Do you have an irrational fear, also known as a phobia?

Irrational fear of plaid. - Do you have a weird phobia, such as of clowns, buttons, cotton, or even plaid? This is the discussion to discuss it. Perhaps together we can help you overcome your phobia!
United States
June 17, 2008 9:22am CST
This morning on the radio, they were interviewing a woman that was afraid of buttons. She claimed that she got freaked out by any buttons, except those on her jeans or in an elevator. One of the radio DJs had a shirt with buttons and hugged her; she began shuddering uncontrollably. The another DJ explained that she had a fear of the cotton in the top of a medicine jar and a caller told of her boyfriend's fear of small groups, like fish. So do you have an irrational fear? Please tell! (my fears are all very real, so that wouldn't count!)
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12 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I have come across a "phobias" list many times just by being bored and needing amusement. The phobias listed there, although ridiculous are all real. I think one of my fears is of losing a great amount of money. By great I mean about a $20.00 bill. I once met a woman who was afraid of the color yellow and refused a plastic bag I put her fragile item in. Very weird, that was also the only thing she bought.
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• United States
18 Jun 08
Wow, she's afraid of the color yellow? Now that is a bit strange ...I wonder why she was afraid of it. I have an intense dislike for the color orange, but there's a rational reason behind that. I like Hemis, but please don't show me an orange one...
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• United States
20 Jun 08
I'm not that crazy about bright, sunshine-y yellow (probably because it looks so bad on me), but I like mustard yellow (that darker shader). Strange when you think about it--it's got more red in it, bringing it closer to orange (the one color I cannot stand!) Oh well, I guess we all have our fears/dislikes of something!
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I am not sure, usually yellow makes you think of happiness, but it may have meant something different to her. I can understand dislikes for it, but she seemed to be scared of it. I think she may have even mentioned it.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I do not have any irrational fears that I can think of, but from time to time I have seen people from time to time who had irrational fears,one big example of someone who has a lot of irrational fears is the character Monk on the show Monk cause I swear he is afraid of everything.
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• United States
20 Jun 08
one big example of someone who has a lot of irrational fears is the character Monk on the show Monk cause I swear he is afraid of everything. THANK YOU! That's what I'm talking about! I have never seen the show, but I'm sure he doesn't have a reason to be scared of most of it anyway, does he? You are very fortunate not to have a phobia...I'm sure that if someone afraid of buttons or clowns went and was hypnotized, they'd find a rational reason for that fear. Their brains have protected them by burying a traumatic event into their subconcious.
@sylvia13 (1850)
• Nelson Bay, Australia
18 Jun 08
My irrational fear are earthquakes, even though I haven't lived in countries that have seismic activity for many years. Many times at night, when I am trying to go to sleep I get the feeling that things are moving and of course my sleep is gone by then!
• United States
18 Jun 08
It could be your house shifting too...I live right by a railroad track (about 15 feet from the door) and I can feel the vibrations in bed at least half an hour before it gets here! Thanks for sharing!
• United States
17 Jun 08
What a great discussion! I will have to come back and read all the responses you get. It will definitely be interesting to read all the phobias MyLotters have. Personally, I have acrophobia, which is the fear of heights, and as I've gotten older, it has gotten worse and I now get a bad case of vertigo along with it. I also have a terrible fear of swimming in creeks, lakes, rivers, oceans, etc. I just do NOT like to be in any kind of water that has all sorts of creatures which I cannot see, such as jellyfish, sharks or snakes. Which brings me to another fear I have. I absolutely freak out when I see a snake, scorpion, wasp, bee or a spider, or any other creepy crawly creature that bites or stings. I don't consider my fears to be irrational, but some folks may think they are. But I think they are way more rational than being scared of BUTTONS! LOL!
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• United States
17 Jun 08
Uh oh, here comes a school of neon tetras! WATCH O - Some people have strange fears...styrofoam cups, germs, clowns, buttons...and groups of small fish. A perfect example is of this school of neon tetras I have pictured. Scary, isn't it?
I wouldn't say that any of your fears are irrational; I'm not afraid of heights, but I can't look straight down from great heights because I will give myself vertigo. And to think--I loved climbing the high trees at our old house!I can't wait to see what fears they come up with...I thought the woman's was bad, but then hearing about the guy and schools of TINY fish (like neon tetras) sent me into convulsions of laughter! I know I shouldn't have been laughing, but it was a funnier phobia than of buttons!
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@fatragu (677)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I am afraid of the insides of toilet tanks. If the toilet breaks and I can't fix it with a plunger, then I call someone over here to do it for me. I am also afraid of looking behind closed doors if I don't know what is behind them. We have lived in our place for almost 2 years and 3 months ago was the first time I had looked under the bathroom sink in the cupboards. I am terrified of snakes. I also am afraid of anything with a stinger and I am making my kids afraid of stingers as well because my hubby and his mom are deathly allergic to them and I figure if they are then the girls are probably as well. I also have issues with heights. Mine are weird because I could be on the top of a mountain looking down and that doesn't bother me but being on top of a ladder does.
