how long should children be allowed to watch tv each day?

June 12, 2008 2:18am CST
my son likes to watch television especially cartoons on television he watches contionously for 3 hours or more till some one switches it off .i am worried that his eyesight will get weak due to contionous watching of television .he is 7 years old how long shouls a child of 7 be allowed to watch tv?
2 responses
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
12 Jun 08
My daughter is only just 2, but i always have the TV going during the day. If something comes on that catched her attention, then she'll watch it but otherwise, it just goes while she's off playing with her toys! I don't believe that TV is as bad as some people make it out to be, just like i don't think your vision would become weak from watching too much TV, look at people who work on computers, they stare at the screen all day every day. I think TV becomes a problem when parents become too lazy to get their kids out & about - if you let your child watch tv for 3 hours, then that should be ok, as long as he doesn't eat a lot of junk & gets a decent amount of exercise. You as the parent are the only one who can decide what's suitable for your child but if he mixes watching TV with running around, eating well & getting involved in other activities, then i think he'll be just fine!
@lynnchua (3412)
• Singapore
12 Jun 08
I let my kids watch TV for about 2 hours a day. An hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. I think they should have more other activity like playing outdoor games instead.