Why do Teenagers have sooooo much ATTITUDE............and have alot to say?
@Browntemptation (48)
June 17, 2008 7:22pm CST
Why is it, you can never get a word in edge way when conversing with a teenager? They have so much attitude and ready to curse you and try and bring you down.
Why are they so aggressive nowadays.
Who feels threatened by teenagers on the street, bus, shops, at home, etc.........
Please feel free to express your honest opion!
Thanks B
5 responses
@ZiggyGein (15)
• Canada
24 Jun 08
That seems like a very stereotypical opinion frankly...
Speaking for Teenagers here, I think we are misjudged. Yes, there are the occasional loud and rambunctious teenagers, but what I have found is alot of senior citizens give me the attitude at work. I work at a kiosk refilling ink jets, and usually I get alot of seniors coming over. Now I have black hair and I usually wear black cloths, and almost 90% of the time alot of seniors will comment very harshly upon me, calling me a "devil worshiper" and other idiotic statements. I sustain a 87% average in school and I plan to achieve a law degree like my father, society is based usually today on looks. If you look dangerous, you are dangerous, which isn't always true, we shouldn't be scared of something, jsut because we don't understand it.
@Browntemptation (48)
24 Jun 08
The reason I said that, is because I have experience of people in my life. They have so much attitude, sometimes I can't get a word in. I'm not tarring everyone with the same brush. I'm just so frustrated with the people around me.
I think it's sad people call you names and talk about you in a underminding way. In future if they come around you and comment on you, you just say softly ( I wish them peace & love) If You keep saying that then they will gradully leave you alone. It does work, I have tried & tested this method. Just don't take them on, they aint apart of your reality. They are just ignorant.
I hope you follow in your fathers foot steps and become, what you want to become. I wish you all the best.
Thanks B
@solankiankit16 (126)
• India
27 Jul 08
now a days poeple are very open. there is no compulsion on what to do and what not to do.
In this teenage start finding there identity in society and when they don't get the expected they start attitude stuff.....
Adults are mature enough to understand this and so they never (try to) get a word in edge way when conversing with teens.
and even we can't blame teens for their attitude. HORMONES have a major role to play in. At this age there is a influx of hormones and so is the aggressive nature of reens
@SusanLee (1920)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I'm 50 years old. When I hit my early teens I developed an attitude. It was quickly nipped in the bud.
I think it comes with the age, all those hormones racing, thinking we know everything there is to know about everything.
What kept me in line was my mother and step-father, they would not tolerate such behavior under any circumstances. I knew were my boundries were and I didn't cross them but once.
It was the same way with my kids. I would not tolerate certain behavior and they knew it. They would try me, it's in a teens nature.
I had more trouble with my daughter than my son, her attitude problem came with her monthly cycle.
I think what's wrong with teens is the parents. Not in every situation, but in the biggest majority of it.
At the same time, you can't let your kids run amok and then when they hit their teens try to do something with them. You have to start right at the begining.
@honeydew82174 (1720)
• United States
18 Jun 08
It's hormones! Parents are to busy with the tasks of the day to worry about what there teen is saying to other people. My teens do not disrespect others like this but some of there friends I would like to strangle sometimes. I think if you set a bad example and or to busy for your kids they will turn out like this.
@rantingqueen (495)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Raising or dealing with a child these days is more difficult than it has ever been. With the need for a two income family, comes the issue of parental involvement.
Many parents are working 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet, and do not have the time to proactively parent their children and teach them morals, values and manners.
Still other parents do not care what their child is doing as long as they are not driving them up the wall. Computers and televisions are now used as babysitters for their kids, instead of good old family time.
And with the rise of teenage pregnancies over the last 20 years, there are some parents who just weren't ready to be parents. Let's also not forget that to this day, teenagers who get pregnant do not get the parental support that they need to continue to learn, grow and mature. As such, they in turn do not give their own children the necessary education to grow into a caring, young adult.
For myself, I do not feel threatened by teenagers or their need to express themselves with their attitude or comments. However, I can see where and how people can feel intimidated, scared for their own safety and that of their families, as well as a fear of what is to come with the next generation to hit adulthood.
I wish I could say what the solution is to this issue, but without parents who are actually responsible for their children's actions, I am not sure there is a solution.