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• United States
18 Jun 08
I know that the tank water isn't what's been in the bowl, but my toilet's old, and the inside of the tank has nasty, creepy stuff...ewww! So I agree with you on that one. I'm afraid you're alone on the closed cabinet doors though...have you ever thought of getting a motion sensor light to put in them? It might help...Snakes creep me out (although when I was seventeen, I walked around with my friend Ed's snake over my shoulders and forgot about it--scared the customers at work!); ever since that adventurer guy was struck in the heart by a sea ray, I'm not too keen on going in the ocean any time soon. I think the issue with the ladder as opposed to the mountain might have something to do with stability. I'm not sure, but thanks for sharing and good luck conquering your fears!
• Uruguay
18 Jun 08
when you come to think of it, you think that fearing buttons is ridicoulus but I know what a irratinal fear is. I fear heights, I can't stand on a chair. I had panic attacks i the past. And you think you're gonna die. So I respect that, I don't understand it but I respect it. Cause lot of people don't understand how come I think I'm gonna die if I climb the roof...
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• United States
18 Jun 08
I wasn't laughing at her (or anyone), but so far I think you're the only person that's responded that actually HAS an irrational fear! You're a very brave person to share it with us all and thanks!
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
17 Jun 08
All of my fears are very real and fairly rational. I have known some people with irrational fears. I have a friend who can not enter a building where the windows don't open.... like office buildings found in metropolis areas. She came to visit me once when I worked downtown in one of those buildings. I was just out of college and still low on the totem pole so my office did not even have a window. She wanted to see if she could do it. She couldn't! I had to walk her out of the building, holding her hand in the elevator. She told me a story about living in a dorm in college whose windows opened but that were different and just folded out on the lower panel. She said she was able to do it but that by the end of her first semester she had practically developed OCD about it because she had to go and open and shut the window several times a day. You would never know this about her, she is so normal in almost every way.
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• United States
18 Jun 08
I could understand's like the mime trapped in a glass box (which isn't really there)...I'd be scared to work in one of those building too! The compulsion to open and close the window several times a day...that could be considered irrational though. I'm NOT laughing at her story though, because her fear is rational to HER and that's all that matters.
@gloamglozer (1289)
• Australia
18 Jun 08
I have an irrational fear of heights and to this day i still do but to a lesser extent. I think why i was really scared of it was because i dread falling and i never felt safe when i was up high.
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• United States
18 Jun 08
That's more common than you ex is terrified (but won't admit it) and would do anything to avoid being up high. Makes it hard to do house maintenance when one is scared of heights, and the other (me) might fall from losing their balance! Stay safe if you DO climb and congrats on working on that fear!
• United States
18 Jun 08
im scared of amish people.. to me when i see them dressed they look like people from the past like ghost or something.. everyone laughs at it but i see ghost as is and to see them and them be real its like confusing since they look like they could be ghost from the past
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• United States
18 Jun 08
An Amish horse and buggy passing by a red barn - Do you think that the Amish are smarter, using their trusty horse and buggy while the rest of the world struggles with high gas prices? They may have something on us, but their lives are uncomplicated and have not really changed since the 19th century. Once a curiousity, now it seems to be something very intelligent, especially now with the gas crisis going on!
They DO look like ghosts from the past, don't they? For instance, when they had the school shooting and they FORGAVE the killer? If my child was killed in such a brutal manner, I seriously doubt I could forgive anyone for taking her away. Of course, it's their belief system, but still--it's your child! Then their fear of being photographed (like a part of their soul is taken away, or their continued use of horses for transportation (but you know, they DO have something on the rest of society with that idea!)
• China
18 Jun 08
Yes, I have when I have a fever I could see some horrible thing! I also never watch the horrible movie! I could go to the WC after an horrible imagination!
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• India
18 Jun 08
I am afraid of height. Even if i am on the third floor and don't look down I get butterflies in my tummy. If someone else sits on a wall then also i get scared. I do not know what is this phobia called.
• United States
20 Jun 08
You may have witnessed someone falling off a wall when you were younger, or fell out of a window or tree. You'd think I'd be scared to sit on the arm of a couch after falling off one as a toddler and breaking my elbow, but it doesn't bother me. It could be the way it was handled by my mother.
@jayzzzz (29)
• Brunei Darussalam
18 Jun 08
Phobia? hmm well.. There's was one time where I swim (that time i don't even know how to swim) Once I reach the deeper areas, i sink.. After that, someone saved me.. i forgot who.. it was a pretty long time ago. From then onwards, I developed pools phobia.. I am not really afraid of water.. mind you~ I just developed a fear on swimming areas. I am still not afraid of rain or anything =D
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• United States
18 Jun 08
I love the sound of rain! - Rain ruins plans, floods towns....but also brings nourishment to the earth and plants that require it. I love the sound of it...hitting the pavement...a nice summer rain...remember Gene Kelly singing this song: "I'm singing in the rain..."?
Well, after nearly drowning, I can see why you developed a fear of pools/swimming areas. I don't think that it could be considered a phobia, since you have a rational reason (nearly drowning)--now, if you didn't recall that, I could see it developing into a phobia. I'm glad to hear you're not afraid of the rain though!