aimee3 asks why eminem is hated

Trinidad And Tobago
June 17, 2008 9:54pm CST
simple answer the dude is a dose of truth in it rawest form its rough its crass but damn it to hell its truth and we love it haters are usually pretending because you hate what you love and you love what you hate.BOOYAHHHH
1 response
18 Jun 08
I have listened to a lot of Eminem, and though I find his lyrics quite hilarious and to the point, I have to say its quite easy to understand why people hate him. Looking at it objectively, how can someone who he insults not hate him, especially when he sets out to offend and insult people in the first place. The point is that Eminem knows people will hate him, he isn't trying to make friends with his songs. It is an deliberate attempt to get others wound up. While some may laugh at this, others are being offended. But I guess that's rap and hip hop for you. There is no point in complaining about people who hate him, becaue they actually helped make him who he is. He wouldn't be this big, if everyone just loved his music, and ther was no one to hate them. He would be ordinary and far from unique. And Eminem acknowledges this even in his songs.