dealing with pain
massage for pain relief
my back hurts
pain management techniques
pregnancy aches and pains
What's the worst pain you had during your pregnancy?
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
United States
June 16, 2008 12:59pm CST
Did you experience any unusual pains during your
pregnancy or anything that felt out of the ordinary?
I had a really bad stabbing pain in my back (on one side) the whole
time I was pregnant. I had always assumed that it was
the baby kicking me or muscle strain.
But maybe it was something to do with my kidneys.
Like an infection. The pain was constant.
During the last month of my pregnancy I could barely
stand up straight because my stomach was so heavy.
And, my body hurt all the time.
I walked over hunched over some days.
The doctor told me to stretch more. Easy for him to
say. I couldn't even reach over top of my big belly
to touch my feet. LOL!
Did everyday tasks like laundry or sitting seem so much
more difficult while you were pregnant?
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21 responses
@grasshopper5257 (438)
• Canada
16 Jun 08
I didn't have any pain, but oh, the morning sickness. I had 7 months of morning sickness! I was so miserable! I couldn't wait to go into labor! That was the easy part for me!
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Oh dear! You poor thing.
My heart goes out to you.
The only thing I didn't suffer
was morning sickness.
But I did have everything else
including a brief scare with
gestational diabetes.
How ironic is that?
I got nauseaus once.
And after that, my baby
refused to let me throw up.
She was in control the whole pregnancy.
And I know they say that the morning
sickness is related to hormones.
But those people don't know my baby.
She just didn't want to give
up any of her food.
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@grasshopper5257 (438)
• Canada
17 Jun 08
I have never heard that morning sickness could be linked to hormone imbalance but I can see why I was so sick! I think I have had a hormone imbalance for most of my adult life! But, now since I have been using PhytoProlief by Arbonne I don't have those problems anymore! You can read my story at www.nomorehotflashes.myarbonne.com
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I'm going to check that out.
I still have monthly hot flashes
and some hormone swings.
I've been looking for some
kind of answer that was non-prescription
Thanks for the link.
Be well!

@ramyashreesk (1021)
• India
17 Jun 08
Hi beauty queen! Nice to hear such words about pregnancy, baby and stuffs.
Pity me! i don't have a child, so i don't know the pain a women bears during her pregnancy period.
Am very unfortunate lady, being a women am not a women.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Your value as a woman is measured by the size and generosity
of your heart, not by the size of your family.
You are still young. I didn't have my baby until I was
30 years old. Many of my friends thought I was selfish
for waiting so long.
But it gave me time to enjoy my life. I have no such luxury of
time now! LOL! I'm just as happy.
@ramyashreesk (1021)
• India
18 Jun 08

@krysi17 (234)
• United States
17 Jun 08
The worst pain I had in my pregnancy was my tailbone. It felt like it was on fire! lol. It ended up being that my tailbone is dislocated. Not fun at all! I dont even think the c section pain compares to it. But that hurt too. I loved being pregnant though.

@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
17 Jun 08
For the first eight months, being pregnant was a dream, then
my weight gain kicked in and I hit that final stretch of road
that was not so pleasant. I was luckier than most.
During the first half, I felt so energetic and alive.
I've never walked around and smiled so much in my life.
It was all the pregnancy hormones. They made me feel so happy.

@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
17 Jun 08
You are so lucky!
I loved being pregnant, but I did have
moments when my back hurt so bad I thought I
would die.
It was a pleasant experience overall.
And I found that I got three years immunity
from the common cold and flu by being pregnant.
That was a real blessing.
Be well.
Have a bright and beautiful day.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
17 Jun 08
i had pains in my groan area from the ligaments stretching. it was so painful at times i could not stand or walk. later in the pregnancy my son turned and shifted so he was lying on a nerve which was apparently the sicatic nerve and i had excruciating pain shooting down my leg. he stayed in that position for quite sometime and apparently liked it though i was miserable.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
17 Jun 08
You poor thing! I know how that feels.
I had those pains after the baby was born, due
to the c-section bikini scar. Everytime I turned over, it felt
as if someone ripped the bottom of my stomach open.
Turns out the OB nurse at the clinic (post partum) had left one staple in the scar
so it could heal some more and it had turned and skin started
growing over it.
