How I Charmed The Men In Town!
By Sparks
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
Regina, Saskatchewan
June 18, 2008 2:04am CST
Some of you will recognize this, as I have sent it to you in emails. But I have just come from a discussion here that brought it to mind again and I thought that I would share it with you all, as it is the main happening that led to my becoming Mayor of my little town.
The former Mayor was NOT well liked at all, and had insulted me quite badly at the first Council Meeting I had attended. The rest is history, as they say! LOL
Well, I got to the meeting a little earlier than most of the others, which was great, because then I could choose my own seat. When the Mayor arrived - strutting in like the overstuffed turkey he is - he took one look at where I was sitting and actually ROARED at me to "move my skinny butt to the other end of the table as far away from him as I could get". WELL! How dare the man! I ask you - is that any way to treat a lady?" HUMPH! So of course I moved. I had already left a half dozen mini marshmallows on HIS seat, and he sat down on them without a murmur. I knew with his weight he wouldn't feel them, and with the heat he generated, it wouldn't be long before they 'melted' enough to stick to the cloth of his pants. And they were such pretty colours too! I had placed them in a triangle shaped pattern that would be under his left thigh. Naughty me, but there was a point to it.
(wait for it! lol)
The first order of business after the coffee was passed around - and wouldn't you know - no goodies from the Mayor even though it was HIS turn! - was the discussion of the plans the ladies had finalized of the Christmas Dance and Tree Decorating. The Mayor of course, was against it. We all knew that was coming. He blithered and blathered about the expense, the fire hazard, the sheer (dirty word here) WORK involved, and what a burden that would be on the ladies at this time of year.... etc., etc., ad nauseum. While he pontificated, one of the other members passed around a mickey of Jim Beam for our coffee, and we all sat in enraptured (read, alcohol induced) silence while he went on and on.
He finally stopped to take a breath (read, a large slug straight from the Jim Beam bottle!) and that was when I spoke up and told the group that the Ladies were all for the idea, had the plans in place, and were quite excited about the upcoming event. One of the members produced a poster that his wife had made, advertising the Dance and Tree Decorating, which would be put on the community board in the next town. More were on the way he said, and even his kids were getting involved. Another member reminded the Mayor that the motion for this event had been passed last meeting, and as things were progressing nicely, it was really too late to nix the plans. The Mayor glared at ME - I didn't give him that news!, and announced that HE would NOT take responsibility for it as things were "sure to go terribly wrong". One of the men called him a Scrooge - in a laughing way of course, and accused him of not having any Christmas spirit. The Mayor glared at him, slammed his coffee cup on the table (NOT the wall this time, thank God) and announced that HE had more Christmas spirit than anyone in town and had the 7 foot tree in his living room to prove it! (I knew about this tree - his wife had told me). There were some guffaws at this, as everyone knew that every year the Mayor cuts down a 7 foot tree for his home and then has a Christmas Cocktail Party/Open House so he can rub in everyone else's face. NO ONE in town is 'allowed' to have a tree over 6 feet! lol I piped up at this point and casually mentioned that I'd heard that his tree was a little less than 7 feet this year as he had denuded the pine copse in previous years and only shorter ones were left. The men started to laugh quietly, and another bottle of Jim Beam found it's way onto the table. The Mayor stood up at this point and told us that as his presence was not necessary to our passing of 'motions and such', HE was going home to his dinner! He turned on his heel and began to walk towards the door when the entire room erupted in laughs and loud catcalls of apology at saying the Mayor had no Christmas spirit. He turned back to the room and looked around the table, totally at sea as to what all the rukus was about. I just added more Jim Beam and kept my eyes demurely downcast. I didn't dare meet his eye or I would have fallen off my chair laughing. I am SUCH a bad girl! But really - the man needs to be taken down a peg or two, and better with some fun to it than an outright drag out fight! lol
Finally one of the men managed to control himself long enough to pull the trouser leg around so the Mayor could see the little Christmas tree on it! My goodness, he went so purple in the face I really thought he was going to drop dead right in front of us. He caught my eye then, I can tell you! Before he could say anything, I asked him "Please Sir - may I sit at the other end of the table next meeting?" He pulled himself up to his full height, pointed his finger at me and yelled "Begone woman before I lynch you!" Dead silence in the room then! Then all hell broke loose. Three of the men positioned themselves between the Mayor and me and one of the others took his arm and began talking quietly to him about how he'd better leave off because I was just the type to file a discrimination complaint against him.... etc., etc. All baloney of course, but it did the trick and the Mayor calmed down. He didn't however, stick around. He walked out with as much dignity as he could with a marshmallow Christmas tree on his butt, but NO ONE laughed..... well not until he was gone. The Jim Beam went around the table again and a motion was passed to assign everyone their own seat at the table! AH, victory is sweet! LOL I didn't tell the men what I'd done (I'm a naughty girl, but I'm not stupid!), and the men speculated that his kids had some weird sense of humour, but oh what a story they'd all have for their wives when they got home! LOL Sometimes it pays to be a pissed off redhead!
