Talking About Political Correctness... What's The "Right" Thing To Say?

Wee Willy Winkie - Wee Willy Winkie, runs through the town....
@Darkwing (21583)
June 10, 2008 8:26am CST
It must be the Sun... I'm in a silly mood today. I wrote a discussion on the old counting song, Eeny Meeny, Minie, Moe, about the political correctness of the words, and I got to thinking about all manner of nursery rhymes and songs from my childhood. No doubt you can all think of others, but are we allowed to sing about Wee "Willie Winkie", or "Old" Mother Hubbard going to the cupboard to get her poor "doggie a bone"? Even Tom the Piper's son, stealing a pig? Then there's the children's TV shows which we have all heard about, like Captain Pugwash, etc. If nobody had ever meantioned it, I wouldn't have given Seaman Staines another thought! So how do you feel about political correctness? Are we too protected... can we not laugh about things any more without being labelled "politically incorrect"? How do you feel about all this? I'm interested in your views in how the World has changed since you were a child, and all these petty laws that seem to cause more problems than the actual act of being politically incorrect. Has it gotten out of hand?
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18 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Jun 08
Yes it is getting out of Hand, all these Rhymes that we sang as Children are being twisted and changed because of certain words in it, that never and still don't mean anything but part of the Rhyme, it makes me so angry Like they have changed the words to Bla Bla B.... Sheep,Kids are supposedly not allowed to sing it any more, why? Because it might offend and there is a lot more I find it discusting that everything we say we have to be careful so it does not offend anyone Love and Hugs to you xxxxx
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Jun 08
Oh I am so glad about that as I still felt awful about it and I was trying to figure something that you did not have to miss out on it so I am so glad that you are still going I love you to and look forward to you coming back here even though I am not looking forward to the Circumstances of it Got the Form done and she only forgot the Pain killers on it, silly B**h sorry but she is just so useless Hugs xxxxxxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
10 Jun 08
Oooooo, Gabs, that was not a politically correct statement! You really didn't need to feel bad about anything. It was not your fault your appointment came through for that time, and I didn't want you to cancel or anything because you need to get rid of the pain. My ticket is sorted for coming back... I just have to collect it from Gatwick when I travel on Thursday, so all is well that ends well. He doesn't know yet that I'm going down, but my spirit guides are telling me not to text until 8.35 tonight. Don't ask!!! lol. xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
10 Jun 08
Yes, I agree, Gabs. It's ok for those power seekers in office to tell us what to say and do, but do they adhere to it? I don't think so! As for the Baa Baa Black Sheep, I'm never going to change the words to that, because it's nothing to do with racism. There are black sheep, simple as that, and they are in the minority in the fields and on the moors. Besides that, the rhyme is not derogatory to the black sheep... he has three bags of wool, and is perfectly equal to any normal coloured sheep. Grrrrrrrrrrrr... stupid bunch of twerps! Brightest Blessings, my friend. Off to the West Country on Thursday, so stop feeling bad about that now, ok? Love you. xxxx
3 people like this
10 Jun 08
CHUCKLE!!! It has definitely gotten out of hand!!! I have no wise words, just wanted to put my 5c worth into the discussion - defintely bordering, no, we have gone past bordering, the ridiculous!!
@Darkwing (21583)
10 Jun 08
Yes, I agree. When we were kids, we used to laugh and recite these rhymes, but these days, the kids are looking over their shoulders all the time, wondering if they're doing the "right" thing, as are the adults of this world. I don't have any wise words on the matter either, other than I wish the Government would grow up! Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my friend.
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@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
10 Jun 08
All that really comes to mind are southern children's literature, like the story Little Black Sambo, and the series of Bre'r Rabbit stories with Tar Baby in it.They had to be sanitized to be contemporary. No one said a word about them when I was a kid. I find that in my area you do not dare use anything Native American in any fashion, like school mascots, or names cannot be Chiefs, or Braves, but we can poke fun at Swedes, Germans, Polish to name a few, all day. Oh, and Norwegians of course. Stores in Little Sweden USA (Lindsborg, Ks.} male tons of money from making fun of Scandinavian stereotypes.That is alright. I honestly give up knowing when and with whom the line will be crossed.
