Art of earning money?

June 11, 2008 7:32am CST
Earning money is an art. When evever we make money we feel so relief...views from other since I've made money ever so curious for that. I am a very ambitious man so wish alot money. Hope my frist earning be all right but waiting for the money whether it is lessor more.. Then I make my mind for the further earning .. So are you agree earning is an art or luck?
3 responses
@StereoDiva (2143)
• Canada
11 Jun 08
HAHA, I had to laugh at the person that said it was skill now that they are making $800 a month. I think anyone would be naive to not recognize that luck does play a certain role in it all. Whether the luck was stumbling across the right program, meeting a great mentor online, etc, you can only plan and prepare for so much. I think it is a bit of both, but one factor that I think overrides both of those is persistence. You need to keep forging on until you create both your luck and perfect your art. Thanks for the great discussion.
• United States
11 Jun 08
I would have to say that I think that earning money has very little to do with art or luck. Sure some of each might be thrown into the mix. There is always the guy who stands out on top because he was in the right place at the right time. But for the most part, earning money and success come from hard work. If you are willing to work hard and really work hard then you have a chance to make money. However, riches are over rated. People who have too much money often find that they lack other direction and purpose and they often produce children who don't value money and sometimes don't value life, love, family, and friendship. To over come should work to make just enough money to live comfortably and they should make sure that they are teaching the right things to their children.
11 Jun 08
A bit of both I think . You definitely need an art in it - which I havent got . I belong to r.yuwie/onamission and have only made a few cents but some people are making mega bucks. Luck becuase you have to be in the right place at the right time as well as being able to create your own chances