Hemorrhoids! I need to get to the "bottom" of the problem.
By mentalward
@mentalward (14690)
United States
June 15, 2008 4:43am CST
I can joke because this is my husband's problem, not mine.
But this man does have a serious problem and might just be the world's most stubborn man!
He's made an appointment to see a proctologist on July 18, but is suffering terribly right now. I'm afraid that something bad could happen before his doctor's appointment. I know that pooling blood can clot, break up and go to his lungs, heart or brain and cause paralysis or death. I know that these things can rupture and he could bleed quite profusely. I've told him these things could happen, but to no avail.
I need advice as to what this stubborn (and incredibly whiney) man can do for any kind of temporary relief other than the obvious medications (Preparation H, Tucs, etc.)
Does anyone have any suggestions? This man needs relief. More importantly, I need relief from his constant complaining!
I know he'll try anything short of seeing a doctor right now. He'll probably cancel his appointment in July, anyway.

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14 responses
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
15 Jun 08
I hope he goes for treatment, he should also go to a medical supply store or pharmacy and buy a "donut" to sit on, even after treatment (to prevent a re-occurance) it is good for anyone who sits for long periods.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
15 Jun 08
That's so true! His pride would probably prevent him from buying one, or maybe even sitting on one. Maybe I could make him a cushion made of foam rubber with a hole in the middle of it, but covered entirely with fabric. That way, he'd get the benefit of the "donut" without the embarrassment. Hmmmm...
I've always made things like that, mostly because I hate the expense of buying something when I can usually make it with materials I already have. So, you've inspired me! Thank you! I'm going to get on it right away!
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
15 Jun 08
According to the Harvard Health Publications Your husband should drink more water and eat more fiber, whole fresh vegetables and fruits with the skin. These will soften the stool and make it easier to pass. He should go as soon as he feels the need and not put it off. Take sitz bath in WARM water immediately after having a stool plus 2 or 3 more time during the day. mild exercise should also help.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Thank you for that wonderful advice!
He is drinking more water and I actually got him to eat an orange last night! He's not a fruit/veggie kind of guy even though I always have plenty around because I love them so much.
I am going to show him that website and make him read it. Maybe it will sink in.
Thanks again!
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@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
16 Jun 08
Well mental, you are talking about 2 problems: the hemorrhoids and the fact that they are bleeding which of itself could lead to infection and other complications . So first thing to do is to try to control or stop the bleeding by:
Take laxatives like Senna for example which is a bulk laxative and has less side effects than other kinds, daily to soften stool .
Also he must eat a good share of bread, fruits and vegetables everyday to give bulk to the stool instead of just meat and other things that are low in fiber .
2. Disinfecting the ruptured veins: make him sit in a basin full of disinfectant like Dettol dissolved in warm water after each bowel movement .
3. Frequent visit to bathroom, like 2 poos a day rather than once every 2 days .
When the bleeding is controlled you have congested veins full of blood ready to explode anytime, that are very painful leading to the person avoiding going to bathroom which,may further make things worse . So here's how you can go about dealing with that
1. For the pain and swelling try Diclofenac gel applied on top of the inflammed VEINS whether inside or around the "rim" .It's not prescribed traditionally but it can't hurt so give it a try .
2. The hemorrhoids are full of blood because blood can't drain out of the veins in a adequate fashion so you can help venous drainage by
a. Husband must not wear TIGHT UNDERPANTS or TIGHT SHIRT (a shirt that is tight on the belly presses more blood down into the hemorrhoids .
b. Husband must avoid sitting on his aass for too long because gravity will cause blood to pool in lowest part of his body, ie his a hole .
c. Husband must try to lose some weight: a big fatty belly will prevent blood from coming back into abdomen from pelvis .
d. Husband should treat any cough he has because frequent coughing and sneezing cause the belly to contract pressing down on the hemorrhoids causing them to swell up even more .
If you follow those directions closely, especially the one about belly reduction and weight loss, I am confident he will recover without SURGERY AT ALL
Best Wishes

