How often should you clip a cat's claws?
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
United States
June 10, 2008 12:07pm CST
I try to keep my cat's claws clipped at least twice a month. But, I've noticed lately, that they are able to grow out super long claws in that time. Lately, the cats have been more aggressive with each other.
And, I'm worried that their claws are giving them "courage" to be mean. I can't afford to have mean cats in my house with a child around. How often should cat's claws be trimmed to curb aggressive or violent tendencies? How often do you cut your cat's claws?
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16 responses
@anonymous101 (487)
10 Jun 08
My mum asked the vets when she took Tabby years ago and there response was it's best not to. Mainly if they're outside and need to escape danger (dogs) they can run up the tree easily, with short claws they won't be able to do this.
Cat's kind of maintain them themselves if they're scratching. If they aren't scratching though and they stay in the house mainly (like my tabby, she's 21 this year) then just keep a check on them if they're really starting to curl then they need to be trimmed.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
13 Jun 08
After I read your post, I picked up my big male cat and checked his fingernails as well. His were so long they had started to curl in on themselves. No wonder he has been getting caught on the furniture. I will be more diligent about the cat's upkeep from now on. I'm their mommy too, after all!
@anonymous101 (487)
13 Jun 08
It is hard to tell though, we could tell when tabbys were getting too long though as we had wooden floors. When they were too long it sounded like she was walking in 2 pairs of stilettos! We try to get them cut every time she goes to a vet as she doesn't go out except into the back garden when my parents are around now but she scratches alot and was sometimes cutting herself. Tabbys tree climbing days are over with!
@taqinaka (429)
• Malaysia
10 Jun 08
Hi beautyqueen.Im not an expert about cats but i'll share with u my experience.I usually clip my cat's claw everytime i saw it's getting long.I think twice a month or just once a month.Cat's will scratch things like cushion,rattan or things like it to make their claws longer.This is what i see.So,i'll always tell my cat to stop everytime i saw it doing that.I also check my cat claws everytime it is asleep.LOL.If i saw it's claws are sharp and long,i'll clip them right away.Anyways,this is just a story and experience i want to share.Cheers.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
10 Jun 08
That tip about checking when they are asleep is a good one! Thanks.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
11 Jun 08
All of my cats are declawed, so I do not have to worry much about this.
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Well I never clip my cats claws. But mine goes outside often so she keeps her claws sharp and trim naturally. My cats can be aggresive and have scratched each other but they dont mess with us unless you mess with them first.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
10 Jun 08
I try to make sure our daughter knows not to mess with the cat, you are right about their defensive tendencies. My babies are pretty well behaved, except with each other. Thanks for the tips.
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
12 Jun 08
i do mine as soon as the point grows back.
unfortunely,i own 2 polydactyls,so it takes awhile with all the extra toes.the calico has 25,so that's like doing 2 cats just by itself.
@Iconoclast1 (389)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Never cut a cat's claws, you can really hurt them. Sand them down. When you sand them you can go shorter than when you cut them and you won't hurt the cat. Are they both males? Male cats are aggressive with each other especially in mating season. It doesn't have anything to do with how long their claws are its just instinct.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
10 Jun 08
I have not tried the sanding idea. One is a male, and the other one is a kitten. She is just energetic. The middle one is a female too and the big male cat attacks her with his teeth and claws for something he thinks she has done. I am getting fed up with his big bad attitude. I don't need that in my house. But, he's my little boy so I will have to cope cause my heart won't let me get rid of him!
@eachen2002 (889)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I usually only do it when i take my cat to the vet,I've been told it should be done at least every 6 weeks but sooner if needed,i would ck with a vetenarian though.
@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
10 Jun 08
I have never clipped my kittens claws. I saw some clippers you can buy to clip them but I didn't get them I though about it so I could clip just the very ends where they are really sharp at so they don't scratch your skin when they jump off of you.
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
12 Jun 08
i havent cut gumby's claws yet...he has scratch boards and a scratch post. i am sure it trims it for them, or at least the ends. he hasnt scrathed me yet anyway. he seems well-behaved and prim and proper cat. i used to clip my late shihtzus nails when i saw it was getting too long.
my late cat was declawed because she kept climbing the curtains. i didnt know about scratch boards back in 1989, or i would have bought it for her instead.
@Remembering1996 (2219)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I can't even touch my cat's paws never mind trying to think on trimming his nails for I would get my self bit. My cat is weird for he will only let you touch him if he wants you to but if you try when he don't want you to then be prepared to get scratched. I have watched him chewing on his own nails so I'm wondering if he does it himself out of natural habit. I don't worry to much about it for he's the only cat I have right now.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
11 Jun 08
Wow, I didn't know people clipped their cat's nails. I have always had my cats declawed. Currently, we are keeping kittens and they don't seem to be mean just way to playful!
@william2233 (225)
• Concord, California
12 Jun 08
I don't. My cat is 14 years old. got her when my daughter was born and my son was two. They picked on once each and learned real fast.
It's an inside out side cat. and you should see for your selfs what my daughter does with them-LOL
She puts in a stroller and walks down the street and put them in a baby swing to help them sleep, very trusting. I'll put dog on youtube first
@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Length of claws has nothing to do with aggression. Generally, if you are nice to the cat, the cat should be nice to you. All your cats should be neutered or spayed; neutering a male will lessen aggression.
Nails should be trimmed whenever they get long. Cats should be encouraged to scratch on scratching posts for exercise; it is necessary for their good health. It does not make them longer.
I've never heard of filing a cats' claws. It sounds like it would be much harder to do than a quick clip. If you are careful clipping, you shouldn't hurt a cat. Just don't cut too short.
Loads of luck with your cats.