Barack Obama--The Man With The Plan--Only It Keeps Changing!!
By rodney850
@rodney850 (2145)
United States
June 12, 2008 8:01am CST
Exactly why is it that Barack Obama says one thing and within 24 hours totally reverses himself? The answer? He always has and he always will! Barack Obama will say what ever is necessary to placate the group he is speaking to so he can garner their vote and then do damge control the next day by saying, "that's not exactly what I meant"! Here is an article pointing out just how often Obama has made these about-faces:
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15 responses
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Instead of picking Obama apart (mind you he is new in this area, he's not a returning campaigner or an elitist of sorts) why not listen to what and who he's fighting for? The issues he's talking about existing in this country and that he wants to change.
I think you have Obama confused with Hillary, when she said she was against NAFTA, although who's husband was President when it was enacted? And who was on his campaign trail with him? Hillary. You tell me how much more blatantly she can lie to the people and they will just take it. I'm glad she's not the nominee.
We need a government that is going to act, not sit on their hands. Sadly, McCain is using this to his advantage as well because in order to act, you need money. Well McCain's loyal Republican friends have spent your money for who really knows how long (realistically we've been in undeclared war since the Gulf Slaughter) on their war for Oil for the British and the US. So US tax dollars and how you thought they might go towards education...etc...(we spend more money on jets than public housing, when it is natural to be alive, people don't ask to be born and if you want to talk about all these rights that a fetus may have, then you must believe children have the right to shelter, regardless of their parents situation, people obviously need somewhere to live)
So OF COURSE Obama, and any Democrat that cares about this country, realizes we need more money. But if you listen, you'll understand how this can HELP us. He's not trying to take your money, he's trying to show you IT'S ALREADY GONE and we have big problems that need to be fixed, and considering how long the Republican's have held this government hostage, I think we need to wake up, take a deep breath and do what we must to get through this recession.
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@robehren (86)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Alright, now I'm fired up. First where is the oil we fought this war over. Right, that's why the supply is outweighing demand and our gas is a dollar a gallon. You need to get your news from a reputable source and not the Communist News Network. Second, I don't know if you realize this but what is called poverty in this country is A person with a house, two cars, 2 TV's airconditioning and all the food they can stuff into thier overweight bodies. You are so off base. We don't need more government housing. We need more responsible citizens to get off of thier butts and work. I am tire of paying for people to live in houses I pay for, eat food I pay for and drop out babies that I also pay for. Get a life. Get a Job. There is no recession. Show me one demonstrable fact that proves otherwise. Stop it with the feel good platitudes. if you want to subsidize government housing feel free to donate your paycheck. Leave mine along. I have my own children to raise and my own house payment to make. It is attitudes like yours that have left people to the welfare line. If you give them everything they need then why would the ever work for it.
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
18 Jun 08
"Right, that's why the supply is outweighing demand and our gas is a dollar a gallon."
Where in America do you live that gas is $1 a gallon? What year do you live in? Here in San Antonio, Tx we are paying around $3.92 a gallon, and up in NY, it's higher.
I use reputable sources, that's why I don't rely on just the news stations on TV. Considering all of the government agencies that regulate and decide what Americans can view.
DEMAND is outweighing SUPPLY!!! Even with the untapped oil reserves, the world consumes too much oil. And America is a major contributor to the problem.
Poverty is not a person with a house, 2 cars, ac, all the luxuries, etc. Overweight people (minus health conditions) deal with gluttony, and that is their issue.
How am I off base? I know what poverty is, you clearly do not. Don't tell me what I think poverty is, until you've seen where I've been.
I was using an example, if you go back and read what I had said. I was clearly using statistics. And trying to open your mind as to what it is that EVERYONE needs and should have.
You obviously believe that everyone has been born into the same family situation as yourself. That is not the case for America. In order for America to get better, the people of America need to be better.
There was slavery in this country. Jim Crow laws, repealed just recently in our short history. You think these people, who are American citizens, have been given the same opportunity as yourself?