@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
16 Jun 08
Diclofenac is a well known painkiller it comes as tablets or as a gel for topical application . I think it is available over the counter . Diclofenac is from the same family as Aspirin and Ibuprufen , only it is stronger than those 2 . That said , if you can get Ibuprufen gel that would do the trick too ,but Diclofenac is stronger . The idea is that these medicines in addition to helping the pain also affect INFLAMMATION which has a role in the problem of hemorrhoids .
Even if he is not "fat" , the problem is in the weight of the belly not the hwole body because the belly exerts pressure on the veins that carry blood from the lower regions , losing the fat in belly does a lot of good .
All the best
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
16 Jun 08
I am slowly adjusting his diet by making him eat more fiber and drink more water. He's a stubborn man, though.
The bleeding is not a big problem, but I am worried that the hemorrhoids might rupture. I have been making him rest by lying flat on his back with pillows under his butt.
He does wear tight pants. His underwear fits nicely, not too tight, but he wears a belt which I can see is very tight around his waist. I will maybe buy him a size larger pants, because that is his main problem. He has put on some weight around his middle. He is not fat, but much heavier in the middle than he used to be.
He does not have a chronic cough, but does have occasional "sneezing fits" where he might sneeze 10 to 15 times in a row. I'm sure that's not helping his problem!
I would love to know more about Diclofenac gel. Is this a prescription? If so, I will see that he asks about it when he sees his doctor.
Thank you for such a detailed and useful response!

@sugarfloss (2139)
• Malaysia
15 Jun 08
avoid meat and poultry.vege and fruits and lots of water,that should do it.hope this helps!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
15 Jun 08
He's begun drinking a lot more water lately, but I'll make him eat more vegetables and fruits and stop eating meat and poultry.
Thanks for your advice. It's definitely worth a try!
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
18 Jun 08
My Doctor told me to eat a bowl of Albran every day. Works well for me. Timing is everything. Eat about an hour or two before you want to go to the bathroom.
Also find out what is causing it and try to eliminate the problem. I can't eat cheese in large quantity, bananas, or dried fruit. All three, I need a stick of dynomite. so I cut down on the cheese, bananas, and rehydrate the dried fruit. Also, 20 to 23 units of fiber per day are important. So try to increase his fiber by putting oatmeal or brown rice in his meatloaf or veggie loaf (whichever is appropriate).
Hemorrhoids hurt horribly. I've had things with way less pain that people think are awful. Hope he finds relief.
Hope this helps, it helped me. Also my Colonoscopy was fantastic. My fiber intake, some days, is double the recommended amount. Take care, good luck, and let us know if any of the remedies helps.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Thank you for the information! I have made sure that he has increased fiber in his diet. He's being pretty good about it right now because he's at the point where he'll try anything.
I bought some witch hazel which brought him instant relief, but it didn't last long so he had to keep reapplying it. I also found Preparation H suppositories which, he said, helped a lot.
I also bought him a "donut" to sit on, plenty of cotton balls for applying the witch hazel, and a large box of latex gloves. I'm sure that anyone seeing my entire purchase that night was thinking that I must be running a hemorrhoid clinic!
He STILL won't go to his regular doctor for a temporary solution, though. He still has an appointment on July 18 to see a proctologist and he plans to go forward with surgery to have them removed. He's never had surgery and is naturally afraid, but I've told him there's very little to worry about... this surgery is performed all the time. So, I'll go and hold his hand, if necessary. (I've had many, many surgeries so I can speak from experience, although I've never had a hemmorhoidectomy.)
I will get some Albran and have him try it to see if it's something he can deal with. He's so anal (ha! pun intended!) about things he puts in his mouth! I'll let you know!
Thanks again!