@Darkwing (21583)
10 Jun 08
Not only the two stories you mentioned, but the golly in the Noddy stories was axed. I don't understand it at all. It's the same here in England... we poke fun at the Irish, and the Scots, but they poke fun back. That's ok with bureaucracy, but when it comes to those of less similarity in looks, it's all wrong. Why does there have to be a dividing line? Why can't we all just get along as one, big community? I know we could do it, but the power seekers would rather we warred and stole from each other. What's politically correct about that, do you think? Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my dear friend. xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
10 Jun 08
I agree Violet. If they left us alone, then I doubt any offence would be taken. After all, it's a human thing to laugh at each other and with each other for some reason. Just because somebody is a different race or culture, doesn't mean they're going to take offence. I'm sure if it weren't made so difficult for us by bureaucracy, then the world would be a much happier place. We'd learn to live together, and much more happily, I feel. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution. x
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10 Jun 08
So true! You have to be so careful what you say when it comes to colour issues (I come from South Africa originally), and even if you mean no offence, it can still be taken. The funny thing is you are so right about poking fun at other races, but it often seems almost OK to do this as long as they have the same skin colour (i.e. we are white, so are they - since I am white I don't know if other race groups find the same thing). Personally, why can't we all just live and let live. If they left us alone we would probably all get along OK. After all, nobody can expect to be friends with everyone! That would be plain ridiculous! violetdreams
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
10 Jun 08
yup I think it hads got out of hand for how are you to know what all words are to be bad and which one is political correct!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
10 Jun 08
I guess we had better keep out mouths closed when in company of different colors of people very hard to know which is right!
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@Darkwing (21583)
10 Jun 08
Yes, but when I'm in the company of other races, I don't think of them as other races, I think of them as human beings, just like me.
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@Darkwing (21583)
10 Jun 08
You tell me, my friend! I give up! We used to have a "N" Brown and a Cho**late Brown in colours. They've been withdrawn... so what are they called now? Dark brown and Rich Brown... oh for goodness' sake! I'll never understand it all. There are so many things we say without real reference to anybody, but because we've always used the term. Now, we have to be so careful! No wonder the world is such a disgruntled place! Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my dear friend. xxx
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@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
10 Jun 08
Yes there were certain words that were not allowed to be used but they seam to be coming back now as the words like black man are being used on the BBc television again. They europian commission were thinking of stopping other towns from making making food like eccles cakes, or yorkhire puddings and the like but gladly for us in never came to fruition..
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@Darkwing (21583)
10 Jun 08
OMG... whatever next? Well, you know who rules the European Commission don't you, and they're always right in their eyes! How ridiculous is that... we wouldn't know what we were buying, or eating, come to that! There's a pun there, in your response... Eccles Cakes... fruition? he he he. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my dear friend. x
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@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
10 Jun 08
I expect that they are trying to stop brussel sprouts being grown anywhere else but Brussels.
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@ellie333 (21016)
10 Jun 08
Hi Deeeky, I heard that one and that is why we have to call spring onions salad onions now as they can now be grown all year round and if the Yorkshire pudding wasn't made in Yorkshire it had to be called a batter one. Crazy. Ellie :D
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Hi Doll I just try to speak with a kind heart and even if I say the wrong thing or it somehow sounds wrong I have found that few seem offended. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
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@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
10 Jun 08
In my personal life, I know few that take offense. We even joke among people I know about our bi polar and OCD kicking in. The people who make the jokes often are those affected. I like the kindheartedness. It is the bureaucracy that makes us look over our shoulders and take offense at everything. The rest of us try to be human and laugh at our own foibles.