Now I did tell my neighbour what I'd done, and so of course the truth got around town and awhile later when names were being put forward for a new Mayor - mine was the only one on the list! LOL So I never really got elected, just 'inherited' the position by unanimous default after the previous Mayor was 'encouraged' to resign! But that's another story! ROFL
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15 responses
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
18 Jun 08
so the but christmas tree did it measure 7 foot wide? LOL!!! I love this I need to bring you to some of the meetings that I go to you could liven them up a little and I really think it was the right decision to put you up there instead of marshmallow pants. LOL!!!! I just wish you woul dhave taken a picture. Then posted it beside the town tree to see which was bigger. LOL!!!!!!
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
19 Jun 08
But I still want a picture or two of this fun town.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jun 08
Damn bella you're a pushy little avatar! ROFL
As soon as Annie sends me her digital she doesn't want, then I'll be posting pics for everyone. But first I have to figure out to fix my picture program. It's gone all wonky on me and I can't resize IT let alone the pics!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Jun 08
LOL - if I took pics of every little happening here the town would get paranoid and start hiding in their houses and where would be the fun then? LOL But writing about them is a hoot and I just hope if any of them stumble across this site, they aren't embarrassed. That would be awful!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Jun 08
I can't wait either, so if you ever do get a chance to visit our fair country, you come HERE and I'll show what Canadians are REALLY made of! LOL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jun 08
Oh, you'll survive it mummymo if I have to change the weather and kill everyone to make sure! ROFL
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Jun 08
Hey Margie - good to see you! I'm having a great week by the way. Say hello to my donks and cats for me and tell them I'm sooooo sorry to be so out of touch, but it being summer, and other things happening in my life, I'm not emailing so much anymore to anyone. But I do think about them. How's Holly? Please tell me she's ok.
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@LouRhi (1502)
• Australia
18 Jun 08
Oh you are a naughty girl Sparks! However this is much nicer than arguing as a means to put people in their place. There is a man on the school council that needs a treatment similar to your ex-mayor.
I am sure his day is coming and I can't wait.
Thanks for sharing Sparks, this was just the kind of smile I needed. I hope myLot is paying you well for these post (though I am know that's not why you do it), you are a real treasure and I am glad I get to know you
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jun 08
Hey Lou - exactly; without humor we have nothing. Wouldn't the world truly be a sad place without humor?
And it's so important too within intimate relationships. If we can't laugh at ourselves, we can never truly accept the foibles of others and that just leads to a lot of petty arguments that need not happen. Hugs friend.
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Jun 08
Well thank you Lou - I'm honored to know you too! Truly.
As for being naughty - I never do any harm and everyone gets a good laugh, and without humor when dealing with people like this, life would be a real bummer don't you think? LOL

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Jun 08
Enough Jim Beam and Lanky Larry would have eaten them! LOL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Jun 08
Admit it - you loved it! *giggle, giggle* ROFL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Jun 08
Hi laglen, and thanks. Glad to start you off with a smile!
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
19 Jun 08
He walked out with as much dignity as he could with a marshmallow Christmas tree on his butt, but NO ONE laughed
Ok, I admit it, if I'd have been there, I would have had tears streaming down my face! As it was, I got to the above line and was hysterical for quite some time! And what a town to allow Jim Beam at the table!
So how long did it take for you to come up with the marshmallow Christmas butt tree idea? (again, hysterics prevented me from typing too fast!) That's abso-freaking-brilliant!
