I have no friends.
@luckycharm00812 (621)
United States
June 11, 2008 6:23pm CST
Or at least that is the way I feel sometimes. I feel like people are claiming they are still my friends, but I never hear from anyone anymore. I try contacting them, and sometimes I get a half thought out response, or just a "I miss you too". My x-boyfriend used to be one of my best friends, we used to talk all the time, even though we were broken up, (my son's father). Now I feel like he just wants nothing to do with me, and just wants to live his life "freely". I put the quotes there because I cannot do that. He's active duty and living in Texas, and I live in Maryland. So our son has always been with me. I love my son dearly, but I just have no life. I've gone out a twice since I've had him and just don't have any fun.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel like people who were so close to me, feel so far away now. I make plans, and everything falls through on their end.
I've taken up summer classes, and I guess for the better, I have Jury Duty as well. Maybe I'll meet some new friends, or even just someone to have a conversation with.
Have you ever felt this way? What did you do about it?
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30 responses
@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I felt that way too, when I was a newly married and pregnant, as well as after I had my daughter. I just kept punishing myself (a lot of this was due to post-postpartum, as well as letting my husband cut me off from my friends), but I put on a brave face while at work. I slowly started coming out of my shell and trying to befriend my coworkers (often with disastrous results). Finally, I started doing things (I kept going to school, became my daughter's Girl Scout leader) and reconnected in odd ways with old friends (several were Girl Scout leaders in town, one by accident through Freecycle) and finally divorced my husband (the best move I ever made). It took YEARS--my daughter is about to turn 15, and although my life is still lonely at times, I try to find things to occupy myself. Try making weekly 'dates' with different friends, join a playgroup for your son and befriend other parents, or start a new hobby. I know it's hard, especially since you believe that your ex is 'the one', but if he's in the military and active duty, it could be that he's just got a lot going on (he might go overseas), but you can do it! I sent you a friend request, and I hope that we can stay in touch!
Good luck sweetie!

@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Can you list here (or in PM) five things about yourself that make you unique? And go back to the doctor--"hey, the meds you prescribed make it dangerous to be around my baby and that's NOT cool!"--you need to keep pestering them until they get it figured out! Chat with you soon!
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
15 Jun 08
I believe part of what I'm going through is still post-partum. My son is only 10 months, and I've been to the doctor's several times for it, but the medicine that was given to me only made me unbareable to be around.
As for the ex, well, I would love for us to be together.. But I'm not going to try for something that only one person, in what should be a two prson relationship, wants. So who knows. I guess I shouldn't hold my breathe.
I need to find new ways of meeting people, and know that my friends I had are still friends, but I also need to find myself before I go introducing any new people into my life. My self confidence level is, well, some what nn-existant at times anymore. I used to be the most confident person I knew. I need to find that again.
Thank you so much for your post, sorry it took a while to reply. Can't wait to chat some more! Best Wishes!
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I'm an introvert. I don't make friends easily and I'm not terribly good at nurturing friendships, either. So I often feel like I have no friends.
Friendships have to be fed AND they have to be mutual. Also, friendships evolve over time depending on our experiences and circumstances. I have "best friends" from other stages in my life that I no longer hear from and who seldom respond. We have both moved on. And there are friends who physically move on, move away, making it hard to maintain the same level of friendship as before.
Take heart. There are people out there who have common interests and are looking for friendships, too. Don't be too quick and over-invest in a relationship before you really get to know each other. But do mingle as much as you can. Make yourself to talk to someone in your class before or after class. Make yourself talk to a different person each day as you wait to be selected for a jury. Make small talk with your neighbors. Get to know someone at your child's school or some other mothers of children your age that you meet wherever you take your child when you are out.
But don't let yourself get depressed and isolate yourself even more. Work out some child-care sharing with other mothers and go DO something without your son at least once a week. Take care of your emotional needs so you don't appear "needy" to everyone you meet.
You'll get through this. Hang in there.

@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Thanks for the best response. You will see the changes very soon, I bet!

@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Thank you, that is some amazing advice that I would probably have never heard from anyone except for here on Mylot. Hence, why we love it.
I am going to start taking those steps you mentioned because they are great ideas. I do feel needy, and I feel like people are either drifting away, or I'm pushing them away because of my emotional neediness. I would like to blame some of this on post partum, but not all of it.
I love your ideas, and hope to become great mylot friends.
