What Should A Get A Dog Or A Man? LOL.

@ellie333 (21016)
June 17, 2008 3:47pm CST
To add some lightheartedness on a situation, my eldest daughter has just left home as a lot of you know and I was feeling a bit sad so now I would like you to share with me the qualities of a dog and the qualities of a man about the house and any funny stories you may have about which is better to have at home. As playful as you like as I need cheering up a bit. Ellie :D
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21 responses
@agfarm (930)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Okay.....They Both Eat everything in the House , they Both Fart , they Both take off when Something's Broke in the Kitchen......But you have to Admit.....it's Nice having a guy to take to the Beach and Show Him off Once & a While! LOL............Rogue 1
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@ellie333 (21016)
17 Jun 08
I agree but I used to have much more fun on the beach with my two labroadors running in the sea getting the ball but they never rubbed the suncream on my back so we are evens here I think. Farts, yuk, the poor dog always gets the blame even when it is the man eh! Ellie:D
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@Tianna2 (1273)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Hello Ellie, dogs make great companions once their housetrained. They'll follow you everywhere, you can play frisbee or throw a ball with them, they will gladly curl up next to you all of the way through a chick flick without complaining and are happy eating your table scraps. Men on the other hand are good at taking out the garbage(when they feel like it) and fixing minor things around the house. But usually they do these thing only because they believe it will get them what they want. All in all, I would go for the puppy, more faithful and easier to train. And you never have to question their motives! Hugs, Tianna
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@ellie333 (21016)
17 Jun 08
A puppy it is then! I agree on the much more faithful bit. I love your response, thanks and thanks for the hugs too. Ellie :D
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@snowxue (72)
• China
18 Jun 08
A dog is a loyal friend, a man?? it is hard to say. And dogs dont have dirty socks for you to clean, and dogs even clean their own butt, lol Dogs are good listeners, men?? I doubt.. Dogs are easy to please too and they always make you happy.
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@ellie333 (21016)
18 Jun 08
Hi Snowxue, Looks like the dog is in the lead at the moment on this one. Ellie :D
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@GreenMoo (11833)
18 Jun 08
Good points there Snowxue, though I have to say that all the men I've ever been out with also clean their own butts! Dirty socks I can cope with, but they can keep their butts to themselves.
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
17 Jun 08
If you give your dog a bowl of food at least he will clean the bowl not just leave it in the sink for you to clean. On the downside a dog uses his tongue to clean the bowl. Speaking of bowls at least the dog goes outside to do his business and doesn't leave the seat up! Hmmm maybe I should trade the man in for a dog...
@ellie333 (21016)
17 Jun 08
But with the dog you have to pick it up afterwards and with a man you just have to put seat back down as it is flushed away! Food for thought there eh! Sorry about the pun it was the plates and bowls that did that one. Ellie :D
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@littleowl (7157)
17 Jun 08
Hi Ellie-well my response is buy a dog-they give you unconditional love,all they ask is to be fed watered and walked,they never answer you back and are always loyal,they greet you every time you go out and come back,they comfort you when upset or down,they don't care what you do as long as you love them back..they never answer you back -hugs littleowl
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@ellie333 (21016)
17 Jun 08
Hi Littleowl, I agree 100% on this one darling, but I still miss the love and hugs of a man too but know exactly where you are coming from, so a dog it is for me then eh! Ellie :D
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@littleowl (7157)
17 Jun 08
Hi Ellie-I miss the hugs etc of my man whom is in France for the next three weeks and then I shouldn't think I'll see him til the week after-my dogs are my babies they give me all the love I need and are there for me always I hardly go out without them!! its true the touch and hugs of a man are different and more personal but for the moment I think a little dog will be best for you -hugs littleowl
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@ellie333 (21016)
17 Jun 08
Thanks Littleowl, I agree. Ellie :D
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@GreenMoo (11833)
18 Jun 08
Forget both and get some chickens! They may not be very cuddly and you wouldn't want to have them anywhere near your bed, but they're more fun than either!
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@ellie333 (21016)
18 Jun 08
Even when they poop in you shoe eh, oh GreenMoo you must love those chickens! I had a duck once and she was lovely and the eggs a lot richer than chickens. Ellie :D
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@GreenMoo (11833)
18 Jun 08
Well you have a point there. No man of mine has ever pooped in my shoe, but overall the chickens are still less bother!
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@mummymo (23706)
18 Jun 08
Well Ellie we all know mens qualities - you can write them on a post it note but dogs will love you , protect you , take you for lovely long walks and when you feed them they are grateful, they don't just fart and walk away! Definitely better with a dog! lol xxx
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@ellie333 (21016)
18 Jun 08
Hi Mummymo, put like yes I most definitely will be better with a dog. LOL. Ellie :D
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• France
19 Jun 08
Get a dog....dogs never argue or upset you.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
18 Jun 08
A dog is a woman's best friend....they are always happy to see you....love your cooking even if you burn it... like to cuddle without expecting more....protect you and don't run away....and are such very good company.
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@ellie333 (21016)
18 Jun 08
Hi Jill, its looking like the dog is in the lead at the moment over the man in this discussion for sure LOL. Ellie :D
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
18 Jun 08
No comments my dear as i dont want to compare a dog with a Man. Sorry, and for cheering u up i respond to ur other discussion Take care
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@ellie333 (21016)
18 Jun 08
Yes as a man I supppose it would be more difficult to do, thanks for responding anyway. Ellie :D
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• United States
18 Jun 08
A dog gives you unconditional love, is always glad to see you, and doesn't usually argue. You can always watch your favorite program on TV and golly -- there are so many other advantages!
