How Do i make money here? Or can i realy make some?

@psalm1_3 (562)
June 16, 2008 5:56am CST
How can i make earnings here in myLot? I'm still a newbie here and things seem so dim for me..^_^ If somebody can give me some tips, if i could really make some money here, i would really appreciate that. And one more thing, how do they pay u if you wanna claim your earnings, and what's the process in paying... Thanks a lot! God Bless!^_^
1 response
@fineyhl (39)
• China
16 Jun 08
I do not care if i am payed or not,i come here just to practise my english,and you can raise a qiestion freely. and i feel it really difficult to earn money here,it's some kind unrealistic...