Am I Overreacting???
By skinnychick
@skinnychick (6905)
United States
June 12, 2008 1:37am CST
As with everything, I'm posting my life on the lot. Today I got some good news and some bad news.
Ok good news first:
Van Morrison is coming to Chicago!! Woo Hoo! July 8th is the day. I got a great deal on some great seats and I have a little saved so I went for it and bought them. Anyone who has seen me post in any music discussion or knows me on here knows that I love Van Morrison. I have never gotten the oppourtunity to see him back in the day (I'm a young Van fan) and I have been waiting for this for years. I was very close to my grandmother growing up and she brought me up on Van, Bob Dylan, Cat Stevens, and pretty much all the other old music I love today. So this concert means a lot to me.
Bad News:
My boyfriend can't go. He is working and I guess can't seem to get out of it. He would be the only one in the world who would appreciate it and the only one I want to go with. He can't adjust the schedule unfortunately at this point because there is really noone to cover for him.
So I give him the good news and he gives me that. I'm not mad at least not yet. I have been crying off and on all night about it. Every time I think about it, I just sob. He knows how important it is, he is a huge Van fan, he heard me crying on the phone, and all I got was a please understand, we need the money- BLAH BLAH BLAH. We don't need the money that bad- extra is always good. I don't think (though I'm not sure) he would lose his job.
My heart is seriously broken about this. I love my man more than anything but this is really stinging me.
So am I being stupid and should I let it go? Or should I go on about it and see what will come of the situation?
I don't know what to do here. We are very open and honest about our feelings but I don't want to come across like an idiot.
Somebody please help or tell me I'm not an idiot for being this upset.
Thanks for reading.
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29 responses
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
12 Jun 08
You're not an idiot for feeling what you do - if you feel it, it's valid. But, darling, why can't you just go by yourself? Give the ticket away, sell it. It doesn't matter what you decide to do with the ticket - what matters is that you GO! You not only want to go, you need to go, you need to have that communion with your Grandma. But honey, even if you bring a 'friend' that you're not so close to, and you start crying at the first notes played, it's ok! What they think does NOT MATTER! So what if they think you're a crybaby or strange woman - you know what you are. I know what you are. No one's thoughts about you is going to change that. No matter what you do, Skinny, GO TO THE CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, now can I tell you how jealous I am? Wahhhhhh! I wanna see Van!!!!!! And July 8 is my birthday too! So, when you're there, Skinny, when you're sitting there and he's singing, or playing the horn, or just standing there being Van, think of me for a moment, because I will be there with you in spirit. I've never seen him in person, darlin. I hate to say that, but it's true. Ogod, Skinny, I would so love to be there! I doubt he'll sing Wavelength, but it's my favorite, and if he does, give out a good scream for me, please, 'cause that's what I'd do, I'd just scream in happiness, in joy, in absolute rapture! This is going to be so fun for you, I just know it is, no matter who you go with, or if you go by yourself.
Your s/o isn't happy about this either, darlin, he couldn't be. So try not to make it too much worse for him, cause it's not his choice. My hubby can't ever get out of work, well, he doesn't want to get out of work, he's so dedicated - his work affects patients, children who are sick, sick, sick, and his dedication is something that I so admire and love, although it's gotten in the way of a few things over the years. How many times have I had to go to a holiday celebration without him, or go visit my sister in another town without him, or spent Thanksgiving alone all day till he got home, 'cause he was at work. Too many to count. But that's his life. And it's his work and his pay that keeps our bodies and souls together, stocks our pantry, and gives me the freedom to be able to be sitting here right now, typing this to you. Try to find some peace with it, Skinny. Go ahead and rant and rave, cry and shout, and resent the injustice of it - and then, accept the facts, and adjust your plans. I've gone LOTS of places by myself and it always works out fine. In fact, sometimes I'm most glad to go by myself - he can be a stick in the mud sometimes, lol, sorry to say, but there are times that I can have more fun without him than with him. Doesn't mean I love him any less, just means that I'm sometimes flying solo.
So fly solo, or find someone to take the ticket. But go, let Van's dulcet tones fill your whole body, and transport you to another place, where your Grandma is, where your soul is free. Enjoy, darling. It's kind of a once in a lifetime opportunity, at this point - he'snot getting any younger, you know. I love ya, baby. I really hope that nothing I've said here hurts you in any way. I hope that with all my heart.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
12 Jun 08
They all might wreck me...LOL!! You'll be with my in spirit!!You can bet!
