Bad Day
By carolbee
@carolbee (16230)
United States
June 10, 2008 11:04am CST
As some of you already know I have problems with my lower back. Bulging disks, leg nerve pain and arthritis of the spine. Nobody would ever know by looking at me or the way I walk that I have a problem. Doesn't seem to bother me when I walk. Standing and sitting are my major issues. Today is bad. Am not able to support my body weight for very long when standing. Tried to eat something and all it did was upset my stomach. I lost 20 pounds last year as a result of this problem. Couldn't eat so it wasn't a healthy way to lose. Advils are on my menu for the day. Might help some but laying down is my best relief. Have you ever had so much pain that all you can do is lay in bed and wait to feel better? Do you lose your appetite? I had trigger point injections last week to help and it did for a few days but am back to square one today.
Thanks for letting me
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9 responses
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Awwww Carol I do know what you mean. I have been getting pains in my legs which is new. When Im in pain I cant eat at all. I wish I could make the pain go away for you. And I hope you feel better. I have to go to a vascular surgeon. Im praying for you.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
10 Jun 08
I certainly understand about not eating when in pain. I just can't. Nothing tastes or sounds good and all it does it upset my stomach. I am feeling better as the day goes on as long as I take it easy. Bending right now is next to impossible. Hope your visit to the vascular surgeon goes well. Thanks so much for respoonding.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Oh honey...I hope by now you are feeling much better. I have never had that much pain. I do have arthritis in my fingers..knees..legs and feet but I feel much better when I move around...when I sit I get so stiff! I used to walk around the lake I have just a couple of block from my home but my knees have gotten to the point that I can't do that. But I have never had that kind of pain....okay this is going to sound totally stupid....but when I was on vacation this woman told me to put a bar of soap under you sheets (like at the bottom of your bed).....and it takes away the pain. So I have only done it one night but it did help me sleep better? Go figure. Might be worth a try...I can't understand how a bar of soap can take away the aching but it does....weird!
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Thanks, Jill. I am feeling better than I did a good part of the day. It's more located in my back right now so as long as I don't bend, I am fine. I am real tight when I wake up in the morning and this morning was awful. Omg, you are kidding about the soap! Did you put the bar of soap under the bottom sheet or under the top sheet? Did you leave it in the wrapper? I will definitely try it when I know what to do. This could be a life saver for me. Thanks so much for responding.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
10 Jun 08
You unwrap it and put it under the fitted sheet...and change it about every three months.....makes the bed smell nice too...anyway my knees hurt something so much at night I can't get comfortable.....but last was a whole new ballgame. I thought it was worth a try anyway.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I have had this problem too, you have to go see a lot of doctors for it. Anyway, I have had a bad day too. It started out great because I go paid, and one of our city streets is finally being repaved, but when I took my cat to go meet her look-alike, her look-alike hissed at her. My poor cat was so happy to meet her, but the other cat did not feel the same way. This is also the cat that we were going to adopt, but we just cannot do it now. If this cat was this way to my cat, I do not want to know how she will react to my other two cats. It just was not meant to be.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
11 Jun 08
So you know how awful this nerve problem can be. I did see 3 doctor's before they figured out what it was and how to treat it. I'm sorry the cat you were going to adopt is not going to work out. Maybe later another cat will come along later who is more compatible. Thanks for responding.
@whittby (3072)
• United States
14 Jun 08
When my fibromyalgia was acting up, I'd go lay in bed. Seemed like the only place I was a little bit comfortable without something pressing - I can stand for only so long. I have to say that when I was in pain, I ate chocolate. I craved it. I don't know how much it helped, but I didn't lose weight.
What a way to lose weight, with pain and loss of appetite. You have my commiseration - hope you are a little better by now.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Same problems, but I'm on a traction machine and it takes the weight off my discs and nerves. I go when my bones start to impinge on things again. I can go 3 weeks not between traction treatments.Also hot or cold showers tend to help. Was taking baths, but I started itching like crazy. I know this stuff doesn't work for everyone. Oh well. I hope you feel better by now. Take care
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@Remembering1996 (2219)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I am in the same boat w/ you for I have this w/ mine to and it still hurts and it's almost been a week now. I woke up last friday morning and I couldn't hardly move my head. When I managed to fineally roll over and get up I felt sharp pain in behind my right shoulder blade that shot up straight throught to my neck like something was stuck. I useally have my sciatic nerve bothering me in my lower back but not this time it's up higher. I have gone to work everyday and worked through the pain, thinking the actual moveing physical work would help it-it did some but not much. I put heat and ice on it and it just dosn't want to release. I am going to have to call the chiropractor and get him to do electro shock therepy or something for it's just aggravateing. I find it hard to lay down I basically have to sleep sitting almost up right position w/ pillows. I hope you start to feel better soon for I know the feeling and it's a big oooowwie. Good luck and take care.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
11 Jun 08
Ouch, I feel so bad for you. Nobody really understands the pain of a pinched nerve until they go through it. Talk about pain. I have problems with the femoral nerve which runs from the front of my hip down the front of my leg to my knee. I couldn't walk last summer as a result and spent several days in bed before I could see a specialst to have an epidural. Thought I was going to die. Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for responding.
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Oh goodness, that has to be miserable and I feel so bad for you. I woke up saturday morning with my hip and lower back/tail bone hurting so bad, had a hard time walking at first. Then pain in the left leg at times and sometimes felt like it was going to sleep and at times felt like a spasam but was much better on sunday and yesterday was all gone. All I took was tylenol for mine and if mine bothered me that bad I can only imagine the pain you go through. I sure hope you feel better really soon.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Thanks so much. I will go to bed soon. Am lucky to be able to do that today. Husband at work and no kids at home. Just 2 dogs today and a cat. They are content for the time being. Yesterday I was fine and this is just how it happens. No rhyme or reason to have a bad day today. Thanks so much for responding.
@lynettebyc (2416)
• China
11 Jun 08
Hello,carol, i am so sorry that you have to go through all these. I don't have this kind of problem except that sometime i feel my neck aches because of sitting at the computer for quiet a long time with a wrong getsure. I'm losing my appetite these days, i don't know why, but i know it's not because of the pain.
I hope you will get better soon, good luck
@justadevil (65)
10 Jun 08
I really feel for you. I have a bad back and have had surgery, it still has pain but not as bad as it could be, may i suggest a warm compress on it and very gentle moving, staying still isn't very good for a bad back, also when sitting make sure your hips are higher than your knees, or perch on the edge of a chair and don't slouch