Am I racist?
@jewelenterprises (1996)
June 16, 2008 6:40am CST
The other day I sold my car online. The local couple who purchased it was an Asian couple who paid CASH. They picked up the car on friday evening, AFTER the banks had closed. Because my bank doesn't open on saturday morning I was forced to wait until today (Monday) to take the money and bank it.
In the meantime I was feeling HIGHLY insecure having a large sum of money in the house (even though it was locked away). I had nightmares that the couple were drug dealers (hence the cash payment) who came back with guns and robbed us of the money. Leaving us with no car and no money either.
Then at the bank today I was worried that the money would turn out to be counterfeit or that the bank would demand an explanation for where the money came from.
I must admit, if the car had been purchased by Australians I would probably have had exactly the same fears.
Do you think I'm racist for feeling this way? Or do you think it's natural to feel a little edgy when you are unnacustomed to having large sums of cash in your posession?
I know I try really hard NOT to be prejudiced against anyone. But my feelings here just made me wonder... what do you think?
How would you feel if you sold a valuable item and were paid cash that you couldn't get safely in the bank for three days?
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61 responses
@Zergonipal (807)
• Poland
16 Jun 08
You are not racist at all. You already admited it in the topic. It doesn't matter who were they. I would be really worried in your position too. It's really edgy to have such cash in house and don't know if you are safe or not. It's normal situation. Cheers and happy myloting.
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@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
16 Jun 08
Yeah, I guess that's true. Since it didn't matter who it had been I would still have felt the same.
What gets me is that anyone could get their hands on that much cash at such short notice... and here I am struggling to meet my financial commitments from week to week.
Anyway, I feel better now that it's in the bank. Or should I say, on my credit cards getting rid of the debt 

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@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
16 Jun 08
As the token yellow skin in this discussion ;-), I'm more ammused than offended by this topic. Seriously, you are worrying about the wrong thing, which is being percieved as a racist and not whether you could be cheated. It's more important to be cautious in any business transaction than to worry about how your views on race may be affected.
Most Asians are not exactly colour blind in their dealings with other races either. For example, most Asians would assume that African Americans will try to rob them and that most Caucasians will try to sell them inferior products. However, this has not stopped Koreans from setting up shops in African American neighbourhoods and its not stopped China from welcoming American foreign investment.
So, relax and just be careful in all your business dealings. If your product is good - make sure they know it and pay you a good price. Asian people like dealing in cash, its real money as opposed to cheques and credit cards.
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@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
17 Jun 08
Thanks Tigertang... nice to know the token 'yellowskin' doesn't view it as racist, but rather as cautious.
To be honest, my preference for payment would have to be either cash or bank deposit made directly via internet banking. But being cash I would have felt much better if I could have banked it immediately. Three days with that amount of cash in my own somewhat insecure posession is the stuff that nightmares are made of for me.
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@creationsbyrobin (3071)
• United States
16 Jun 08
No, I don't think so. I think you might be a bit paranoid, which is normal if you aren't at ease with having a large sum of money in the house.
With all the scams you read about on the internet and hear about in the news, I would chalk it up to a bit of over-imagination.
How would I feel if I couldn't get a large sum in the bank... worried that I'd end up going to the mall with it! 

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@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
17 Jun 08
LOL, paranoid is definitely the word.
I mean, it would be nice to be used to having large amounts of cash but I'm not so I made me very nervous.
Taking it to the mall would have been one hell of a spending spree LOL
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@edjump (60)
• United States
17 Jun 08
There is not one iota of racism in your feelings in this case. It's truly sickening that so many people have had the thought of racism shoved down their throats that they worry that they are a racist, or have racist feelings, for any misgivings one might have in any type of transaction where a minority is involved. In the U.S., it has come to the point that if you so much as disagree with what a member of a minority says or believes, the racist card is tossed out and you find yourself trying to defend your own beliefs whether they pertained to strictly minorities or not. When you are as concerned about racism you are, I can guarantee you that you are in no way racist !!! If you were truly racist, the thought would never have come to you.