I'm not talking about giving people anything that they don't deserve. If you are able and capable of working, you should have just as much right to work and do what you can for your country. Many people do not have the money, to pay for the school, to get the jobs necessary, to land the necessary salaries, to provide for their families the way other people are able to. You cannot deny that. How do you expect these people to help their families and help our country, if all they can get is minimum wage jobs, that obviously do not provide enough money to efficiently provide for their families? And to help and want to contribute to their country?
There is no recession? One fact, how about our unemployment rate dramatically increasing the past months, or read this
Unemployment rate increase, signs of recession. Gas prices have increased, price increase, sign of recession. Cereal prices increase, price increase, sign of recession. Government saying there is no recession, sign of recession.
I'm saying if you want everyone to work, like you do, give them the same chance to get a job like you have. Considering education prices keep increasing, it's just adding to the status gap in the United States.
I believe everyone should contribute and help make America beautiful, powerful, effective, and a place where Americans can live happily, TOGETHER.
Gas, $1 a gallon in AMERICA, come on, show me that proof. Show me where you buy your gas, in America, for $1 a gallon, and maybe, maybe, I might be wrong.
And accept it, we're in a recession, we need to accept it and figure out how to fix the real issues.
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Oh yeah, and I went to your profile, you live in Bowling Green, so I looked up the prices you're paying for gas.
Look at the link. I think you will agree that you don't really pay $1 a gallon. I think what you're in is what they call, Denial.
I'm giving you the facts, and yet you're trying to argue with me on what basis? Instead of getting angry with the truth I speak, why not alter your perception, and see where I am coming from. Look at the facts.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Rodney how dare you question what Obama says. Do not you know he is change, and he is wanting to change you. Do not you know that he his the future, and the future is Obama. What does it matter what he says today, because he is change, so he has the power to change his positions to fit the winds of change. Obama is change and the future so in the future his positions will change. Sounds simple to me, how about you Rodney.
Oh I forget about hope, will lets all hope Obama does not get us all killed.
@Tamerin (20)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Ron Paul is the only one who has never changed. He has been firm on his positions from day one. Obama, McCain, Clinton, their all one in the same and their all the same old. Voting for one is voting for the other. I dream of a country that is meant to be, that was, that hopefully will one day be again. But that dream won't come with Obama or McCain. The only shimmer of my dream can be seen in the truth that is Ron Paul.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
12 Jun 08
IMO Obama is a perfect example of the old idiom...He run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. He seems to turn with the tide and would be very susceptible to the influence of his friends who are not friends of the USA
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Not only will he say whatever it takes to get elected, he also has to go back and fix the stupid things he says.
He is not the first one to run a campaign on the promise of change.... Bill Clinton did that as well, and we all remember how messed up that was.
Obamoron hasn't got the experience, knowledge or political savvy that it takes to lead this country, and until he produces a valid birth certificate... he isn't even even qualified.
I find it very disturbing that groups like Hamas and other hostile countries and leaders are hoping that Obama wins, because that tells me they think he would be friendlier to them.
Given the things in his background and his associations there is much to be concerned about.
Obamoron likes to make people think he is articulate, yet some of his talking makes Bush look like a genius.
Check out the videos in this article...
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@WANDALIE44 (888)
• United States
12 Jun 08
exactly....and hes the one still running for presidant!!!! i dont think hes gonna stick to anything he says his words are just empty promises...
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
12 Jun 08
He is after all a true politician. Slick and adaptable enough to convey the right message to everybody. I mean think about it how much can a president really change. It's the two houses we keep staffed with politicians who make the laws, lol. Any politician running for president can promise us the blue from the sky and then later say, "Well, I would have done it, but the senate didn't let me."
Neither Obama, nor McCain, will really bring upon us any change in the economy, the war, health care, or the like, unless we vote in the right mix of other politicians to push their goals through... It's always been that way and it will always be that way.
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@bond0077 (375)
14 Jun 08
So using your own surmation,then if both politians will not bring change to the American politics ,then which one is lying and which one isn't here?actually the only way Obama can do what he says or promises,especially with regard to change would as a Dictator,he speaks as if he and only himself will be making all the decisions like Hitler,saddam insane, he won't have to take anybody's advice or negotiate with the republican senators!
