You may be getting what you want in the election... and I bet you wont like it.
By Guardian208
@Guardian208 (1095)
United States
June 10, 2008 10:39am CST
Imagine you woke up this morning and your parents had moved into your home. Things started out just like any other day but you then begin to notice that things have changed.
As you head to the kitchen for breakfast you notice that the donuts you bought last night for this mornings breakfast are in the trash and there is a nice hot bowl of plain oatmeal ready for you. It's really nice that your mom made it for you but you really wanted those donuts. But since this is nice to have breakfast ready, you don't say anything and you eat your oatmeal.
You go back to get ready for work but after 10 minutes the shower turns off while you are still full of soap. Outraged you yell out for help. Your dad tells you that you have been wasting too much water and he has installed a "Green Machine. When you have used all of your water, it turns off. "Get used to it" he says. "It's good for the environment. And it is the law." You finish rinsing yourself in the sink and get dressed.
As you go out to the car you find that your SUV is gone! You go running into the house to call the police but your parents tell you that you will be taking the bus until they can get you this new electric car. "It will be ready in a few weeks. It may be inconvenient but its better for you. And it emits no greenhouse gases. At least not at home. I don't know what happens at the electric plant."
Finally at work you find a memo on your desk that tells you that your healthcare plan has changed. You have full free coverage for all your healthcare needs! Wow! Finally, you think. But as you read you see that now all decisions concerning your healthcare will be made by an advisory panel in the HR department. These people are not healthcare trained, but they are smart enough people and they are looking out for your best interests and they will make wise decisions. But it sure feels like they are more interested in the healthcare plans best interests and not yours.
At the end of the day you stop and pick up your check. You almost just shove it in with your other personal papers but the way this day has been going, you decide to take a look at it. WHAT! Your pay is 15% less! 15%! As you look at it more closely you find that they are no longer deducting your healthcare premium and that is exciting, but you find another entry that you have never seen before. You see the federal tax deduction, the state tax deduction and the social security deduction, but there is a new one The Federal Income Redistribution Program. What is that? You go back and find someone in HR and ask them. They seem a bit perplexed that you don't know about this. "Remember we all voted for this. We all wanted a federal health insurance program. We all wanted federally subsidized childcare. We wanted everyone to have the things that the working class had. We wanted the government to control the high cost of food and gas. We voted for this. Remember? How do you think that they are going to pay for all of that? The FIRP tax covers all of that. You voted for it. Remember?"
As you walk back out to the bus stop you look around in dismay when something catches your eye. The price of gas at the nearby station is $9.50 per gallon. You mouth hangs open in shock. You walk over to the station to ask what happened, gas was just $4.00 the other day. (You have time anyway as you wait for the bus.) The station owner looks at you funny. "Don't you remember? We voted for this. We wanted to have our economy just like the european economy. Now our gas costs just as much as it does in Paris. Don't you remember? You voted for it." (That price is accurate, )
When you finally get home your dad is waiting to go over your finances with you. He says that he has to make sure that you are spending properly. Now you get angry. "What business is it of yours?" you shout. "Honey," he says calmly, "If you want to be eligible to get the tax credit for your new electric car and to have your full allowances of utilities, you have to report your expenses and carbon usages to the government quarterly." If you don't they may ration your carbon usage. Which means less electricity, gas and water. Don't you remember? You voted for it."
In frustration you walk over to the fridge to look for a soda. Even though You know you bought some there are none there. You look at your mom in defeat. "Honey, don't you remember? To get the premium socialized healthcare package for free, you have to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Soda is not part of that. Don't you remember? You..."
"I know, I know. I voted for it!"
I know that this sounds ridiculous. But it is not far from what may be in our future. Just last week congress killed a bill know as "The Carbon Bill" that would ration how much carbon emissions companies can emit. Those the emit too much (successful businesses) will have to buy carbon credits from those that don't use all of theirs (unsuccessful businesses) If you notice, the over all carbon emmissions stay the same, it just costs more for successful businesses to do business. The businesses that will probably go over are most all utility companies, oil companies, transportation companies etc. Ok so what Big Oil is making huge profits. but as with all taxes, the cost of the tax gets translated into the cost of the goods or services. Increased taxes will just raise the price of EVERYTHING.
