funny things to do
silly stuff
tease for almost everything
three times a year
i won! did you ever...
By jairgirl
@jairgirl (2877)
United States
June 10, 2008 8:13pm CST
did you ever had playful bet with your hubby/wife/partner ever?
my hubby and i always tease each other for almost everything.
we had bet for three times in a year now and it is full of fun hehe.
the first time (december 2007) we bet was on our way to krispy kremes store, i keep telling him that the direction we are taking is correct and he keeps saying NO
so he asked me if i want to bet $100 and i said YES...
and i did won big time, haha
the second time (march 2008) is on our way home and we are listening to michael jackson's song "BILLY JEAN" i told him that the lyrics is "billy jean is not my LOVER" he said NO and that i am wrong and he was teasing the hell out of me and says it is "billy jean is not my LOVE" so i said wanna bet for $100 bucks (i have the nerve coz i still have the $100 bucks i won last december)... and he said YES
and when we got home i searched for the lyrics and i prove him wrong so i won and i earned $200 total,,, yay!!!
so last saturday we are walking at the mall and while we are the restoration store there is this man that i told him is the same man who works in talbots shop, he keep saying i am wrong and that he is very sure of that.
i said NO and i told him that he should know coz he talks to him a lot. he then asked me if i want to bet "all or nothing" - he is talking about the $100 i won last march so i said even with doubt YES
so he approach the guy and asked if he is the same guy and i just burst out laughing coz i won $200 bucks, hahaha it was so funny that he told me that he is not gonna bet me no more coz i just got $200 from him.
yes, we have the same account but he will have to take that amount from his budget so i have extra money with me.
i know it is silly coz what is his is mine but hey the fun is there and there is something to tease about for years LOL
how about you, do you do silly stuff with your partner? what is the funniest thing you guys ever do?
love to hear from you...
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4 responses
@muscare (3068)
• Australia
13 Jun 08
Hello jairgirl, once again, you are just like my wife, always wrong.....oops, I mean right, LOL! No, we don't have bets with each other, but we are always teasing each other, and disputing different things that happen, or have happened. My wife knows never to doubt me when it comes to the spelling of certain words, or if a word really exists, as she's learnt the hard way that my vocabulary is quite good. However, her memory is better than mine, or so she likes to think, LOL! Once she's made up her mind that something happened at a certain time or place, and there's no proof, then I can't convince her otherwise. Of course it's all in good fun, but I'm sure I'd be the one who was getting rich if we were betting, LOL! I bet you agree with me!
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@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
13 Jun 08
hello muscare,
haha, sounds like a lot like us except the fact that i have both - the spelling and the memory LOL
my hubby thinks i am a walking webster haha he loves to holler at me and ask me the spelling of some words and ask me to differentiate it at times, he is much better than me in a lot of ways but he is very lazy to think so he will just ask me beside is he very much confused himself haha.
i love to hear that you guys are having a lot of fun and teasing out there, it sure is a wonderful relationship indeed and i wish (as always) that most couple will be like yours or mine - that would be hell ei? haha
im sort of good memory of what happened but lately getting forgetful on where i place what coz we have so many cabinets around and some of our boxes are still not yet arranged coz we dont know if we are moving again or not sometime next year and we really dont need to open them yet.
hahaha, poor wife i bet she will sound like my hubby saying NO MORE betting and we will sound alike saying SOME MORE....
btw, how's the weather down under?
it is way too hot out here and today is better than the past days (talking about 103 geezzzz....)
anyway, appreciate your time being here and it sure is always a smile hearing from you.
have a good one.
@muscare (3068)
• Australia
14 Jun 08
Oh, great, if I was married to you, I'd never be right, LOL! But yeah, my wife also asks me how to spell a word if she's writing, and there have been times where I'll say 'look it up in the dictionary', which always gets a reaction. So once again, I can see age must be creeping up on you, since you are starting to forget where things are, LOL!
The weather is lovely and cool, some mornings almost too cold to get up, but then my wife wouldn't have the pleasure of my company. But then nor would you either.....ok, ok, stop smiling like you like that idea....
@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
16 Jun 08
hahaha, you sure knows how to make me smile which is cool except when you mention bout my forgetfulness which is not respectful LOL
haha, i can imagine that your wife and i shows the same reaction when we are told to look it up. i love to ask my husband a lot of stuff he is very knowledgeable for almost about anything so i bugs him sometimes and he will tell me to look it up on the internet - that man ei?
LOL, dont get so many ideas mr. it is not good you know.
im glad that the weather there is sounds pretty awesome it is hot out here but the 3 days is not that bad so hope next week will be the same when i have my driving lesson or should i say the "bumping lesson" LOL
thanks for the smile as always