My town is so stuffy that we'd have to have meetings to discuss 1) How it was done 2) What should be used to create a marshmallow Christmas butt tree oh wait, gotta be politically correct, a marshmallow holiday butt tree 3) Create a committee to decide if Kraft mini marshmallows will work, as well as if they should be fresh or stale 4) another meeting to decide if colored ones are appropriate, or if plain 'ole white is fine 5) develop a bond issue, to pay for said marshmallows 6) to decide who actually gets to put them on the mayor's seat and 7) to actually do it. By then, it's a crapshoot--the mayor's been replaced with someone else, 3 council members abstain because of a conflict of interest, 1 council member is out for medical reasons and 1 is out for religious reasons. The problem? THE MAYOR'S THE ONLY ONE LEFT!
On that note, I'm going to bed..I'm beat! And sparks--that's an awesome story!

@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
19 Jun 08
Ok, I'll do it (heck I'm not getting paid now as it is!) but I'm actually a good secretary! I got hired at my last job because I had great legs, and the guy hiring me could look down my blouse! The fact I could do the job was secondary in his mind! I'll even wear an outfit like below:
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Jun 08
Br to you scorpio - that was brilliant too. You are officially hired (at no compenstation as the town has no money! lol) to be the Town Secretary and write up the reports of our meetings. And we do have lots of meetings, but they are mostly excuses to have a drink or two and gossip! ROFL
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
19 Jun 08
You pacifists scare the chit out of me :))))) Man so devious but in oh so suttle ways... God I love it!
4 people like this
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Jun 08
I figured that! LOL
Yes, we pacifists are an unpredictable lot and so be very scared! ROFL
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
19 Jun 08
I have never lived in an apartment building! It is tough since there are so many people to try to get along with! Do you mean the town never voted before you came along, or until you came along nobody bothered to vote since the mayor had no competition?
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Jun 08
A bit of both Olive. This town is very isolated and when the residents families grew up and moved away, the town really shrank and a lot of protocol when by the wayside. Things got slack and yes, because no one else wanted the job the former Mayor just took over without an election and stayed in 'power' for over 17 years before I came along! He is NOT happy with my living in HIS town1 LOL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Jun 08
I could never live in an apartment building ever again I don't think Olive. It would drive me bonkers.
And no - until I came they never voted. Talked and talked until finally someone said "Ok, I'll do it". LOL
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Jun 08
Spark I loved your story and I saw Mr. Grump Mayor with the
christmas tree emblazoned on his rump. lol lol and lol again.'
You were a natural choice for mayor and am glad to see'
that your neighbors all recognized you for the mayor..Now for
how he was encouraged to resign. thats a next for you
and all us mylotters lol.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
25 Jun 08
There is a law Olive, but every time his term was up no one would run against him, so he just stayed on and on in the position. No more though! LOL The sparks are flying now! ROFL
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Jun 08
I have a report filed about that too Hatley. I'll have to dig it out and post it. Great idea!
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
18 Jun 08
I remember this story, when it first happened. But you neglected to tell me about the marshmallows. You naughty girl!
You never cease to amaze me, girl. You are brilliant, and the biggest mistake most people make with you is underestimating you. Way too often, men think that women are stupid. And they are so often proven wrong, you would think they would learn.
I love ya!

@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
19 Jun 08
I vote Sparksofinsanity for President :)))) there is always the write in vote ya know!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Jun 08
Hey Annie - I think I sent you the report of my first town council meeting when I was just a new Councillor. This was the second meeting. Too funny, but so appropriate for this town don't you think? ROFL
As for being President - wouldn't the world be a happier place if I was? All my mylot friends would be given gov't appointments and boy could we set the world to rights! ROFL
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
19 Jun 08
Sparky..what a charmer and What a story!!!!
Thanks for writing it since i never got to hear it before..this was well worth hearing and now i feel i've been caught up to the where's and how's..LOL
Sparky the Mayor!!!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Jun 08
I really should post the report of the first meeting I attended, just to round out the picture of the former Mayor and why he was so unpopular.
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@thebeaddoodler (4262)
• Lubbock, Texas
18 Jun 08
ROFLMBO! This sounds like something my sister would have done in her younger years. 

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
19 Jun 08
They do say middle age is the beginning of a second childhood! ROFL
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