Also, look at the healthcare systems in the UK and Canada. They may have cheapers medications, but people are dying because they can not get the medical surguries they need. While we go up there to save $50 on a presription. They are SPENDING tens of thousands of dollars out of their own pockets to get life saving surguries.
What that little story showed is the impact socialism will have on an economy. Just look around and you can see it. Check out much of Europe and South America. These countries can not thrive becuase of the weight of government. They attempt to provide for their citizens, but they do so poorly and undermine the human spirit. Do we really want to emulate that? Even in our struggling economy, we enjoy a quality of life that is well above almost all other countries. In fact, If our country was to be weakened, many other countries would fail. That is the reason why we are the targets of terrorism and hate. Not because they are envious of us. But they know that if they can tear us down, there is no one left to help other countries and the whole world structure will fall, leaving them the opportunity to step in.
Our goal should not be to lower ourselves to everyone else's level to make it fair. Our goal should be to help them to elevate themselves to our level.
Be careful how you vote this fall. Socialism has never worked. It makes for wonderful speeches. But it has never worked and it won't work here.
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6 responses
@snowy22315 (181999)
• United States
10 Jun 08
All i know is that dateline did a story on the happiest countries, those who had "socialism" in some form medicine etc. were happier per capita than those in the US. We should expect some level of support from our government. That's why we pay taxes. By the way why would Exxonmobil even be considered for a tax cut?
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@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
10 Jun 08
There waas also a study done and posted here on myLot that showed that liberals were much less happy than conservatives. Aalso the rate of mental illness and visits to psychologists were higher in liberals versus conservatives as well. I have no answers for that. At least none that fall into the scope of this discussion. Nor am I prepared to speak to tax credits for oil companies.
The point of the story is that we slowly erode our personal freedoms by letting the government into more and more of our lives. The point is to be aware of it and not be blindly led by nice sounding speeches. We must all think of the consequences and costs of our decisions and move forward with logic and thoughfulness, not warm fuzzy feelings.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Of course Liberals are not as happy. Intelligent people are never as happy as oblivious, none too bright people.LOL
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Jun 08
"Of course Liberals are not as happy. Intelligent people are never as happy as oblivious, none too bright people.LOL"
Bravo!! Excellent point indeed! If there is any truth to this "study" about more liberals than conservatives suffering from mental illnesses such as depression, that's hardly a surprise at all since liberals actually feel compassion for their fellow human beings even if they don't happen to be wealthy business owners and they worry about people without health care or who can't afford to feed their families, heat their homes, of put gas in their cars so they CAN go to work, if they're fortunate enough to find a job!
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Let me share a quote:
"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery."
-Winston Churchill
I think Churchill's quote sums up your discussion perfectly. People who vote without looking into their candidates ideas and considering the ramifications of them on our daily lives are setting themselves up for the kind of scenario you have described. They will be giving away their liberties for shallow promises, charismatic personality or racial issues. That's not responsible voting.
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@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
28 Aug 08
Great quote. Thanks for sharing and for finding this old discussion!
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Exactly Socialism never work, and Capitialism is the best policy. When private markets are aloud to work without government interference the best products come to the top. The products will always be better, because of free enterpise creates competition. Competition is the live blood that drives success. Let us use sports as an example. What if some government offical told basketball players that they could only score twenty points in one game? Their would not be any incentive for a basketball player to be great. If their is no incentive to score fifty point then why would anyone try to become great enough to score fifty. I have been watching the UEFA EURO 2008 cup this week. Soccer/Footballers stay out on the field forever. I at one time played on the High School women's soccer team. Endureance is hugh, almost as important as all of the techiques that are learned. What if UEFA, the governing body of European Football, told everyone that they can only play for half the game. Why would anyone put into all the training it takes to have the endurance to stay out on the pitch for all the match. What is fair anyway? To one it is this, to another it is that. The weak will only try to become stronger if there is a reason to be stronger. The weak will stay weak as long as they can force the strong to become weak. It is much easier to be bad at something than good at something.
@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Great points.
Capitalism will alwyas work as long as government stays out. The problem that we have today is that there is already too much government interference. the free markets are not working freely.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Hello Guardian,
Did you think to mark this discussion as 'mature content'? I certainly hope so, otherwise you may scare the little kiddlettes more than the most terrifying tales of The Brothers Grimm!