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@Darkwing (21583)
10 Jun 08
I agree with you both that it's not those who we feel might be offended that are... in fact, they seem to take it all in their stride, but I have to agree with Gertie that its bureaucracy that's making us look over our shoulders all the time, and perhaps just making us think more about what we say and what we accept from others. It's fast becoming ludicrous. Brightest Blessings both, and thank you for your contributions. xxx
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@weemam (13372)
10 Jun 08
So much has changed since I was a child pal ( Ross calls that the black and white days) Lol , I am always saying that the world has gone mad , I was happy playinging the fields and swinging on a rope over the burn ( stream ) we were a lot easier pleased in those days and nobody tried to keep up with th Joneses xx
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@Darkwing (21583)
10 Jun 08
You're right, my dear friend. I used to wonder what the "olds" were babbling about when I was younger, and they mentioned the "Good Old Days", but now I'm older, I find myself looking back and saying the same thing. he he. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my friend. xx
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@mummymo (23706)
10 Jun 08
I am a bit split on this one Darkwing honey! I do think that political correctness has gone mad for the most part but then I think of the way some people are so nasty and mean to others and i can see why they would want laws in place to protect themselves! On the whole though I do think things have gone too, too far! xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
11 Jun 08
I have the perfect answer for this one, my friend, but it would be politically incorrect to write it in here. We're set in our ways, and don't need all this cr*p. Where's the laughter gone in our lives? Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my dear friend. I respect your comments, but I do feel we're downtrodden these days. xxx
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@missak (3311)
• Spain
10 Jun 08
Nice topic! I was thinking on the same thing when posting my last discussion about the last Joni Mitchell album... I was wondering if it got somehow banned just because she talks against war and with some ecological thougths that are not convenient for the current politics in this world... I have had the same problem sometimes with my art, because I try to express what I see, what is good and what is wrong alll around... and it happens that people don't want to know about it. I think the problem of nowadayss is not exactly "official censorship" like in the past, but another kind of imposing silence by means of "what people are supposed to like and dislike". I mean, nobody actually forbids artists to talk about thoose "dangerous" topics, but we are told that we won't get far talking about that, because the public don't want to hear about them...
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@Darkwing (21583)
10 Jun 08
Thank you, my friend for a very thoughtful response. Yes, I think you're right in a way, but why should people be forbidden to speak freely and truthfully? It's just not on really, is it? The bureaucracy can say what they like, but the public sector can't. Why is that? What makes them so different to us... we were all born the same, and as far as I'm concerned, we all have the right to freedom of speech. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
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@ellie333 (21016)
10 Jun 08
The PC brigade have taken everything to far really, The Robertsons jam Gollywog was banned, even this year the Red Arrows were deemed too British to do a fly by at the opening of the Olympics in 2012, discussion been overturned now because of public uproar. The Media & Cultural department decided they might upset other cultures, bloody ridiculous. Loopy Loo was stopped from getting into bed with Andy Pandy and Zebedee just jumped (can't spelt boyned) to high in the Magic Roundabout. Kids just loved all these why don't people let it be. We are all people at the end of the day but the variation for me on the eenie meanie would be Monkey as they actually enjoy swinging upside down until you let them go, or Fergie as she has a foot fettish LOL. Ellie :D
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@Darkwing (21583)
11 Jun 08
All gollywogs were banned... from Noddy and on the store shelves. They returned briefly in the stores but with the new PC name, golly! Oh my golly!!! lol. As you say, it's gone way too far now. Kids don't know what's happening, and I've seen shows from other cultures which put us down, so what's the odds? Why do these people come into our country, which is steeped in history, heritage and customs, and turn everything upside down? It shouldn't be allowed! They wouldn't allow us into theirs, to change their customs. I'll second your remark! Brightest Blessings, and thank you for your detailed contribution, my dear friend. xx
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Jun 08
Political correctness is just completely out of hand and we should be able to talk about things from our childhood without being made to feel racist. I remember a lot time back when I was working out of a nurses registry I was working this one night at a convalescent home. we were all on brake and got to talking about various' kinds of nuts we liked and I blurted out I like negro toes, meaning brazil nuts as thats what my folks had always called them, all the girls looked at me in dismay then I realized 'I had probably offended this pretty young aid who was negro. I apologized all over the place and then she broke us up in laughter by saying thats what we called them too. I did feel better than but learned to be poltically correct.
@Darkwing (21583)
10 Jun 08
That's precisely my point, my friend. If left alone, and not brainwashed in the way we are at present, we would sort these little things our by ourselves. Where's the lesson in biting our bottom lip all the time? As you say, things are way out of hand now, and I guess there's no real going back, but when I think back, I really miss the times when we could stand all races together and laugh about things. Brightest Blessings, my friend, and thank you for your comments. x
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
11 Jun 08
If we allow ourselves to, we would probably not only get rid of all the nursery rhymes, but also all the classic kid's stories, old kid's movies (Wizard of Oz?), books that we read in high school. It has to stop somewhere. We really don't want to lose that history.
