Definitely For Nova
By Sparks
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
Regina, Saskatchewan
June 15, 2008 5:57pm CST
An exchange in a recent discussion brought this poem to mind and I decided to be brave and share it here, not just FOR nova, but because of her belief in my writing.
It was written over 30 years ago when I was young and fresh and still learning to write my soul into my words instead of my head. If nothing else, it will show how I have improved from then to now. I hope! LOL
Touch me
Just don't let me go.
I was so strong without you
I needed no one
Wanted few
I was happy in my freedom;
What have you done to me?
Touch me
Just don't let me go.
You have come into my life
And swept away my dreams
You frighten me into thinking
Someday I'll need you more than now
You have wrapped the look in your eyes
Around my heart
And your tenderness has opened up my soul.
Touch me
Just don't let me go.
We is such a strange word
Does it really apply to me and you
It's just, I can't go on much longer
Don't you see that I need to be free
But we have touched the essence of each other
And I don't know what that means!
Touch me
Just don't let me go.
My whole life lies stretched before me
I'm in no hurry to see it end
But how you've change the configuration
And I find I must begin again
So please let's take it slowly
This one's too important
To treat as just another fling.
Touch me
Just don't let me go.
I had told nova in the previous discussion that this was about the ending of a relationship. Blame my faulty old age memory - it's about the beginning of one. One I remember now very clearly. Bittersweet.
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9 responses

@mummymo (23706)
16 Jun 08
Well honey as you know I spoke to her earlier and she is fine. As soon as we finished talking on skype she rang again and is even better - in fact she is starving and looking forward to something to eat and a coffee! lol That is such a good sign - I can't remember the last time she felt really hungry! Hugs xxx
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Jun 08
Oh it's such good news that her appetite is coming back. A whole new world for her to explore! LOL I wish I could cook her a really special meal! Well - when I get there I will and you'll be hosting it, so I hope you can share your kitched! LOL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Jun 08
Thanks mummy. Listen sweets, if you get any news about gabs during the week, you WILL email me won't you? I'm so worried about her and praying so hard my head hurts.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Aren't they all bittersweet?
This is good Sparky. I really like it especially at this particular moment. Long story.
Anyway, I also think it would make a great song if it was expanded somehow.
Nice job!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Jun 08
Yes, I guess they are. Especially when looking back at the older ones. I'd like to hear your story skinny. I just hope you are ok.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
16 Jun 08
LOL Scoop!!
That was funny, I needed that.
As far as life right now, where should I start. You guys both saw my Van discussion so that got the ball rolling. Let me say, that I feel things very deeply most of the time. It pretty much is in every facet of my life, it's just the way I am. While most of the time, it's a great way to be when hurt comes along, it's not easy being me. One of the things I'm passionate about is music. I equate beautiful (and not so beautiful) things in my life to songs. Maybe it's weird but it's just another part of me. I'm a Taurus and that might explain it. The whole art thing. So it's another issue of having to go somewhere by myself that is harder for me to swallow. I came to terms with Van and I'm going for sure. I'm also going to see Bob Dylan with my parents- very excited about that one too. But this week, there is another show in town and it's Glen Hansard from the movie Once. Our movie, my guy and I. He is the modern day Van but possibly more passionate if that is possible. The songs and that movie are very special to me and I thought they were to my guy too. Guess not, because yet again I will go by myself. I thought he would be so excited being a musical soul and all. I'm not sure what kind of issue it is this time. I can't talk to him because I just cry so I shut my phone off. It just doesn't seem to matter if I get hurt to him anymore and I'm wondering why. It just isn't like him. I'm very sad, burned out from working, I worked 5 straight days until the wee hours of the night. I'm tired and was looking for some comfort and it isn't there. I will get over it again, I guess. But I think that somehow my relationship isn't as important to my SO as I thought it was.
If you girls don't know who Glen Hansard is, here's a link of him covering a Van Morrison tune. He also has some utterly sad songs but I can't listen to those right now. I'm just sad right now is all. Thanks so much for being concerned and caring, which also got me crying...
Love you girls and Scoopy!