@mac1946 (1602)
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Jun 08
I just read in my newspaper,k( I am Canadian),that they are comparing Obama to Trudeau,if this proves to be anywhere near right,look out,Trudeau was the biggest traitor to ever be in power in Canada,he almost single handedly destroyed us,and his followers in the Liberal party continued his ideas.
While all polititions basically are crooks,liers and thieves,there is not right now,any way to change the way we are ordered to live.
@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
12 Jun 08
As with all politicians there is the need to say what people want to hear today
to get the votes, then try to deny what you said tomorrow. I don't think he even understands sometimes what he is saying. He has a hard enough time just reading what his speech writer has written much less knowing what it means. Just watch how he stutters and takes so long to answer simple questions when there isn't any written answers. He just says what is on the papers he is reading... We all know that, so we tend to just laugh and go on.
If the majority of the people are elderly he talks about health care, medication,
Social Security and the thing they want to hear. Every speech will fit the group
to whom he is speaking.
Without a speech writer I wonder where any of them would be today???
I'm waiting for him to ask...Did I say that?
He got caught talking about his white grandmother, who raised him, in a derogatory way then tried to cover that up.Without a speech to read he keeps putting his foot in his mouth.
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Great article under your answer to Gewcew! I wonder just how the Obamites will construe this one as racial since it was authored by a blaCK MAN!
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Sorry about the caps in the last two words, my little finger sometimes gets in the way!
@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Well, he is campaigning on the theme of change! Maybe he is practicing!

@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
12 Jun 08
As Abraham Lincoln put it so eloquently:
"You can fool some of the people all the time, all the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time."
Politicians who try to fool everyone are constructing themselves a political noose. Give Obama enough rope and he'll hang himself politically.
@jasamlila (82)
• United States
13 Jun 08
I agree 100% Obama is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Oprah damn near bought him the nomination. Maybe that's why her rating are down. My grandmother always said a lair and a theft walks together he was involved in that Resko scandal so the you go. And when they found out he when around the brush to explain is motives, But the only real explaination he's a lair. But then he talks about Change how is another lying politician any Change from the one we have now.
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@bond0077 (375)
14 Jun 08
rodney you had me falling off my chair in laughter at your articule,man that is so true but funny,could you do me a favor and send this blog to the CAFFFERDI FILES AT CNN,you are so right i never knew obama meant change every 24 hours!cafferdi loves obama more than his own mother!
@ElaanR2 (277)
• United States
13 Jun 08
O, these are the people in their numbers! The Obama bashers! Where have they been? If you want to know who is saying one thing and saying another, see how many times your champion of choice, Fox news, has apologized to Barack Obama within 24 hours for rumor starting and and flat out racial insults. Anyway, for all the lies you have up here, there is an article on mylot with a link that I'm sure you'll enjoy reading. I wish you a happy reading of the truth about your lies, smears and rumors.
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Sorry, but the only lies being told right now are by Obama! Change? Yeah, he's going to change America if he gets elected, you just won't recognize it as America anymore with all of the prayer towers!
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
14 Jun 08
I have been to the link and it is an OBAMA website, common knowledge! It was set up to do damage control, period!

@mddbigballa22 (152)
• United States
13 Jun 08
I'm sorry, but i just disagree with you. I think that itmsy seem like he is saying something different when really all he does is rephrase what he is saying. barrack obama is a great speaker and can turn our country around.

@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Funny thing is, this website that Elan leads us to is one that Obama's campaign started for damage control. Of course they will say they are lies!
@ElaanR2 (277)
• United States
13 Jun 08
She is not wrong, my friend. These people are never wrong. They know everything. The truth is that these people here bashing Obama only listen to Fox news and youtube and Rush Limbaugh. When Obama says something(including even things that he has written in his books) the conservatives reauthor it and feed it to these people. Here are some examples.

@wangchunlin (155)
• China
13 Jun 08
i like him and he will bring much benefit for American people and particularlly improve the ballance between different races in America.
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
14 Jun 08
But then again, YOU won't have to live in the country where he will be the leader! Your country has some mighty big problems that you should try to solve before delving into ours.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Obama's plan is to get elected and please those pulling his strings. Once the election is over, the little bumbling idiot will be lost (unless he can draw on his community organizer skills). I assume it is OK to say terrible things about a presidential candidate, isn't it?