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@Darkwing (21583)
11 Jun 08
Yes, I agree, we don't want to lose such a large part of our childhood. We need to find a happy medium. Half of these politically correct issues are ludicrous anyway. Time to put the lid on it, methinks. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
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• United States
10 Jun 08
I think the degree to which political correctness has been taken is absurd. In a country where free speech is protected, we do not have the right to not be offended. People need to deal with it. In a more serious topic than nursery rhymes, we live in a culture where it seems "BAD" to say anything against any minority (I'm not FOR racism, bigotry, or any other isms that are not good), but I have to say as a white, Judeo-Christian, I'm a little tired that it seems OK that I'm bashed all the time. Whew...that's not gonna be popular.
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@Darkwing (21583)
10 Jun 08
It maybe won't be popular but this is a discussion and others have the right to reply to you, in whichever way they wish. I agree that when in one's own country of birth, it is quite tiring that we are the ones who are always named the racists. Not true, I'm afraid. Quite often it's provoked, so, I can see where you're coming from. I don't have any prejudices either, other than the laws for drawing benefits off taxes we ourselves have paid, without actually having paid any themselves, but I do agree that if going to another country to live, and that includes you and I, people should abide by that country's laws and beliefs. Now, I'm probably going to be sat upon, and I'm not even biased! lol. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your honest contribution.
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@1richgirl (126)
• United States
11 Jun 08
say what you mean and mean what you say "Mister we could use a maman like Ronnie Rreagan today!!"
@Darkwing (21583)
11 Jun 08
I think most of us would like to say what we mean and mean what we say, but we have to be so careful these days. I think the issue of political correctness has gotten way out of hand, and it's time to put the lid on it now. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
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• Canada
10 Jun 08
I can understand the one about Tom, Tom, the piper's son. "The pig was eat and Tom was BEAT and he ran crying down the street" Making a comment about beating a child is definitely a no-no.
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@Darkwing (21583)
10 Jun 08
Do you really think the words in these rhymes are taken so seriously these days? I really fail to see the significance. These nursery rhymes are like limericks, and were meant as a bit of harmless fun. Almost all nursery rhymes have some little thing in them that people don't agree with these days, but they're repeated parrot-fashion, and I don't think the words are even thought twice about, until some smart alec goes defining them. In See Saw, Marjory Daw, it states Johnny shall have a new "master". Is that politically correct? I give up with it all... nothing means what it says any more, my friend. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution. x
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@anonymili (3138)
10 Jun 08
Yes well hun, I do think we are living in far to PC a world these days. My husband was at a meeting at a council office in South London last summer and he noticed that the men were all wearing shirts and ties and the women (mostly black) were wearing very skimpy tops and shorts or short skirts, when he wasked a guy there "how comes you guys are all in shirts and ties and the ladies are in such skimpy clothes?" He was told that if anyone said that out loud there would be an uproar and claims of sexism and racism! I found that rather hilarious and thought it was about time a male member of staff took a stand as the offices were so hot, why should women be allowed to wear next to nothing and the men be punished like that!
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@anonymili (3138)
10 Jun 08
First sentence should read "I do think we are living in far too PC a world these days".... oops!
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@freedomg (1684)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Yeah we blew "getting out of hand" away a long time ago. I actually got told of because when I asked my 4 year old who gave her the lolly pop and she pointed at the only black man and said" The black man did" She wasn't saying anything bad she was just recognizing the difference between him and the 3 other men he was standing with. What the heck else was she supposed to say?I'm not racist in anyway but I will speak my mind. My theory is if you don't like what I have to say, learn to deal with it or die with it on your mind. Either way I have a right to my opinion and will use,.
@Darkwing (21583)
10 Jun 08
Well said, my friend. If only a few more people were like you then we might get somewhere with this. Maybe the darker skinned inhabitants of the world don't like being called black, and I agree... they're not black... they're very brown, but they call us chalky, pinky and whitie, so where's the difference and what is the harm? Why do we take offence at that... I wouldn't! As it is, if I say something I think might have offended, I end up looking around to see if I've caused a problem. It shouldn't be that way. Like you said, if we don't like it, then we have to deal with it, but the fact is, we all do it at some time in our life, and we shouldn't need to be dictated to by bureaucracy! I think they go too far one way, sometimes. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your very honest contribution. x
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@pauliek (287)
• Udon Thani, Thailand
12 Mar 16
I'm sick and tired of political correctness and that is one of the reasons I am supporting Donald Trump!