@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
18 Jun 08
It's not so much that I'm wondering if I'm racist... as whether other people think I am for feeling that way.
Really, I think the only thing I'm guilty of is having an overactive imagination. Because I know it wouldn't have made any difference who had given me that amount of cash, I would still have felt insecure.
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
16 Jun 08
I don't think you are a racist. Each person has his or her own life experiences...good and bad. That is where our paranoid feelings come from. You may have even had experiences when you were small that go into these feelings that you don't even remember. Don't beat yourself up.
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@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
17 Jun 08
I think in my case it comes from a combination of factors. From news media, television, experience and just having an overactive imagination. Then again... Maybe I'm just becoming cynical in my old age
I know I sold the car to pay off a bunch of debts that were crippling me financially so the money represented a degree of hope for me... which is probably why I over reacted so much.
PS. Love your nickname!

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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
17 Jun 08
We all question things. We have a right to considering what goes on around us. Thanks!
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
17 Jun 08
Well, I don't think you are racist. You are probably feeling a sense of paranoia and insecurity, but I don't blame you if you feel so this way. I would have felt a little uncomfortable myself with a large sum of cash in hand. It is only human to think of all kinds of scenarios and possibilities when we are placed in a situation we are not so accustomed to in our daily lives. Actually, it is to me quite unusual that someone will want to pay a large bill to a seller using cash. For me, I would have preferred a cashier's order or a cash check. Of course, if the buyer wishes to pay me cash, that can be welcomed too. After all, cash is the most liquid form of money. But if I know I cannot bank the money, order or check within a day or two, I'll try selling the product at a more convenient day instead. I'm glad though that things turned out alright for you, and that the money is safe now and you have not been cheated in any way.
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
19 Jun 08
Internet banking would have been a safe option too without the need to handle cash. But that might present a problem between buyer and seller, because usually private transactions are on a Cash On Delivery basis, i.e. the buyer hands over the goods and the seller pays on the spot. So would the buyer feel safe to deposit money into your account before you even hand over the car keys, or would you accept if the buyer says he/she transfers the money to you after he/she returns home first with your car?
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
18 Jun 08
I think I might just invest in a floor safe in case something like this ever happens again... though getting it installed would be a challenge since my house is sitting on a concrete slab. But a hidden floor safe would have made me feel a lot more secure.
Under the circumstances I would have preferred direct deposit via internet banking.
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
20 Jun 08
Good point there. Though I would have allowed them access to my computer to make the transaction.

@givemeworld (78)
• Pakistan
17 Jun 08
No, You are not racist but I tell you that it is the media that made you do that. Because when you read newspaper or watch television, you only see people snatching and threating other people to give them money or anything that could possibly fulfills their need or desire.
I advice you not get more involved into many situations, stay with your own work and keep on being liberal and optimistic.
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
18 Jun 08
Moi??? Optimimistic???
Generally yes, but my feelings this last weekend were most certainly NOT optimistic... more like utterly paranoid LOL.
You're right about the media though, you see coverage of all the bag snatchings, armed robberies etc... if you happen to have a large sum of money it's enough to make you edgy.