The post partum time was by far more painful than my entire
pregnancy. Lots of healing to do in my body.
But I'm fine now.
@steeleIC (107)
• United States
18 Jun 08
The worst pain I had was during my second pregnancy. My first one pretty much breezed right through after the initial first 3 mths of morning sickness. But, in my second one I had pain in the same area of my body pretty much the entire 9 mths. What was odd was it wasn't a part of the body that one would normally even think about during pregnancy. It was in both of my wrists! Yes, I did say wrists! I suffered from a form of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome that is only prevalent during pregnancy. Every night just a little while after I dozed off to sleep, I would wake up with an excrutiating burning pain right in the center of both my wrists. It never bothered me during the day but at night it was horrible! I told my doctor about it and he said it was actually quite common. I tried everything from ice packs, to heating pads, to wearing those little wrist bands with magnets in them. But, nothing worked! I just had to keep enduring this every night until my daughter was born. She was born at 8:58 in the morning on Nov 2nd and that night was the first night I had no wrist pain in months. It's been a few years and I have never had that problem again. I don't even remember why the dr said this happens sometimes. All I remember was all those nights of waking up feeling like both of my wrists were being twisted and on fire.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Wow! I've never heard of that pregnancy ailment
before. But then again, I had never heard
of any of mine before I got pregnant.
It's amazing what a woman's body does
in order to cope with the many changes
going on inside with the baby.
I'm happy to hear that all turned out
Thanks for taking time to share your story.
Have a beautiful day!
@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
16 Jun 08
I didn't have any pain such as that with my daughter but with my son I think he was lying on my bladder the entire time LOL!! I mean, you go to the bathroom a lot anyway when you are pregnant but those last few weeks was horrible!! It hurt also when I was walking or standing. The only relief I had was when I was sitting or lying down. I think along with my bladder he was lying on a nerve.
Laundry and such was most definitely rough when I was pregnant with my son. I gained everywhere except my stomach when I was pregnant with my daughter but that was because she had a heart problem. But with my son I looked like I was carrying a basketball in front under my clothes LOL. My husband had to tie my shoes for me the last few weeks because I couldn't bend over to get to them LOL. Anything involving bending over was pretty much impossible.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Oh, I had my secrets for putting on my tennis shoes
when I was pregnant. My sweetie was my biggest secret.
I had to lie on the bed and he would put them on.
It hurt too much to sit on the edge of the bed.
My stomach would try to cram up into my chest, it was
so big.
I'm a shorty anyway, maybe five foot tall. So, for awhile,
almost a third of my visible self was all one big tummy!
I'm happy we were blessed with a baby. She's been worth
Thanks for sharing your story.
Always nice to speak with you.
Be well.
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I had a constant cramp on the lower right side of my belly. When it got really bad I was told to drink a lot of water. It always helped it. Other than that I had a pretty normal pregnancy.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I'll keep that tip in mind.
I had stomach cramps too, during
the first part of the pregnancy.
@christies2boys (560)
• United States
16 Jun 08
Both my pregnancies I had severe morning sickness.that required me going to the hospital to get IV's.Because I was so dehydrated.And later on confined to bed.My first one always used to kick me in my ribs.And with my second one.My belly was so heavy that I was always in pain.Being pregnant was not fun.Just sitting down bothered me.And my husband always had to help me get up.Another great discussion my friend.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I had issues with sitting too.
I felt better during the first two thirds
of my pregnancy when I was in constant motion.
By the end I could barely move.
I think my spouse had to help me off the bed
on more than one occasion.
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Oh my goodness! That sounds very painful.
I hope you are alright now.
@gemini_rose (16264)
16 Jun 08
During my 4th pregnancy I was ill, really ill. From week 28 or so I suffered with too much amniotic fluid, known as polyhydramnios and I would not wish it on my worst enemy, the pain I had through that was excruciating and I my daughter and I had a real fight to keep her in me, but we did it. I aged about 20 years during that pregnancy and lost 3 stone. Nightmare.
By the 29th week of my pregnancy I was the size of a 38 week pregnant woman and I could not eat, could not sleep I was in pain and my body kept getting ready for labour!
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Oh, that is so terrible.