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I wish I could take you, like I have said many times before you get it. I know it isn't the end of the world. I get so lost in Van and who knows when the next time he will be around. I couldn't let an amazing deal go by.
I wonder if he will play Wavelength or Astral Weeks or And it Stoned Me....And about a hundred others. I bet he does but if I hear Crazy Love it's over! Watch that be the first song or something. Sigh...It would be just my luck. LOL!
Love you too and thanks for being there for me! XOXOXOXOXOXO
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
12 Jun 08
So Crazy Love is gonna completely wreck you,is it? Can't blame ya, it's an amazing song. But it must have some real significance to you, involving your Grandma, I'm sure. Hang on to her, when he sings that, 'cause he probably will. You'll be ok. You'll be surrounded with Van's voice, and your Grandma's love, wow, what a combo! And I WILL be with you in spirit, definitely. I'm so happy for you that you get to go. I can't wait to hear about it! It'll kill me, but still......
You're amazing, Skinny. There's something about you that's just so true and human and deep. I love it, I love everything I've seen of you. And you're so funny too, and you see the lightness in pretty much everything. Some things just take longer than others, darlin. You'll find your peace with this situation. And you get to see VAN!!! Lucky, lucky girl. XXXXX

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Jun 08
skinnychick I know how you must feel but your boyfriend
must be considered also.He said he cannot get anyone'
to cover for him, and seriously would you want him
to lose his job over this jhust to please you. why
'not get a best friend or some really close relative to
go with you.Yes you should let it go. go to the concert
'but with a good friend, let your boyfriend do what he
'must do. you are really overreacting a bit,sorry to
say that but I can see both sides of the story here.
You are not an idiot but neither is your boyfriend.please
go see Van Morrison and think of me, I would love to see him. lol.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
14 Jun 08
I will definitely think of you!! I wouldn't want him to lose his job even though it's a second one. Thanks for seeing both sides. You know we get into moods (at least I do) and it's hard to see both sides at times. Even though you really want to. Thanks for the response.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Some times we get disappointed, but you cant mak others do what you want them to do. If every person took time off from their job to go see a concert. Even one that means a lot to them. The businesses wouldnt have a business. Do youhave any girlfiends or other friends who could go with you?? If not then just go alone and enjoy it. I loved Van morrisons "Brown eyed girl" Good luck to you on whatever happens
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Thanks so much for the response. Your so right. I wish I could make his punkin head go but the man has to sing himself. Sighhhhh!
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
12 Jun 08
One - You're not an idiot
Two - You ARE overreacting.
I'm not saying this in a judgemental way.
I've been there. I've overreacted plenty of times.
I used to get a picure in my head about how things should turn out and when it didn't, I would be HUGELY disappointed or even angry!
After a while, I had to accept the fact that things RARELY if EVER turn out exactly how we want them too.
It sounds like you've got yourselve a great guy!
He's responsible AND you have stuff in common!
You've gotta appreciate that and try not to sweat the other stuff.
I know this thing is extremely important to you and you think that him missing one day of work probably isn't a big deal, but it might be about more than one day's worth of pay. You gotta think about the fact that when you're working at a job, you need to be responsible and sometimes you need to not piss off the boss if you want to KEEP that job!
I hope things work out for you guys, but if they don't, try to look at the big picture. What's more important? A concert or the guy you love?
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
12 Jun 08
He is absolutely a great guy and of course he what we share is much more important. I guess I'm more disappointed than anything. But I will surely get over it come concert time. He owes me big time, though!! LOL
Thanks for the response.
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@scorpioqt86 (38)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Unless this is the last concert you'll ever get to go to, then everything will be alright. I do think that you are overreacting just a little bit. You should respect that he has to work. You should even view the situation as your boyfriend being responsible because I know a lot of people who would just put work on the back burner. Good Luck! HTH
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Did you see how old Van is getting? LOL
It might be the last time he plays here. But who knows? I do respect him for working. I just don't like it right now. At least, he isn't lazy. He's got that going for him and a bunch of other stuff.
