law of attraction

@snowy22315 (177264)
United States
June 12, 2008 4:38pm CST
Do you believe "The Law of Attraction" works? What has it brought you in your life? Oprah is on today with experts and people who have changed their life using the law of attraction. Has it worked for you?
2 responses
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I'm not really sure about the law of attraction thing. I don't think that focusing my attention on what I want in life will lead to me getting it. I ask God for things I need like healing and if I have faith it has come true in one way or another. Other times prayers aren't answered because it doesn't fit God's plan, not some Law of Attraction.
@snowy22315 (177264)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Ok, ty. I cant say I agree with you but thanks for responding.
@IamKYLE (2279)
12 Aug 19
I believe on this. I always stay on positive so that I can attract positivity