Obama Want's You To Believe He Didn't Know!!
By rodney850
@rodney850 (2145)
United States
June 12, 2008 1:13pm CST
To believe Barack Obama didn't know about Jim Johnson's affiliation with Fannie May is by itself a great indictment of his deductive reasoning! If this was the first hideous choice this would-be leader had made in this entire campaign it would probably not be judged so harshly but, as the author of the next article so eloquently put it, "It's Getting Crowded Under Obama's Bus!"
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4 responses
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Jun 08
This is another of those non-issue "yawners" that people outside the D.C. beltway know nothing about and care even less. I'd say the fact that McCain's campaign is made up almost entirely of lobbyists is a bit more disturbing, yet he has the nerve to criticize Obama for Johnson's unpaid involvement in his. McCain said he wouldn't rule out having the D1ck Cheney in his Administration. How do you feel about THAT?
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
13 Jun 08
To you it may be a yawner, but to those of us who care about integrity, fair play, and the rule of l;aw, it means something.
I realize that lets all of the liberals out, because they are all about hypocrisy and double standards, of which this issue is a prime example.
Hey, Cheney is a lot better than any democrat, any day, and he likes to take them hunting too.
It's just too bad he don't take them out in groups and that he isn't a better shot.
HEY, How you feel about that?
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
14 Jun 08
It's real funny(not ha ha funny)that all democrats want to jump right up and blame the Bush administration for all of our ills from the economy to aunt Bertha's bursitus! The real truth is; Bush couldn't have done it alone, our checks and balance system doesn't allow for that! I know it's the truth you liberals don't want out because then who would you portray as the bad guy? Yourselves? I think not!
Your elected officials voted for the use of force based on the same information Bush had, simple fact! This is yours and most other liberals sticking point about Bush is that he somehow lied and got us into an un-necessary war, well get over it! Your democrats are just as wrong as he is and you know it! This is just more rhetoric just like the rhetoric of "elect us to congress and we'll bring the boys home" that the democrats lied about to get in office during mid-term elections back in '06!
So, yeah, let him put Cheny in his administration if he wants to, Cheny's much better than say a Jeremiah Wright or say Louis Faarahkan!
As far as this being a yawner, I would agree with you except this is the man who said he would CHANGE all of that!

@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
13 Jun 08
I didn't know... I can recall... I don't remember.
Does anyone remember hearing those words anywhere before?
The fact is that he SHOULD HAVE KNOWN since he is supposed to be for doing things differently. He has been attacking McCain for his staffers links to various things, yet Obama's people are no better.
So where is the change?
Then there is the myth that Obamoron is articulate... Take away his script and his inability to talk good makes Bush look like a genius.
His stuttering, stammering comments are worse than anything I have ever seen or heard Bush do, and the democrats call him idiot and worse because of it, so why are so many hypocrites giving this a pass?
We can plainly see the kinds of decisions Obamoron will make... the kind that have no research behind them. How hard is it to look into a persons past business dealings and associations to see what type of person they are?.... Yet Obama wants us to beleive that he didn't know.
Obama is questionable at best, and if this is the best he can do, or if this is what we can expect from him if he is elected, then the country is in for some serious problems.... even worse than we have now.
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
13 Jun 08
The rules of ethics apply to everyone except Barack! If he gets nailed for something unethical it was just an "oversight" on his or his campaign's part and he appologizes profusely! Obama does one thing and fifteen minutes later when he is before a group that disagrees with that he states he didn't really mean it that way and like the good chameleon he is he changes to meet the new criteria. Maybe that's the change he is talking about!
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
12 Jun 08
This is not the Jim Johnson that I knew. Obama does not know much. He did not know that his pastor made those comments. He did not know about Tony Resko. He did not know about that Bill Aire guy. Their all his friend but he does not know them. Obama you first said that Jim Johnson did not work for you, but in the same speech you said he preform duties for you. He does not work but preforms duties, is that like an unpaid intern? Watch out Michelle Obama you maybe next.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
12 Jun 08
You can't blame him for what he doesn't know! That's his mantra. He didn't know his spiritual mentor and pastor of 20 years made racists speeches. He didn't know about Jim Johnson's affiliations. He didn't know that after Reverend Wright's retirement that his church would continue to invite racists to make speeches. Let's face it Rodney, he just doesn't know anything about his friends and associates. It's a wonder he can remember their names.
I'm sure that when he invites the leaders of terrorist organizations over for a tea party he'll claim he didn't know they were planning to leave bombs in the White House bathrooms. Oh well, they say ignorance is bliss, and I'm sure he's a happy man.