means is that a person should do their deeds in private. That I agree with. When God sees the good deeds you do in private He will reward you openly. That's what it says...not that you shouldn't do good works. Maybe he is just very, very confused.
@theproperator (2429)
• United States
10 Jun 08
I'm not very religious, but I would certainly think more of a person and their religion if I saw them actually doing good and not just talking about it. I've worked with plenty of people who would wish me a "blessed day" when I would have felt a lot more blessed if they got up off their butts and did their jobs so I didn't have to pick up the slack. People who go out of their way to help others are the real blessing, not some hollow-sounding platitude.
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
10 Jun 08
a Christian will be judged on the basis of her works. If a born again person is scared to do good works cos he might fall, he needs to read Luther again and again till justification by faith sinks into his head. But then he should start reading James again and again till it gets into his heads.
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@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
10 Jun 08
Hi there Pose!
If we try to dig deeper and deeper, it will all be more and more complicated. I think the only right thing to live by is the golden rule, "Do unto others what you want others to do unto you." And I guess everyone, no matter from what religion they are will agree that that's the right thing to do.
I am not perfect and I commit sins, sometimes maybe more than the majority does but I always keep an open mind and respect everyone else's beliefs or faith. I think that when you do good, when you share the kindness that you have inside your heart, that shows how much you love God - through showing love to his creations.
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@Zergonipal (807)
• Poland
10 Jun 08
I don't think that taking bible in any place and directly belive in any word is a key to understanding. Bible is full of metaphores and you must think about them to realise the truth.
I don't think too that there is any leading religion at all. Religions are humans creation afterall. Especially after so many years. Even if God himself guided first belivers... after 2000+ year you can't say what is from God and what is from a human. I believe that all true religions are equal, couse they all are guiding us to the infinity.
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@hanjinxing (32)
• China
10 Jun 08
That's merely faith and ideal dream,it is good for people a certain extent.we believe in some thing ,we will act as our faith.
@ocher_tone1001 (34)
• Philippines
10 Jun 08
i cant say that your right and also what i had seen.....aside from various biblical interpretation by a priest,minister,and other so called church it not the main focus of doing the so called "good works" and only "faith can deliver you from sin"....we are all been mislead by a spiritual sense....we should be taught by these elders(church leaders,priest,and minister)...the values of doing good and having faith....not because for fear of God....but thats the way it should be....where doing good because it give as the courage,and being a good person and other benefit for mankind...we should be,for faith...because it give us the hope to conquer of daily obstacles in life we are facing.....and refrain from quoting others from biblical sources because its not a christian should use some other jesus he use parables to tell them(the people) his points,which help the listener ponder about the discussion.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Hi, Pose! Excellent discussion and one of the best I've seen in quite a while. I commend you for all of the Biblical references you included in your discussion as well. Your friend is a Christian who believes that he should not put on a display of his good works. I understand he has good intentions of making it clear that he cannot get to Heaven based on his good works. These really are wonderful intentions, but I don't think that he should go out of his way to make sure no one sees his good works. That should not be the focus, and I believe that's unnecessary. (After all, if others don't see that a person is doing good works, what will make them want to become a Christian?) He should be focusing on producing these "fruits" that you referred to earlier. After a person becomes a believer, he or she should do good works and have the fruits evident so others will know. These fruits are actions that a person does after becoming a believer so that others can see and know that they are in fact a Christian just like you said. (I hope I'm not being redundant!) I agree with you that you will know a person by their fruits...their actions...their works. In answer to your question... "Am I right in saying that a Christian will be known by his works as will as his words?" Yes, you are correct. I will tell you why. When someone looks at someone else, they always have a first impression, whether it's positive or negative. If a believer does good works as a habit and a lifestyle, (not so much as a display to impress people), observers will know exactly what that person is up to; they will know that he or she is a Christian. The Bible says, "By their fruits, you will know them." How can you know about a person if you don't see their actions? You're exactly right. Since we're flesh and blood, we cannot see the heart. Works, actions, and fruit (synonymous in this case) are the only way to know such about a person. Great discussion!
@gilenie (190)
22 Nov 12
I am a catholic but i respect any kind of religion my friends have, either they have some religions or not. I think religions should not be questions, cos its our faith that what matters more, I do believe that we had the same GOD only our way of faith or praising or praying is far more different from each other.I had an exbf on internet who is agnostic he didn't belief in GODS but he do respect each of his friends faith. As long as its not affecting each relationship to other it doesn't matter.