Thanks so much for the response.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Thanks for the response!! It's a once in a lifetime show! :)
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
12 Jun 08
You are not silly for being upset but you do need to see it from his Point really to Sweetie, he can not afford to loose his Job, what would you do if he did, I know this night means a lot to you but not to loose a job over it
No doubt he really wants to go with you and is probably upset himself that he can't but he is being very responsible about it as he knows he can not loose his Job over it as much as he would like to go with you so do see it from his point as well Sweetie
I am sorry he can't go with you and yes I would be upset to if it was me and my Partner but I would respect him for being responsible about it
Hugs to you and I do hope that you will still enjoy it

@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
12 Jun 08
My rational logical side knows that. But the heart is still broken, though fixable in this case. This is more of a second job and not the main one. But I don't want him to lose it. My tears just aren't that important. I should be grateful that he is responsible. Hugsssssss right back at you and thanks for the response.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
15 Jun 08
You are not reacting.I would do the same thing.It is the right thing to mourn that your soulmate can't make it. But I would still go,and if he is as big of a fan as I am, I would wire my self for sound and bring a good camera. So when he came home, you could show him the pictures and play the bootleg and it would be like he was there.I know you love your boyfriend but I hope you still get to go to the concert.

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Of course the phone. Can you tell I don't carry a cell phone? These days you can take pictures with your phone.Good Luck!
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
16 Jun 08
That's another great idea!! I'm trying to figure out how to go it. Maybe through my phone. :)
Thanks for the response.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I think you should go, definitely. Either take a female friend or a relative if your boyfriend can't go. The other person might just become a fan if they aren't already. Maybe an older relative will like you grandmother's music, too.
But definitely make your dream come true. Dreams are important. Your boyfriend will either understand, get over it, or continue to be an A** about it. But if you have wanted this for years, and you have this opportunity, go for it!

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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I'm definitely going I decided that. It just won't be the same. His loss I guess. At least, I would like to think so. Thanks for the response.
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@kaleegirl45 (1515)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Don't feel bad, as the others are saying, he has to do what is right. I know how you feel, I have been in our situation, I made a big deal out of it and he took me where i wanted to go. He is always working, 6 even 7 days a week. So I get upset when we can't go anywhere. So what I do, is ask my daughter to go with me. or I will invite my sister. Call your sister and go have a good time, or a friend. than when you go home tell him all about it, and maybe next time he'll both of you will go together. Make sure you buy him a t-shirt, CD and if you can record the concert do that, and when he gets home both of you can watch it. hope this helps

@kaleegirl45 (1515)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Let me know how the concert was. I've only been to two concerts in my entire life. I love oldies and when we went to Laughlin, chubby checker was there I got to go to his concert. It was a lot of fun. He actually came over and gave me hug.

@cryw0lf (1302)
• United Kingdom
12 Jun 08
Explain to him that this concert means SO much to you, and that the extra money isnt as important as this (for you at least). Maybe try to have a word with his boss too, i mean i know its none of your business but its worth a try isnt it? Just one day couldnt hurt if hes a good worker... Could it? My boyfriend recently took two days off work to drive me all the way up the country to see a gig - for my birthday. He knew how important it was for me. You just need to make him understand. He shouldnt put work over your happiness - that's his logic telling him to do that. Bring him out of his little work nutshell and show him that he should be more worried about your happiness then ONE day at work.
Good luck with your situation. I hope you both get to go :] enjoy.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I know his boss well so that is a thought. I bet I could work some magic...I hope we both too in the end get to go. Thanks for the response.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
16 Jun 08
It's not quite a conventional job. His "boss" is actually a mutual friend and would understand the situation but I'm not going that route anyway. I'm going by myself if I have to! :)
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Sorry hun, but this time you are being an idiot. I had this exact same thing happen to me this summer. Poison is coming to my area while I am going to be at Myrtle Beach. Every venue close enough for me to get tickets for the dates fall on days when my sweetie is working. Last year for my birthday he got me front row seats to see Poison. The night we started dating he took me to see Bret Michaels solo band so this is kind of a thing for us too even though I am more of a fan then he is, he too knows how important it is to me.
But I whined and cried and b!tched about it for a couple of days before I realized that is it just a concert.
I'm not going to tell you that there will be "other" times when you can go see Van Morrison but I commend your music man for having such a level head.
I'm sure he is disappointed that he cannot go but it is an amazing man that is putting the responsibilities of the family ahead of his own needs.