@josephperera (2906)
• Sri Lanka
25 Jun 08
There is no point in betting with my wife as she is a housewife. If she loses to me I have to give her the money to pay me. But speaking of bets I would like to share this story with you. Maybe you have heard it already.
There was a famous man who had a reputation to winning bets. The mayor of the town was fascinated by this and wanted to meet this person. The gambler came to the mayor and the mayor asked about the secret of his success. The Mayor was willing to take a bet to see whether the gambler will win with him.
Then the gambler took a bet saying that he will draw three black lines on the Mayor's bottom before dawn tomorrow. The mayor took the bet with confidence and was very vigilant and careful throughout the night. In the morning he came to meet the people and found the gambler with the Mayors bother waiting to meet him.
The Mayor was sure that he watched his bottom all night and he had additional gardeners around them. Then he called the gambler and asked what he thinks. He told the Mayor to show his bottom. the Mayor showed to all the poeple. Then streeting
The presentation was wonderful. You cant savor
@josephperera (2906)
• Sri Lanka
25 Jun 08
Ignore the last two sentences in my response. It is a typo. Anyway suddenly the Mayor's brother started and shouted at the Mayor. The reason is that the Gambler and the mayor's brother had bet here had bet that
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@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
25 Jun 08
LOL im a housewife too an di dont have my own money other than the one i earned here and if i lost to those bet i sure need to work my @$$ off here to earn those few hundreds of dollars haha.
that is very funny story, i think i have heard something similar to that but not sure if it ends the same way coz i was too young then.
thanks for sharing it with me and other readers as well.
have fun!
@josephperera (2906)
• Sri Lanka
26 Jun 08
Please ignore everything from the last para in my response. There was a very rare power problem when I was typing this and the everything beyond that does not make sense. I have retyped it as follows:
The Mayor was sure that he watched his bottom all night and he had additional guards around him. Then he called the gambler and asked what he thinks. He told the Mayor to show his bottom. the Mayor lowered his pants showed his bottom to everyone and was cheering with happiness for winning the bet.
But then the mayors brother was furious. The gambler has bet with the mayor's brother, about five times the amount that he bet with the Mayor, that he will make the mayor lower his pants and show his bottom to the public.

@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
14 Jun 08
hello jairgirl!! it was indeed funny and a good way to bond really helps to make relationships grow and certainly no boredom will sets in.... i guess none..just some jokes he imparted with me ..and we had a good laugh together after that...or silly incidents that happening to him or around
during work and vice versa..

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@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
14 Jun 08
hello vanities,
yes, fun time are great for bonding specially if the girl always won LOL
kidding aside, i feel that some relationship lacks the fun on it and becomes dull over time, i have told him that i dont want our relationship to be like that as i see it boring and not a happy one.
i am glad to know that you and your hubby are having wonderful time together
wish you all the best and thanks for sharing.
@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
19 Jul 08
hi jairgirl,
that is really nice and fun, especially if the loser really pays the winner
. well, it likely doesn't work if we bet for money. maybe we can just bet for a massage. the loser massages the winner, or other think like that. well, i have a long distance relationship, so i don't have chance to do that things.

@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
21 Jul 08
hello sutanhartanto,
yeah my hubby do pays me well LOL
i think the reason why he pays is because i will bug him all day and tease him that he loses the same way he will tease me if he happens to win.
we both enjoy doing crazy stuff and mind you he is one heck of a smart @$$ so i try to get even during our bets. unfortunately those happy days are gone coz he says he is not gonna bet no more coz he always lose.
i think he forgot that he won one time years ago and i have to give him a week massage (an hour a day) and that is hard LOL
my hubby gets massage every now and then so whether i win or not he will still get it coz that is his way of falling in love more hahaha!
oh, sorry to hear that you and your partner (girlfriend or wife???) are away from each other (abroad or just somewhere else in the country)
it is not easy to have a long distance relationship and it is costly indeed specially if you guys are like us who talks a lot and chat as much as we can.
anyway, i wish you both the best. i hope the distance will be over now so you guys can enjoy each others arms.