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
12 Jun 08
hi luckycharm,
I feel like this at least twice a week. When I was younger like in my teen years I got caught in the moment many times thinking I was going to stay that age forever and everybody and everything was never going to change.
Now in my 30s, wow I think back and wonder about how I could be in such a fantasy land? Who was I kidding? My mom use to tell me that life is short and time goes by so quickly and I thought she was talking out of her *ss.
I noticed that it went a lot quicker after I had my son, as it's been 8 years already gone by and it was in a blink of an eye.
All my friends that I had back then, I maybe talk to 2 or 3.
Everyday I keep meeting new people that I find myself trying to replace the old ones with but have to remember that two people can't be the same so sometimes I just have to remember to move on. To me, that's what life is all about, learning lessons and experiencing people, places, emotions.. etc.
Have a great day!
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I am only 19, and I feel like I'm on the brink of 40. Not that that's a bad thing, I just skipped over the years I would have spent running around. I love my son dearly, and wouldn't give him up for anything. And you're right, no one can replace your old friends because no one is the same. I guess I will have to learn just to move on.
Great moral. lol.
Thank you so much for your response.
You have a great day too!
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@meiyeec511 (405)
• Malaysia
12 Jun 08
I have had this feel before, that time I'm too attach to my boy friend, some more I have no own transport, so I had distance with my friends.
But since I have my own transport, and I meet my old friend back, we did keep in touch. So now I don't feel that I have no friend.
I think you can contact with more old friends, this may help.
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I, like you did before, have no transportation. I use my parent's car when I need to, but most of my friends live over 100 miles away from me. I hope that I will be closing this gap soon, I miss them.
My old friends I want nothing to do with. Some I don't want my son growing up around, and other's have taken advantage of my kindness. I don't need people in my life like that.
I'm am way too attached to my x-boyfriend, so I need to figure out a way to fix that.
Thank you for your response.
= )
@SwtJenlove (1090)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I have felt like that before. I actually felt like i had no friends when i recently moved to where i am now. I still only maybe have 1 or 2 close friends in the area i am in now. I have tons of friends where i moved from that i am thankfully still in contact with. I am so thankful that we are all still in contact. I guess it takes a little effort on both sides to keep the friendships strong. I have 2 small kids so im home alot and thats one reason why i dont have many friends around where i am now. everyone else is younger and have babysitters as to where i cant easily hand my kids over and just go out. so i guess thats why i dont have as many friends. I have alot of associates who i can hang out with from time to time or talk to when i need to but i dont call them close friends.
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
13 Jun 08
I have a little boy, and I'm always at home. My biggest outting during the week is to go grocery shopping. I'm very attached to my son, and think I would have some anxiety issues if I let him with a baby sitter for more than 2 hours. I am in contact with my friends occassionally, but that's nothing compared to actually hanging out with them.
@BloomerBeak (106)
• Philippines
12 Jun 08
I always felt this way before. I always thought, I have no friends and people comes to me, claiming they're my friends, and ask favors from me, but in the end, they'd just dump me. I have no communication with them whatsoever, and they would just contact me whenever they ask something from me. I didn't realize I have true friends until my wedding day, a lot of them came. I was actually happy to see them.
So you see, having friends doesn't mean you should always keep in touch with them. Even though you are miles away from them, once they've touched you life, they will remain forever in your heart, no matter how little you talk with each other. Don't feel bad about it, just move on and make more friends.
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I like you thought process. I'm not mad, or upset about them not always being around. It's more or less we make plans, and then it falls through on their part. I know they're always there for me when I need someone to talk to. It just gets kinda lonely carrying a conversation with a 10 month old.
Thank you for your response.
@BloomerBeak (106)
• Philippines
12 Jun 08
believe me, I know how you feel. It's really hard and I cried so hard every night looking at my son. Mine only lasted for two months, but up until now, I can remember the pain that I went through.
@scapula (760)
• Jordan
12 Jun 08
Yeah sometime I feel like you, I've a lot of friends, but sometime I've period of silence, I don't see anybody and nobody call me or even try to ask about me, and I get angry, lonley and feeling bad, this is bad, but when so, I try to call one of m best friends and explain why I'm angry from him so he can understand me and apologize, i don't mean that he should apologize, I mean to feel me. because people sometime forgot, yeah really, even their friends, when you become busy you won't remember anyone except yourself that's what happen with most people. So If you want not to feel like this, try to keep in touch with others even for a while, you will feel better.