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@chechuva (1275)
• Philippines
15 Jun 08
try doing a hot sitz bath. let him sit in a commode. commode is like a pail chair. put hot water on the pail and let him sit on it. it will steam his hemorrhoids and for sure it will ooze the pain.
let him eat lots of fibers and drink water. it will soften his stool so that he will not strain when he does his bowel.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Thank you for your suggestions, chechuva. He has been drinking more water lately, but I will have to make him eat more fiber.
I have been looking for a sitz bath for him but have been unable to find any yet. I'll keep looking.
I did not know whether cold or hot water would be best. When I do get him a sitz bath, I will make sure it is hot water. He has been taking several showers a day recently because he says the hot water feels good. I'll have him use the hot sitz bath.
Thanks again!
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@chechuva (1275)
• Philippines
17 Jun 08
hello mentalward!
you can improvise a hot sitz bath, if you can't find one. look for a urinal pot or a durable plastic pail that your husband can sit on.
just put hot water.
eating fiber had been an issue in your discussion. actually fiber really helps. but don't give too much. just adequate intake of fiber will do.
@mayonaka1616 (555)
• Philippines
1 Jul 08
make him sit on a basin of lukewarm salt solution and make sure that he drinks lots of water and avoids spicy food. the salt in the solution will kill germs.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
1 Jul 08
Thank you so much! I actually made him go to another doctor sooner and they found that he has a "fissure" which has to be healed before they can do any more for him.
One of the things they stressed that he do is sit in a sitz bath! He's doing it, and beginning to feel a bit better. He will probably still need surgery, but for now he's not always near the crying point.
Thanks again for your suggestion!
@earthsong (589)
• United States
16 Jun 08
A lot of times they are caused my straining to evacuate, being overweight, heavy lifting, etc. He needs some good fiber in his diet, so he can pass without straining. I don't know that anything will give immediate relief, but he should try a system and colon cleanse to help him get regular. Check into Renew Life, they were made by a colon specialist and she uses organic materials.
@steney (1418)
• Philippines
16 Jun 08
I suggest that your husband try this home remedy that has worked for my dad when he went through the same dilemma.
Half fill a basin with clean water. Put plenty of ice cubes and wait for the water to be icy cold. Let your husband sit on the basin and dip the affected area. The longer that he can stand it, the better. Do this for around 3-4 times a day or as many times as he can. This will eventually shrink the hemorrhoids. Also, advise him to take a larger dose of vitamin C. This will also help in reducing inflammation in the area.
After doing the above, my dad didn't have to be operated on. This worked well for him and I hope it does the same wonder too, for your husband. Hope this helps! :)
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
16 Jun 08
I never would have thought of vitamin C! If it worked for your dad, it's worth a try. Thank you for your help.
@green4success (80)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Hi mentalward, I know what he is going thru. I have hemroids too and sometimes they are real bad. One time they were so bad, I bled and could barely walk. A friend of mine who also has hemroids told me about a medication that helped tremendously. It is called Proctofoam HC. It is a prescription and he will have to get his doctor to call it in. Within a few days, my hemroids were shrunk enough that I could walk, was in no pain, and I was back to normal. Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Thank you for that useful information! As soon as I can make this man get to the doctor, I will make sure he asks about this medication. His appointment right now is for July 18 with a proctologist, but he was suffering so badly last night that I almost had to take him to the emergency room. He is so stubborn, he kept saying "give it a few minutes".
I got some witch hazel and that seemed to help him some, although it's effects didn't last very long.
Men! So stubborn! I'm going to make him an appointment with a regular GP so he can be seen sooner than July 18.
@Fil918 (26)
• Mexico
16 Jun 08
In the first place this man is probably overweight. Second, his diet over many years has not had enough fiber therefore a lot of constipation which has formed the hemorrhoids. If he is having bleedings he best get to the hospital because it could be a problems of something much more serious than hemorrhoids. In 1999, I almost lost my life because of bleeding from the rectum. I did not have hemorrhods but I have diverticules. I have many years living in Mexico, a lot of greesy foods, really bad nutrition which lead to the problem. I now use Herbalife aloe and florafiber tablets. Aloe is juice from the salvia plant. I can sponsor you if you are interested in the product. My ID number is 111416274 with name of Margret Phyllis Moses Poff. In Mexico I need to use my mother's maiden name as part of my name. The aloe will help to clean out his dirty colon, help to reconstuct the intestinal flower, also is an antibiotic, helps to combat or prevent heartburn, ulcers, acidez, bad digestion, hemorrhoids, uric acid, constipation, gastitis and colitis also used with the florafiber tablets to eliminate inflammation of the stomach as well as disparasite his colon. The junk medicines as Preparation H only smooth the pain does not get to the cause of the problem. God bless you for your concern and God bless your husband because his is having to learn that he has had a life of bad nutrition.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
16 Jun 08
He is not overweight. He has gained a few pounds since we've been married, but he's definitely not overweight... he's actually on the skinny side.
But, yes, he has had bad nutrition for a long time. He has been eating better since we've been married (3 years), but ate poorly for most of his life before that, and has hemorrhoids since he was in high school. He still does not eat a well-balanced diet, though. I try, but sometimes he just won't eat. He also has irritable bowel syndrome, so I'm sure that has contributed to his hemorrhoids and his habit of skipping meals and just snacking on things not good for him.
I will pass this information along to him and see if he thinks it is worth a try. He already bought something over the internet that is supposed to get rid of the hemorrhoids (at least the inflammation) within 1 to 3 days. It has already been 4 days and he still has them.
I will look into these things, and will contact you if I can convince him to give them a try. Thank you so much for your concern and advice.
@ylj1266 (39)
• China
16 Jun 08
As far as I know about men, most of them are unwilling to see doctors,refusing to accept help out of false sense of pride. let alone hemorrhoid! Neither do i have any idea on how to get my husband to a doctor instead of drawing him forcibly into hospital when he's ill, i wish someone else could give us some real good ideas.
@joey29n (5)
• Kolkata, India
17 Feb 14
Hi, I suggest you should try the alternative medicines i.e natural form of treatment for hemorrhoids, it worked for me ! check out

Discover the amazing treatment of hemroid in a very natural and effective way and getting rid of them forever. !