Anyone else going through a lot right now?

United States
June 12, 2008 8:45pm CST
Ok, so this is personal about me. What I want to know is if anyone is going through something similar, if so what, and how do you deal? First thing, I am about to be 21. On Tuesday June 17th I will turn 21, which I am very excited about of course, except for the fact that it's a reminder that I'm an adult now, which isn't no fun. I am also going to be starting college on July 7th which is going to be hard and stressful. I'm going to Devry University, which everyone should know is an awesome school. I am also engaged to a great guy that I love very much. I also have a seven year old step son who is a handful. My fiance goes to school at Devry as well, which is great. Well, he's been out of work for a while now, so have I. He just started a new job this week. We are not living together which is very hard. He is living with his grandmother while I am staying with my father just till we get on our feet. He now has full custody of his son which just happened very quickly because the kids mom is an idiot. We literally going from barely getting by just taking care of ourselves and paying child support, bills, etc... To being full time parents not making in it one day. literally. So we are about to get into a new apartment, me him and his son. He's going into his second semester of college, I'm going into my first. We are both young and very poor. I'm scared. Not just about finances but about having a kid full time. I love kids, I have a niece and nephew and a godson who I love very much and take care of on a regular basis. I am my sister's number one back up plan if anything goes wrong so I get called out there a lot to watch the kids. Anyways, my niece and nephew are kids that I have helped raise since the day they were born and they behave for me. My step son is a completely different story. He misbehaves all the time because his mother didn't teach him any better. He talks back, he is disrespectful to the point that he has embarressed me in public. He has been in trouble at school multiple times through the last school year. He put his hands on at least two different kids in school. Headbutting on and punching the other. He has almost been suspended from the first grade, he was one write up away from being suspended off the bus. He breaks things, he doesn't listen, and quite frankly the kid drives me nuts most the time. I feel bad for how I feel, but honestly I wish we could just give him back. I don't know what to do. I am so worried about when I am actually a full time parent to him, because I'm not right now. I take him to church and spend time with him but I don't even see him everyday right now. Let alone living with a disobedient child. I'm worried how this will effect the relationship with my fiance. My step son has already been the subject in many disagreements. Plus, my fiance is young as well. He is only 23, his son was born when he was just 15. He's never had his son full time before now and, well, a lot of the time he isn't really sure what to do about his behavior. There have been a couple times that my fiance has had to spank his son, which used to be the first thing he'd do but I believe that spanking should only be used as a last resort and am making him raise his son that way. We have a lot of different views on how to raise kids but we usually just don't talk about it because we don't have to deal with it yet. We avoid it because we know it'll end up being a fight, because I know I'm I just have more experience than him with kids. He didn't know his son was his son till the kid was 2 years old, and he has pretty much been a weekend dad. He never really got him on a regular basis either, he was a half assed dad before he met me, but I made that change as well. I've wrote a lot and I know it, but I don't want to lose my fiance and I don't know how to deal with what's coming. I'm scared, I've actually joked with him and said, why don't we just keep him at your gma's and we'll get a place, or cant we just give him back to his mom... Problem is, im kind of not joking. I feel bad but hey, im only 20. I am still going to stick it out I just wonder if any other step parents out there had these feelings.
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1 response
@sanell (2112)
• United States
13 Jun 08
I would HIGHLY suggest you take your fiance to a community center for some parenting classes. I know that sounds odd, but since you are such a great influence on him I think it would be really really really helpful..... Second, I think that since the child will have a two parent household you make it WELL KNOWN to the child that YOU GUYS ARE THE BOSS in the house, any misbehaving will have consequence...he will learn, it will be hard, but he will learn... For example, since his behavior at school is utterly inexcusable there needs to be some things discussed with him....I would talk with the counselor Or even discuss with him why it is that he is behaving this way. If that does not work he needs to have some strict guidelines and major structure in his life. HE gets up, gets dressed, eats breakfast, gets ready for school, goes to school. Comes home from school, puts his coat away, puts his homework on the table...he can have a little break before starting up with homework and a snack. Then he needs to sit at table and do his homework, then dinner, whatever other rituals, video games and then bed....Same routine every night.... If anything he does is out of hand, then you take away the fun stuff....Perhaps if he messes up at school or refuses to do something at home, NO video games, you take it away and put it up where he can not have it at all!!! HE will will work. if not I would SERIOUSLY consider contacting supernanny, I know it is strange but seriously her tactics are VERY GOOD and they work at almost any age...Sounds like this child needs a stable environment, and discipline...he will want it and structure is key. You will be fine, Just take it one day at a time, it is going to be hard, it is hard for me and I am 36 and poorer than dirt...I have a 4 and 2 year old and it is all I can do to keep things cool, calm and collected..but I will tell you this much, I keep my discipline with my girls consistent and i give lots of love, hugs and kisses and praise.... you are right spanking does not work, but taking things away that they love is something that can work, teaching the child to be respectful and showing him that there can be NORMAL in his life.....he does not know what normal is but he can learn adn you can your fiance can teach him that.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
13 Jun 08
Well said. I completely agree with everything you said. This kid needs structure ASAP. I am sure he gets some at school, but he needs it at home as well. Besides parenting classes, you may want to look into counseling - individual and family. That boy has been through a lot, more than you or his dad could ever imagine. He needs to deal with his issues, you and your fiance have to deal qwith handling him. Remember: always present a united front. Don't tell him one thing, then have your fiance tell him something else.