Is the world going to end someday!!!

@veeraj (56)
June 14, 2008 3:14am CST
There has been ongoing talks like the world may end up all form of life one day, which will ultimately lead to destruction of all living form on earth thus leading to extinction of all living beings.If this is going to be true then wat can we do in order to protect our planet earth in order to save our Mother planet!!!
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3 responses
14 Jun 08
Yes u r right infect some news channel has given the date of destruction and it is 21st December 2012
@karmendra (1123)
• India
14 Jun 08
i don't bother about it.. and don't think so, i think my world going to start.. don't worry dear, be happy.. according to maya calender, till 2012, world can end. let see
@mialei23 (2385)
• Philippines
14 Jun 08
I guess, i think so. But no one knows if it happens and when it happens. I think the span time the world will live is on the hands of the people around the world. Discipline is a must!