Who is the Moon god??

June 10, 2008 9:17pm CST
Do you wonder why the crescent Moon is the symbol of Islam? why do they put a crescent Moon on top of their mosques and minarets? Why do flags of Islamic nations have the crescent Moon?
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4 responses
11 Jun 08
The moon god is as old as civelisation itself. All thrughout the middle east timples to the moon god have been found, most populer names come from the Sumarians, Babylonians and Akkadians, Those being Nanna, Suen and Asimbabbar. His symbol was the cresent moon, he was married to the sun goddess and his dauters were mentioned as the starts and sometime his daughters were mentioned as being three, and he has no sons. The Babylonians (Iraqis) trnsformed the name Suen into Sin, I the Ugarit texts, one of Sins daughters was Istar and among the Persians and Egyptians the moon god was also called Kusuh, and was the judge of men and gods. In the old testament of the bible (see Duet: 4:19;7:3, IIKings. 21:3,5; 23:5 Jer.8:2, 19:13; Zeph 1:5 ect) Isriel was constanly warned against worsheping the moon god, and it was the cult of the moon god that when Isriel fell into idolatry with usely. Back to his daughters, In Arabia the three daughters were named al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat. This is as far as I will go.
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• Malaysia
13 Jun 08
hi FTA, we meet again. u r really F (free), really! i like u
• Philippines
11 Jun 08
I am not certain of why Moslems have that crescent moon at the top of their mosques. But I know that Moslems are monotheistic in their practice, meaning, they only believe in ONE GOD. And we know that their God is called Allah. Thus, they don't have any kinds of other Gods or that Moon God. Maybe the moon is just symbolical with regards to their faith. Just a symbol of faith not the God they worship. :)
• Philippines
11 Jun 08
really what about this.. ^_^ Archeologists have discovered that the name of the Moon god in Arabia was "Al-ilah" which was later shortened to "Allah." His consort was the Sun goddess and their daughters wer called "the daughters of Allah." The names of the "daughters of Allah" as given in the Qur`an are Lat, Uzza and Manat (Surah 53:19-20). They are the stars next to the symbol of the Moon. have any idea.. ^_^
• Philippines
11 Jun 08
end their are lots of evidence.. ^_^
@Gordano (795)
• United States
17 Jun 08
It is Not The Archaeologists, This Nonsense Can't be by Archaeologists, But Rather it is Sunday philosophers Who Used to tell you That Only Them Have The Truth while all Others are Going to Hell, See My Response Hereunder.
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Iam not Islamic so I do not know the answers to your last questions.Iam a christian and I do know that the moon is not a who.It is a 'what' that God created.In the bible,the book of Genesis,Chapter 1 verses 14 thru 19 tell how God created the brighter light for the day,which is the sun and the lesser light to govern the night,which is the moon.
• Philippines
16 Jun 08
it seems you misunderstand me.. ^_^ thanks for the response.. yes God created everything.. but you know who can deceive you?? its Satan.. he can create everything just to deceive you.. ^_^ i hope you get my point.. im a Christian too.. ^_^
• India
11 Jun 08
hmm.. thats interesting, even i read about this ....
• India
11 Jun 08
Yeah, it was on a web page, i didnt go into detail, as that was not what i was searching for and so didnt bother to see the web page or anything...
• Philippines
11 Jun 08
really.. what book and the author? or in a web page?.. ^_^