Do you feel no appetite under hot weather?

June 18, 2008 1:13am CST
Though I am hungry at meal time,it seems I have no interest to eat dinners no matter how delicious they are. I am afraid I am sick maybe,but my friends told me that's right.Human bodys always take time to adjust to the weather changes.Now the summer is coming and the temperture is highering day by day.I am advised to take more fruits instead of oily foods. Most of them eat a lots of watermelons in summer days and little rice in hot days.I worried if that is possible to maintain our normal body system. So when the weather becomes hot, how about your appetite? Normal? eat more? eat less?
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3 responses
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
18 Jun 08
i think my appetite increases during hot weather for to much perspiring can burn more calories so that means i get hunry easily than on a rainy day. it is mostly hot here in the Philippines so i eat more drink more water bathe more har har har. i am not much of a fruit eater but i am a juice drinker and milk as well.
• China
18 Jun 08
Unlikely,I don't eat more even I was perspiring greatly in hot weather? Maybe there is something wrong with me?You know those day I am suffering from constipation.Oh,that makes me very very uncomfortable.I am not much of a fruit eater but I have to.Fruits are the best things to make me healthier. Keep your good habit then!
• Philippines
18 Jun 08
eat ore veggies than fruits. vegetable can stop your constipation. are you a tea drinker? as far as i know tea can cause constipation. drink a lot of water and eat a lot of veggies this will stop constipatuon. hope this helps.
@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I have no problem with my appetite whatever the weather is...I still eat the same amount of rice with chicken,pork or vegetables. I also love watermelon, apples,cherries and other fruits.As usual 8 glasses of water in a day and snacks in between like chips or pancake or bread!
• United States
19 Jun 08
LOL, being addicted to chips maybe is not good but I am trying to balance it with fruits..But, I believe I am still taking harmful!
• China
19 Jun 08
Amazing!Your appetite is extremly good!Anyway,it is very healthy diet. Keep on!
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
18 Jun 08
Here at our place, it really hot, it reaches 40 degrees here sometimes inside our house since we don't have a ceiling up to now.. When its so hot, I can't get hungry at all.. probably because I've already drank too much water due to the heat that my stomach's already full of it to even get hungry.. well, that's how I look at it.. Would probably prefer fruits if they were available though
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
18 Jun 08
Hahahaha Our house has been like that even before I was born. I think our eldest brother (among six children) has already graduated college and still our house was still like that. Now, I (youngest by the way) am on the way on finishing my degree too and still, this house still doesn't have a ceiling! I believe its still under construction ^0^ Water melons aren't really available at the moment. Either water or flavored water for us in this oven-like house of ours.. Summer is currently the season that you don't want since you can't take it at the moment. It'll change when you can't take another season like winter. Then again, we just like our seasons to be reasonable, just right on every season I guess..
• China
18 Jun 08
Why your house has no ceiling now?Is it being built now? 40 degrees? Oh,my god, it can burn me.The highest temperature we got so far is just 32 degrees.It seems weather in our country is more comfortable than yours.So do take care of yourself under so hot weather. Try to eat as much watermelons as you can except drinking too much water. To tell you truth,the most undesirable season in my mind is summer.
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