@givemeworld (78)
• Pakistan
19 Jun 08
It happens with everyone when they see that they are helpless but when you know that someone is with you, I am sure, you will not let anyone fear you for no reason.
And I know someone who knows you very well and takes care of you everyday. He always tends to remain with you to help you anytime when you are in trouble and worried about something.
Please give HIM you attention.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
17 Jun 08
I could not really understand where did this racist thing come from? Except for a token mention of the buyer as Asians, you have not referred to them again by their race. You just mention them as buyers which can include anybody and everybody, even local Australians (as you yourself admit). So do you find a hint of racism as an undercurrent in your subconscious thought? Are you therefore trying to reiterate to yourself that you are not RACIST??? If so, then relax, its plain and simple NORMAL. We all are guilty of being sceptical of strangers, more so if they are from a different community. It does not make us racist. Prolonged discrimination makes us racist, not a one-off incident. Being an Indian, I would have had similar doubts about you, if you were supposed to settle in India and come and buy my car and pay by cash instead of the more secure cheque.
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@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
18 Jun 08
I think it's just human nature in general that I'm suspicious of... and that is something that is common to all humans no matter what their race.
I think I really only asked the question because I wondered whether other people saw it as racist.
@suhascg (227)
• Australia
17 Jun 08
hi there,
thats not being a racist.. its quite natural to have nightmares when you are not used to havng such large sums of money at home, and that too for 3 days!!
i know how you would have felt those 3 days..
i hope you deposited the money safely and did not face any problems at the bank!!!
have a gud day..
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
18 Jun 08
Yes, got it to the bank safely thankfully... it was quite a load off my mind.
Heheheh, maybe I should invest in a floor safe... I'd love to be accustomed to having that sort of cash in the house and a hidden floor safe would be great.
@bkfuels (1603)
• Canada
17 Jun 08
One thing that I do not understand, is about keeing the money in your house. I do not know where you come from but I would have put it in the atomated teller machine. I figure everyone has one near by. None the less I sell cars to people all the time, and never worry about such things. The majority of the people are native. My worst fear is that something will go wrong with the car and have them come back to me on that.
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@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
18 Jun 08
That was an option, unfortunately the slot to put the envelopes in is not very big so I would have had to deposit about 20 envelopes which of course would take time and leave me exposed to some seedy character realising what I'm doing and coming over to mug me for the rest of the cash... not a risk I want to take.
We had the money locked away and deposited it immediately on monday morning.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
17 Jun 08
sounds as if you have maybe been ripped off and taken before at some point in your life. I don't know you well enough to call you racist based on an incident like this. I could be wrong but i suspect you'd have had the same feelings had the couple been a pair of long haired but very american hippies. the idea of someone having so much cash on hand is so different these days. Heck people just don't carry large abounts of cash anymore. well I hope all your worries were for not and all turns out well.
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@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
18 Jun 08
I would have felt the same even if they were Australian businessmen in suits. Just dealing with strangers and accepting that amount of cash is what freaked me out.
But we got it safely in the bank so I feel a lot better now.
@gtdonna (1738)
17 Jun 08
Don't think you're racist, you were just on edge because of the fact you had so much cash in hand and then you started to have negative thoughts about whether the money was fake, how could they get some much money and so on and so forth. One negative though just led to another.
I know it has been said that some cultures they do not really believe in banking, so they keep all their money at home in boxes or where ever they feel they cna hide it safely...seems that was the case and why they could have paid you in cash like that.
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@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
18 Jun 08
Yeah, a few months ago at work I had someone hand over several paper $20 notes... here in Australia we haven't had those for years. They are plastic now. The customer said she had found them in her mother's drawer LOL.
But the cash actually came from the bank... when we checked the paper strips around them they had the bank print on them.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I don't think you're racist, but my concern about the large sum of money would have absolutely nothing to do with the nationality or race of the couple. My concern about the large sum of money would be simply that I do not have an actual safe in my home, and not only that but I don't generally carry much cash on me anyway, at the most a few hundred but most days I have less than $20 to discourage my kids from asking me for a couple dollars lol.
The only thing that seems a bit dicey to me is the fact that you bring up the race of the couple. I don't see how or why that figures into the equation at all.
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@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
18 Jun 08
In reality, the race of the buyers had nothing to do with my feelings.
I think I'm basically trying to see whether other people think I'm racist based on this discussion. And it would have been a little bit pointless asking the question if I didn't point out that the buyer was someone I could have been racist against wouldn't it?
I can relate to not carrying cash around though.. If you have it on you then it will be spent. Either by you or the kids 