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I know people forget, and I'm not angry or even upset at them for having their own lives. I was so used to having them around, and then over the past year it's like I don't even exist to them. I'm finding other outlets.
Thank you for your response.
@bestisyettocome (1531)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I think all mothers have this feeling from time to time. So they say..this too shall pass...I think you will be having fun soon..Enjoy your little one while he's little, and you will be reward in time to come! Chinny up, girl! You will survive this!
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Thank you so much for the word of enouragement. I know things will get better, it's just a matter of getting there.
I love my son, and I guess the reason I won't get a baby sitter is because I don't want to miss anything. It seems like he does something new everyday.
Thank you so much for your response.
= )
@eachen2002 (889)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I've tried real hard the past few years to make friends andieven got screwed over by one of them. i got extremely depressed even with my family around.i get extremly moody around them and i always feel like i'm being smother by them,and i know they don't understand anything i'm going thru.The only outlet i have is going to work and karate which my family doesn't really support me with,i get freguent arguement with my mom and she won't let me with my daughter,that a whole different ball of wax don't ask.I'm pretty sure that i'm going to die an old maid,with my cat,so your not alone,there a lot of us lonely hearts out there.
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I think you doing karate is a great outlet, and for anyone to tell you otherwise is nonsense. I'm looking for a gym membership just so I can have some me time, and to help me feel better. Karate is the same thing.
I live close to my family, but I don't share my personal problems with them. I don't get the type of response that is helpful from them.
I hope things with you mom level out, and you'll find someone. I mean your cat is great, lol, but I'm sure you want more than he(she) can give you.
Thank you so much for your response.
= )
@pollydhuca (227)
• Indonesia
12 Jun 08
i ever felt it, and i did around with my motorcycle...
i just look for a new information what had happen when i was not there or go there....lol
at least i found a new one which can be include my plan after i'm back with all my friends..
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Driving around for a period of time used to always make me feel beter, but with the gas prices now, I can only afford to go where I need. I've started combining my errands, and do them all at once instead of just running out and making 5 trips.
I hope I find something new soon, and I definitely want to include my other friends too.
Thank you for your response.
= )
@ChristLikeFarmer (563)
• Philippines
12 Jun 08
Dont worry too much! perhaps they are busy? I dont get to see my friends also because all of them are out of the country. Im the only one left here. Simply keep yourself busy. Do a lot here in mylotting. People here are more friendlier than the actuall people you see. :D
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I do seem to worry a lot here as of late. Whether it be about me being late, or if it's about, obviously, missing my friends.
I've come to notice I'm much happier on days I spend here on mylot.
Thank you so much for your response.
@libo2881543 (67)
• China
12 Jun 08
sometimes you feel you have no friends i sometimes have the same feeling bit it is not ture ? they just don‘t satisfies us or do something disappiont us ? they love us in fact and they look us as friends
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I agree. I love them dearly, I just wish they were closer.
Thank you for your response.
@lilsponge101 (11)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I've had that same feeling, but on a smaller scale. Moving from middleschool to Highschool all my friends I've been with my whole life seem to just claim me as there friend when it suits them. I try to make plans with them, but like you said it always falls out on their part. What I have decided to do is to just make new and better friends, it was hard for me moving from people I've known my whole life to other people I am just know starting to know.
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I had a few friends do that to me as well. I'm working on making new friends, it's just it's hard for me to find a baby sitter for my little one. Sometimes I have to for my doctor's appointments, but most of the time, I feel like I am abandoning him if I leave him somewhere. Even though I know I'm not, it's just an inner feeling.
I hope with my extra classes I am taking over the summer, and jury duty that I have until july, I can find some new people that replace that void I am feeling.
Thank you so much for your response.
= )
@finewine (3)
• Macau
12 Jun 08
very nice to meet you, you have the angel face. in fact, i always told me that if i feel lonely today, because i had the warming memory before. you are the luky lady, since you have the precious gift -- your son, maybe you every day had to use many time and energy to take care of him, but the thing you do are very happiness and worthiness. i think what you every need is to make friends to share what you feel. you had said that some of your friends are not very keep in touch, i am deeply understand what the feeling since i leave the school, when we are had to face the society, we incessantly to pursue what we want, and forget what we indeed need in our heart. so, today is my luck day for i meet you here, can we make a friend to share what the happy or unhappy things at the coming day...