Shudder to think of awakening in this scenario. I'd be looking around for the crew of 'Candid Camera', or listening for the theme song from "The Twilight Zone".
Oh wait, this nightmare lies but a vote away! Hopefully, the caster of that vote knows some basic arithmetic, and sits down to run the numbers behind the Democratic-Socialist proposals before he or she pulls that lever in November! 'Cause that's all it will take to prove to ones self that Sen. Obama is engaged in a wholly deceptive 'shell game'. There is no way that his proposals could be enacted without devastating this nation's economy -- which will in turn, rock the global economy!
Though, that voter may not relate to the 'big picture'. He or she might only 'get it', as 'it' relates to his or her own pocket, or life. In which case, your example of 'a life of poorer, powerlessness' is pristine!!!
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Thanks for your enlightening post. The USA could be doing so much more than it is to elevate the standard of living for other nations. Instead big business exports their jobs to other countries so they can pay substandard wages to the workers. No wonder the USA is a target of hatred and terrorism, when greed motivates a lot of what other countries experience from us.

@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I just hate to see those companies being exported when our people need jobs so badly. The USA already owes China an astounding amount of money. Whatever their plans to try and stay competitive, they're not working.
@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
11 Jun 08
No doubt. I try to buy things that are made in the USA. But I often have to settle for things NOT made in China.
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@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
10 Jun 08
hi clrumfelt.
I partly agree with you. I am not sure greed is the motivator to move jobs overseas. But I think it is more to be able to compete. right now India and china are the fastest growing economies on the planet. As any business person knows, your biggest operating expense if payroll. As China and India strive to compete in the global markets and they pay their employees as small fraction on what we pay here in the states, our companies can not compete. If we can't compete, we will lose the jobs that we do keep here. I'm not saying its right, but it is a fact of doing business.
And I really can't believe that those Saudis that flew those planes into our buildings were striking back against our greed. The Suadi royal family has got to be the greediest entity on the planet. They are making WAY more profits than our oil companies. If they wanted to strike out against greed, they didn't have to come here.
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@jormins (1223)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I do agree both sides are to blame but when I look at what McCain is thinking about Iraq and even possibly Iran, and I look at the Republicans backing big oil today, its easy for me, an independent, to side with the Dem's this election cycle even though I disagree with many of their views on smaller topics. You make some good points in your post however whenever I hear Nazi's, terrorists, fascists, marxists or even socialists mentioned when comparing to the Dem's it gets under my skin a little. And I think its pretty tough to blame the Dem's for the economy when I see the spending in Iraq as the main catalyst to our economical woes.
@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
11 Jun 08
It's kind of funny that everyone here assumed I was referring to the Dems. I did not mention the Dems and I was not specifically directing this toward the Dems. The fact of the matter I was directing this toward all those that embrace socialistic policies. Now I do believe that the Dems are much closer to that philosophy than the Reps are BUT they are both moving in that direction. I am not happy with the big spending plans that Bush moved forward nor am I happy about McCain embracing this whole global warming farce. There is a very strong argument that the global warming movement is really just a way to give up control of our economies to the world market and undermine US sovereignty. (Mars is warming too and I am pretty sure we aren't the cause of that. But shhhh we don't want the truth to get out!)
I find it interesting that everyone assumed I meant the Dems. Perhaps that says more than I did in the post.
@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Hi jormins,
Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I have to admit, I am having a hard time telling which parts of your post are sincere and which parts are sarcasm. Maybe it all is. But the point was not to support or detract from anyone. the point was to show how our personal freedoms can be slowly eroded without our even noticing it. I have not bee a huge supporter of President Bush. I think he has been to liberal in some ways. I am not a big fan of McCain for the same reason. Our economy has always been strong with conservative leadership. The two that come to my mind that most exemplified this was Reagan and Kennedy. they both cut taxes and that drove our economy.
Oh and by the way, the Democrats control both the House and the Senate. The only Republican controled branch is the executive and he does not control law making or public policy. Our economy is truggling under prrimarily democratic leadership. Or more correctly said, liberal leadership, as many of the sitting Republicans are more liberal than conservative.
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