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@ellie333 (21016)
18 Jun 08
Oh Joyce I am so pleased to see you, I have been trying to PM you but my system for some reason doesn't allow them to send. I guess you have been busy but lovely to see you back. Bet you've got through a few good books eh! LOL. The dog definitely seems to be in the lead at the moment! LOL. Ellie :D
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Well they both have their advantages and disadvantages. Of course men have more advantantages and way more disadvantages.
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@ellie333 (21016)
18 Jun 08
About even on this one then eh! Thanks for response. Ellie :D
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@fundose (41)
• Pakistan
18 Jun 08
dear ellie333, I think ur little bit nervs and confused thats y you r asking that kind of things I think man is always best then a dog you cud share everything with a man but a dog cant feel you. you could just playt with a dog but you could enjoy every moment of you life witha man and if you like am available to make you mine for timepass (for my whole life)
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@ellie333 (21016)
18 Jun 08
Hi Fundose, Oh what a lovely offer and for a lifetime, yes some men are very loyal too I agree, this was a playful discussion and it seems that the dog is in the lead at times and then at others the man but hear all what you are saying and yes ofcourse a loving relationship with a man is far more important but a dog definitely greets you happily every time though eh! Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
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@avidwhit (1492)
• Mexico
18 Jun 08
I responded to this dicussion without knowing all the facts please disregard all I said. Ellie D. I apologize sincerely something told me this wasnt how I saw it and didnt seem like Ellie D. I apologize once more!!! New I was out of my Legue b4 I responded sometimes always its best to listen to the voice inside.
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@ellie333 (21016)
18 Jun 08
Hi David, Really it is not a problem, I understand, there was no nedd to apologise at all but thank you for doing so that is really appreciated, your friend Ellie :D
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@avidwhit (1492)
• Mexico
17 Jun 08
Must be something in the air ....Or is it the full moon? I tend to think that we all have animal characteristics at times. Cool as a cucumber I think I once heard someone say. I will venture think that your eldest daughter is spreading her wings. Let her fly. But also let her know that you will always and are always there for her with love the kind that she will need when she runs into those unexpected things out in the big world. She needs a friend at this time maybe even more so than a mom. Dogs are good for some things. Is her father the reason she left home? I am not seeing the parrel between a man and a dog. Maybe I am missing part of the facts. But personally dogs are good for dog things and men are good for man things. A dog can fetch the paper but cant read it. I guess for some dogs are good, and men are better. What is DOG spelled in REVERSE? Who really knows which is better...but what is the reverse from God? the best is yet to come! sincerely personally I tink its best to let the ladies reply on this I... peace and love
@ellie333 (21016)
18 Jun 08
Hi David, Thank you for your response. I haven't heldf daughter back in any way as you now know from other post but this was to lighten up me feeling sad about her going. Dog, God, yeah I get it. Hugs. Ellie :D
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@k1tten (2318)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Well, you can always train a dog in a matter of weeks. You can always get them pretrained too lol. A man takes years to train. A dog will look at you with adoration and love and want to be with you everyday. A man switches off and on.
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@ellie333 (21016)
17 Jun 08
Hi K1tten, yesd I agree a dog can be trained, a man is unknown entity but in all due respect to men as some might be reading post I suppose women are to them too. So its the dog then for me cos at least I know what I'm getting, loyalty, love, affection. Ellie :D
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Hi ellie, This is a cute topic, funny as well..LOL, A dog has limited to offer although they are a lot of fun but they can't talk to us back, nor hug or comfort us during the time we need it. They will just wiggle and give us a cute face which sometimes enough to cheer us up but I still would insist, they have limitations to offer compared to man! Cheers!
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• United States
19 Jun 08
I can see that too, maybe are for dogs..LOL!
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@ellie333 (21016)
18 Jun 08
One for the men here even though the god seems to be winning overall at the moment LOL. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
18 Jun 08
ooops my typos getting worse, I meant dog!!! Ellie :D
• Canada
18 Jun 08
Well I say go ahead and get the dog, for all the reasons listen here, and more, up to and including that the dog might lead you to the man and having someone to grow old with (as the average life expectancy of a dog is only 7 years) is going to be the best and wisest choice in the long run, plus when you get to having grandbabies, I think the man would be a better choice because he can share your joy, while the dog will just get annoyed and bite at the little ones ;) Food For Thought....;) So tell me now how do you all get those super cool smiley faces and such, do you have to reach a certain number of posts?
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• United States
18 Jun 08
well let's see ....ummmm A Dog girlfriend no question
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@ellie333 (21016)
19 Jun 08
Yet another vot for the dog. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
@risris24 (712)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I say a dog all the way girl! Unlike men, dogs are quiet, they listen when you speak, are always there for you through thick and thin no matter what, they don't judge you... What's to think about? Men, make you cry, ignore you when yo talk, are always too busy to spend time with you, and judge how you look, speak and every littl ething we do, since we tend to forget that they are perfect in every way, shape and form an dare GOD's gift to the Universe... and yes, if you can't tell, I am a woman scorned, and if I just had a dog, none of this would've happened!
@ellie333 (21016)
18 Jun 08
Another vote for the dog, yes the dog seems to be winning ahead of the men at the moment, a dog is loyal also eh! Thanks for your input into discussion. Ellie :D
@update_1 (12)
18 Jun 08
Where all the men gone!!! I personally think you should go for the man only because I am a man and I'm available. lol
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@ellie333 (21016)
18 Jun 08
I agree it does seem to be female orientated by the responses so far. Ellie :D