@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
17 Jun 08
My suggestion is, if you sell something in the future for a large sum of money, to request a cashier's check.
That way you won't have to worry if the money is legit.
If you were racist, you would not have sold your car to them for any amount of money.
Most people who are racist, has no dealings with the people they are racist against.
Stay level headed, don't let your mind take over your common sense.
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
18 Jun 08
Yeah, I think that was the problem, my imagination just went nutso and I got paranoid... it wouldn't have mattered where the money came from, just having that amount of cash would have freaked me out.
@streetidea (33)
17 Jun 08
there is no need to escalate such small things to this level. These are small things that keeps happening in our life....
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
16 Jun 08
I'd say, no, you're not a racist because if you were you wouldn't be worrying about whether you were or not! I can certainly understand your discomfort at having a large amount of cash in your possession, I'd be the same way and no matter what nationality or ethnicity these people were they were STRANGERS to you, so that's no one bit racist or prejudiced to fee uncomfortable.
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@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
17 Jun 08
You have a good point there about not worrying if I had been racist.
I just don't like to think that I try so hard not to be prejudiced and then occasionally something happens that makes me feel prejudiced.
Of course, it's inevitable that I would be prejudiced regarding some things, that's just human nature.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Jun 08
jewelenterprises no you are not racist at all, you just
have a normal reaction to having a huge amount of cash
in your possession and no way to deposit it until
Monday. I think a lot of us would probably have had
the same reaction, just feeling nervous at having a
large amount of money in your possession. a very natural
reaction or so I think.
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@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
17 Jun 08
Yeah, I think I just distrust human nature... you just don't know who to trust these days. Especially when dealing with strangers. But even friends can rip you off.
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@Palmerhusky (843)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I don't think your racist per say, because i would have the same worries that you do. After all you have a large sum of money, readily available, at a time of day not being able to get it into a bank. I think there is reason to worry there. but it sounds like it all worked out for you
and also i can understand the idea of that money being counterfeit because it is such a large sum, same with the idea of someone breaking in.
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@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
17 Jun 08
Yeah, it all worked out in the end... my imagination had a wild time with it though.
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@fluffnflowers (1594)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Since you weren't mentioning things race-related, I'd say that you don't sound racist, to me!
To be honest, I get the same way when I can't immediately deposit money and even cheques. I just know the cheque is going to bounce; I just know I'm going to get called in by the Secret Service because the cash is counterfeit; and I just know that I'm going to get mugged with that fat wad on the way to the bank.
I'm not used to carrying large sums of money and hate having to deal with the very real issue of a cheque bouncing, so I blame it on not being accustomed to having that sort of money laying around.
Glad to hear your deposit went well and that you were able to sell your car! 

@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
17 Jun 08
LOL, sounds like you have an overactive imagination just like me.
It feels great to have a bunch of my debts paid off.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
17 Jun 08
First off, being concerned with having large amounts of cash on hand would make many people nervous. My fear would be robbery if I ever got lucky enough to sell something for cash! As for being a racist, I doubt that makes you a racist. And as for them paying by cash, its not uncommon for Asians to prefer cash. My daughter in law and her family prefer cash. It seems to be something about their upbringing.
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@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
17 Jun 08
An Asian gentleman actually explained that... they see cash as 'real' money... rather than checks or credit cards.
I think I was just letting my imagination run away with me. Oh well, it's over now thankfully.
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Nothing about this makes you racist. In today's world, it is not a good thing to have lots of cash on your person or premises. Nothing may ever happen since nobody knew you had the cash. But, it puts an undue burden on you because you feel like you can't leave and leave the money home. I would not have liked getting the payment in cash that late on Friday. I had rather get a cashier's check or possibly meet at the bank and make a deposit right then.
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@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
17 Jun 08
I read somewhere once that it's better to be poor than rich... being rich makes you worry about things like that more.
My preferred option at that time would have been direct bank deposit via internet banking... but I didn't think to suggest it.