Are you an over-nervous person?

June 11, 2008 12:02pm CST
I would like to know if anyone had this kind of experience before? I can hardly sleep and my heart was beating very fast (keep thinking about next day) before the deadline of an assignment, exams or the day results are out.... Sometimes I'll get very nervous and start panicking over a small matter. There's a time where I cant find my wallet (it's in my bag) and I thought I left it in the bus. I actually wanted to start chasing after the bus but my friend stopped me and asked me to double check my bag. Any solutions on how to overcome this behaviour or how to stay calm?
1 response
@Phlamingho (7825)
• Denmark
11 Jun 08
It has happened to me every now and then, mostly because of stress. When I get really strssed out I can get sort of panic attacks. It's very dangerous, and you should do everything in your power to try to calm down. Maybe talk to your doctor if the problem continues.
16 Jun 08
I am trying to stay calm now but my heart keeps pounding very fast. (exam results will be out soon).