Kudos to him. And I know you are upset now but just round of one of your girlfriends and go to the concert. I am sure you will still enjoy it even without him there with you.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
12 Jun 08
All I can say is God D@mn Gigs! LOL And you know how much I like the voice. Anyway, thanks for calling me an idiot. I do and I don't feel like one. LOL
I wish I had a head as level sometimes. Maybe he'll rub off on not in that way. LOL
Thanks for coming by and being there for me! XOXOXXOXOXOXO
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Jun 08
Aw skinny, go ahead and be broken hearted! When will be the next time you have a chance to see your fav group? It's a chance of a lifetime and I say be upset all you want. All I can suggest is that you SO suddenly gets sick at work the day before with a lot of coughing and sneezing and takes the next day off to go with you. Or I could call his work for you pretending to be his dying grandma and insist they give him compassionate leave for a day to come and visit me on my deathbed!
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
14 Jun 08
LMAO! How did I know that you would give me this answer and this is perfect. He can't sing if he is that sick. No way, he would sound like a dying cow. Whatever that sounds like, I just know it wouldn't be good. LOL Thanks so much for the response hun and as always the laugh.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Jun 08
Skinny he would just have to pretend to be sick!
But hey, let me know if you need a dying grandma! LOL
I'm old. I do the grandma act really well these days - not because I am one, but because I live surrounded by so many of them! ROFL
@rantingqueen (495)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Honestly, you are not an idiot for being upset about something that is important to you. However, I do feel that you should shake it off. Your partner is keeping his priorities straight by putting his responsibilities and work ethics first before pleasure. In our shaky economy, employment becomes harder to find and a recommendation from a boss who is impressed with his dedication to the job will get both of you closer to the dream of financial freedom, than a great concert.
Be proud of your man, and his commitment to you. I am sure that it was not an easy decision to make, but in all fairness, he has put your well being ahead of his own happiness. Let him know that you are disappointed, but be sure to impress upon him your recognition of his values and your pride that he is willing to live by them.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
12 Jun 08
This is the rational me. I absolutely feel that. But my heart is getting in the way. I feel things very deeply and this one, it just stings. Thanks so much for your response and the rational me agrees with you. :)
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 Jun 08
You are right to be upset, but that is because you are emotional and not thinking clearly. I would be that way if there was a concert and I could not go. So,what you need is a solution. Do you know if they will film the concert? Find out, and then go to the concert, order the DVd and give it to your boyfriend as a present. He of course cannot leave work and go. Why they might even let him go if he decides to leave work and there is no one take over for him. He does need the money and he is thinking of providing for the both of you and for the future. A lot of guys are irresponsible and would not do it.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
16 Jun 08
That's a great idea! It would make a great gift. Thanks so much for the response.
@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
13 Jun 08
I think I can understand where you are but I do think that his job is more important than anything else. I think that it sounds like he would want to go if he could and it sounds like he can't. I wouldn't make a big deal out of it and I would still plan to go with someone else......there has to be someone else who can go. Trust him to know how his job is and that he would go if he could and you go and enjoy yourself.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
16 Jun 08
That's what I'm doing! Thanks so much for the response.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Thanks so much for your thoughtful response. I completely understood what you were saying. :)
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
13 Jun 08
I understand you are upset about it. I would be upset about too, as I would want to share the experience with my boyfriend. But like someone else said you need to shake it off, there are a lot worse things in the world. Being so upset is only going to make your boyfriend feel really bad about something he can not help. I am sure that there is someone else that would enoy the show as well.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
14 Jun 08
I'm trying hard to shake it off. It still stings a little but I know that I would regret it if I missed it. Thanks so much for the response.
@chinnu3579 (661)
• India
14 Jun 08
According to me My lot is not a news bulleten,to pass on what ever news in our city or any incident took place in and around we live or some VIP is comming and inaugarating some commercial etc.But you have freedom of speech,and try to utilize it in such a way that every body can be able to atleast understand,even though there is nothing to respond,we should be in a position to atleast try to dicuss on the posting.Think twice and post the discussion.Plenty of good postings donot get good response,sometimes foolish matter also get better response.It all depends how we are presenting the disscussion.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Huh??? Did you read my discussion? If so, what does that have to do with what you said. Just curious...
• United States
13 Jun 08
i am an old van morrison fan, saw him on tv the other night on austuin city limits. did u see it. i think over-reacting about your guy. if he has to work he has to work u wouldn't want him to be a slacker about going to work. get a friend to go w/you & have a big ol' time. when he sings brown eyed girl think of me & laugh. go on & have fun. hope u let me know if you go.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
14 Jun 08
I will definitely let everyone know about the concert. I'm thinking I can't miss it. I did see that by the way. He's still awesome after all these years. :) Thanks for the comment.