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Thank you so much for your compliment. I love spending everyday with my son, and you are right, I wish they were here for me to share it with them.
Hopefully I make new friends here soon.
I am adding you as a friend. Thank you so very much for your response.
= )
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
12 Jun 08
When your a kid and maybe even a teenager friends are so very close mainly because you are young and single in your life style, as you get a bit older sometimes it feels like your friends have moved on as we all sort of go down different roads and move on a little, I think this is normal, they say a friend is one that you can be away from for awhile and then you can move in and out of each others life the main thing is that you are there for each other in the real bad times, I think it is rather normal to move on and live your own lives but make sure you do have times together even if it isn't as often...this can be sad though when everyone else is coupled up and one may still be very single...
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I love my friends dearly, but I don't even feel like they are moving in and out of my life. I used to love being single, and finally thought I found the perfect one for me. Though I think that, he does not. So being isn't something that is coming easy to me. It would even be easier if maybe I felt like I had friends, but it doesn't.
I guess right now, taking up the extra course load over the summer will keep me occupied.
Thank you for your response.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
12 Jun 08
Hello Luckycharm, we are in the same boat but you know what I do to make my loneliness leave me is to come right here in mylot and pass my day. Yes I used to have alot of friends. They were always around, but I didn't know that it was because I could have assist them in time of need. Now I have lost my job because of my illness and I don't have any friend. There are times I even forget to pray but knowing that God is there for me comfort my soul. Your babyfather maybe need his space. There are times when couple separate and one of them realize that they are still in love and do not know how to cope with it, so even that friendship they used to share begin to get strain. Don't worry about it he will comes around soon. All the best.
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I am seriously hoping that giving him his space, listening to his needs, and not smothering him will bring him back to me. I would give anything for us to be a family and be together. Not that I share it will him much, but it tears me apart that his son is growing up and he can't be here.
I'm sorry about your illness, and think mylot is a great way to pass the time. Friends over the internet can sometimes be better than the friends you have physically.
Thank you for your response.
@vinnys1981 (30)
12 Jun 08
I know how You feel I have no Friends Myelf all the ones I knew turned out to be scumbags One even stoled My camera which was very important to me. I guess I just got used to being alone plus I believe I am a fairly boring person so that doesn't help LOL!
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Right after I had my son, I end my friendships with some of my friends because I did not want my son growing up around them, or thinking it would be ok for the to come around me while he was with me. My best friend lives in New Jersey, and I live in Maryland. We went to college together. There is also a bit of an age difference, she's 21 and I'm only 19.
My two best friends in high school took advantage of my kindness and what I had given them. Though I miss hanging out with them, I do not regret that I ended the friendship because they were bad people.
You don't seem boring, but a very smart one.
@budz08 (55)
• Philippines
12 Jun 08
Well I guess your friends is just so busy with their own lives or with other things right now...and maybe you are just too emotional about it like before you spend much quality time with your friends....Try to channel your thought on some other things aside from it and for sure you'll feel different...
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Handling emotion right now isn't something I am very good at right now. So you're probably right.
Thank you for your response.
@nate_d099 (175)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I've felt this way before and i would say x's are not the answer. I know i dont wanna talk to my ex, and ll my guy firends feel the same. Maybe join some programs or clubs of some sort and meet new people and hang out with them. Maybe after that your friends will be jealous that you have no time for them anymore and want you back even more.
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I've decided to take up my time with summer classes. Hopefully this will help. lol, and I don't know about them being jealous, but it would be great to hang out with them.
@fantasticliu (6)
• China
12 Jun 08
It seems that everyone has such a problem. Me too. I am a college student and for the past years , I indeed make a lot of so-called friends . The reason I say 'so -called' is that i always feel they are just playmates or the people I know but not the friends I indeed need. I 'm not sure whether this is my problem or their problem.I think the fierce competition sometimes contribute to this result.So now I gradully begin to make some friends out of my own area. and it seems to be going well until now.
Best wishes to the friendship !
And best wishes to you luckycharm o(n_n)o...
@luckycharm00812 (621)
• United States
12 Jun 08
When I was dorming at my other college, I always had a bunch of different groups of friends. I had friends I ate lunch with, friends I just had class with, my party friends, my real friends, my soccer friends etc. So when it came down to it, I knew who I could trust, and who I could come knocking on their door at night if I had a problem. Even if it was just a small one.
I guess I just miss having that sense of friendship.
Thank you so much for your response.