I am so sorry to hear that you suffered.
@judy43 (299)
• United States
16 Jun 08
The worst pain wasnt because of pregnancy really even though I was pregnant. I had a toothache so bad I couldn't sleep or think straight. Finally I went to dentist and did not tell him I was pregnant. He took the tooth out and by that evening the terrible pain was gone. Later when I had to have dental work I had to have tooth replaced
@ShealM (388)
• Canada
16 Jun 08
I know how you feel. I cannot afford to repair the teeth I need repaired. Every year it's the same time of year and almost at the exact moment of time (830PM on Christmas Eve) that my teeth start throbbing and hurting. All 6 of them, 4 wisdom teeth, one front tooth and one molar.
@ShealM (388)
• Canada
16 Jun 08
If it was a kidney infection, it would have been in your back at the same level and position as the ovaries are in the front of your abdomen (except in your back). I've had dual kidney infections that should have landed me in the hospital at 17 (no pregnancy, just infections). Burning sensations associated with UTI (urinary infections) are not always present with kidney infections. However, what could be present is the inability to urinate or very little ability to urinate during a kidney infection.
The worse I've had pain wise for pregnancy is the round ligament pain, hip pain and heart burn. Massive amounts of heart burn. I had to sit up straight in bed because the heart burn was so bad. I also remember the bad nightly leg cramps - the ones that made you hoot and holler and jump out of bed limping all over the place and leave you with a sore calf muscle all day long.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Thank you for clearing that up for me.
I was worried, cause I used to have bad UTI infections.
They went away I was thinking maybe they had returned.
The doc never said anything.
@rantingqueen (495)
• United States
17 Jun 08
The worst pain I ever had was when my appendix blew up while I was pregnant. It hurt worse than child birth, but thankfully, I was blessed with a healthy child. I did have to have my appendix out, and many tests after to ensure the health of my baby.
And ohhh yes, everything was more difficult when I was pregnant. Laundry, cleaning, even sitting in a chair to use the computer got harder as my belly got bigger.
But there was a good point as well! My husband carried the groceries, did the hard stuff like mopping and took the trash out every day for 9 months!
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I'm glad to hear that you are doing well, now!
My sweetie did lots of the house stuff too.
He still does the cat litter and trash.
Cause I couldn't scoop cat litter.
Dirty cat litter is dangerous for a fetus.
So he took care of it.
@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
16 Jun 08
I think the worst pain I experienced during my pregnancy was heartburn. I had never had heartburn in my life until I got pregnant. Towards the end of my pregnancy my heartburn was so bad I could barely sleep. And the worst part was that the foods I craved all just made my heartburn worse.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I had bad heart burn too.
I think it's acid reflux.
I took cartons of tums.
I think that's the name.
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
17 Jun 08
Hello beautyqueen26,
I was lucky that my pregnancy was easy for me. I didn't have any problems at all including morning sickness, tiredness, or backpain. My stomach too, was not too big but still I couldn't see my two feet clearly. I was relieved that every thing went smooth. Unfortunately, after giving birth things turned bad. I got rheumatoid arthritis, back pain and excessive muscle pains.
@sashashimp (115)
• United States
19 Jun 08
When i was was pregnant I always had a pain right under my rib and it wasnt due to the baby kicking, come to find out it was the lining of the sack trying to tear away from the lining of the stomach it hurt so bad some days that i would just lay around the hour.
@wahm805 (76)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I get back pain a lot as well. It's from the baby snuggling in the back area of your tummy putting pressure on those nerves. It would hurt while I was standing for long periods of time like when doing the dishes or cooking dinner. I learned some good stretches to do to help the baby turn around and stop the pressure in my back. One is similiar to a yoga pose (angry cat I think). You get on all 4's and arch your back up and down like a cat. It feels silly but it totally helped me relieve the tension in my back. Sitting on a body ball (or birthing ball) also really helped my back as well.
@Bostonlicious (13)
• United States
17 Jun 08
I had the exact samme problems!! I was like a big balloon ready to pop! I had pain not only in my back but my hands were always tingly too. The doc told me that it was normal, but idk.
@StarChild517 (657)
• United States
19 Jul 08
My pain was throwing up 5 times a day and lying around like I was dying constantly.