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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Skinny, that comment makes me wonder if you're ok too. Please share, darling. Let us help.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Jun 08
Thanks momma. I'll be posting another one soon. That nova sure knows how to encourage people! LOL
@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
19 Jun 08
Sparky, Iknow I am getting to this discussion late... You know how I am :))))
Lovely piece of prose. You know what I do like digging out some of my old flipbooks and re-visit that young idealist girl that I was. You are so right those memories some of them are so bittersweet, but they are part of me, they are who I am.... Who I was, what I have become.... Lovely GF lovely.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Jun 08
I have writings going back to when I was 8 or 9. It's always amazing to read them through from the earliest to the most current. I can SEE the progession of my development as a person in them. It's fascinating. Especially since, so many 'themes' in my thought process and form of expression are consistent through the years.
I think my belief system and attitude to life was formed very very young and has stayed solid as I grew and matured. Freud and Jung would have LOVED me! LOL
@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Jun 08
A beautiful evocation of a time when a relationship was fresh and new for you Sparky, but tinged with a little, as you describe it, bittersweet quality. I enjoyed your poem immensely. You should post more, or tell us how to find your book. For myself, I can't string two words of a poem together without making it seem either like a limerick or just plain daft. But then I've never actually liked anything that I have written very much. Apart fro the letter resigning from my last job! You have a gift that I don't. Please let's share some more. I'm thirsty and you look like a spring in the desert to me.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Jun 08
I used to write short stories when I was a kid, and when I survived puberty, I started writing blank verse poems as I can't rhyme to save my life. Most of my poems are 20 years old and more and look so juvenile to me, now that I've found a voice in prose. And no writer really likes what they write until they've experienced real acclaim. So no worries P1ke - YOU my man, are a writer whether you want to believe it or not. And not every good writer has to churn out novels or books by the dozen to be considered a writer either. Your last "buying a pub" piece blew me away - literally!
I have found another poem though that my discussion with nova brought to mind when we were discovering a love of Metaloaf (the singer) in common that I'm going to post for her - so stay tuned for more of my juvenile musings. lol
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Jun 08
Thank you peter!
May I ask what you're smokin' in your pipe? Will you share? LOL
Sorry - I just love your user name and couldn't resist! ROFL
Welcome to the lot!
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Jun 08
Wow... what a beautiful poem this is, my friend. I love your use of words ... especially "You have wrapped the look in your eyes around my heart". That is so meaningful, it brought a tear to my eye, for I can relate to it, personally.
Brightest Blessings my friend... thank you for sharing, and keep on writing! x
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Jun 08
One day Darkwing you and I are going to sit down and write a travelogue of land and heart together! With your descriptive powers and my poetic touch, we'll have a best seller!
@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Thats a pretty poem, I really like the last verse:) did you wrote this?
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Jun 08
Yes I did write it. I used to write a lot of poems when I was very young and uncertain of myself. They helped me find my writer's voice. I don't write so many anymore.
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Sparky my love, it's 2:30 in the morning, and I woke up and felt compelled to come here. Now I see why. Wow, darlin, you certainly DID write your soul into your words. My own has been touched by the innocence and youth of yours, the seesawing of your emotion, your anguish, your need, your fear and your desperation to keep this love you felt. What woman couldn't relate to it?
I applaud not only your talent, but your courage in posting it here. I honestly do understand how vulnerable you've left yourself by doing so and I think it's a very brave thing for you to have done. Bittersweet, indeed. But look at the responses you've gotten so far - all positive, all supportive, all complimentary, and all genuine.
As for me, well, what can I say? I'm again honored by the distinction of the dedication in your title of this whole post, this poem, to me. Thank you so much for that honor, that gift so generously offered. I indeed have great faith in your writing, and have from the beginning. You have a way of saying things that makes me want to read anything you write - it's always well written, true, but it's more than that. It's way to hard to describe here, right now, at this time of night, but it's human, and funny and it always holds more than its words. I love the way you write, Spark, I dearly love it.
And this poem, well, this poem is you from a time when you were so damn fresh, new and still filled with every tiny possibility. I think that maybe you want a bit of her back these days. And she's there too, still. If she weren't, you couldn't have posted this.
Thank you, Spark. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. XXX
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Jun 08
You're welcome.
I've spent the last hour reading my book of poems of which this is one.
And you are right. It is a reflection of the younger me, and perhaps that's what I'm looking to recapture - that freshness, that hope, that world of possibilities.
And you are also right - she is still with me, still part of me - older, hopefully wiser, definitely more mature, but still ME!
Now how cool is that - and it's you that's made me realize it.
I do so love you too!