Spelling Mistakes in Mylot.. Your opinion please..

Spelling mistakes - spelling
June 18, 2008 2:25am CST
I used to make lots of Grammer/Spelling mistakes in mylot discussions/responses. I cann't say that I am not much popular in writting english, but i am ok.. But i can see lots of the discussions and responses, the people used to write the words with lots of spelling mistakes, that is, when we type we used to make some mistakes, it will be identified by us immediately, ie., it will struct them that this word is wrong, If they feel like that they will immediately change the same and rectified that mistakes, because i used to do like that only. But here I saw some of the discussions/responses, the people are not bother about the simple spelling mistakes, they are not interested to correct it.. Is this means that they don't want to waste that fraction of second? or something else..??But i am very sure that, they will defenatley identified that is the mistakes, but why don't they take steps to correct the same immediately before postings..??Are you one among them.. please post share your opinion.. Please note : Friends, please dont think that i am finding fault with any one.. Since i found this in some of the discussions continuously, i thought of raising the discussion in this regard and create some awareness.. So, please donot think anything bad about me.. and dont mistake me..
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13 responses
• Canada
18 Jun 08
Hi chennai. This is not English class. I could care less if spelling and grammer mistakes are made. Some of us have more education in english than others. Some of us do not see the key board well. Some of us have hand injuries. Some of us are drunk (just kidding). What about dyslexicia (I cant spell that iether) my spell checker keeps timing out and gives me the boot if I use it. Some people also have older computers and so it spells words the old fashion way. (that was a joke!). Spelling and grammer errors do not bother me. I like to meet people from other places too where english is not thier first language. Have a great day!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Jun 08
chennai again your own grammar is atrocious. before finding fault with others you should work on your own spelling and grammar as your words would make more sense if you were also good at grammar and spelling yourself.
• India
18 Jun 08
Please - Please...
I am telling again & again, I am not find any fault with any one here.. but this type of small things if they change themself, their discusisons/responses should be very neat in nature.. I just wanted to express this opinion, thats all. If any one understand the intention of this discussions and change themself, it alright.. else leave them as per their own way.. I don't have any words to say more.. This is only the awareness, to make the people those who make a small small mistakes done, can be correct themself.
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
19 Jun 08
Chennai I think that blue star has gotten in your head so you think that you have reach the pinnacle of MYLOT. I used to response to your discussions and to see that you have gotten to the point that you can discuss person english. The only rules in MYLOT is that no one should speak a foreign language because there is no interpreter. What there was a writing block and you decide to come and criticize. I used to teach English and since getting that sickness in my head, my English as become distorted but thanks to MYLOT I can learn again and put my sentences in proper order. Stop what you are doing and go back to write good discussion.
@the_ruler (1442)
• Turkey
18 Jun 08
I don't think spelling mistakes are a big deal here on mylot. As you already know there are many people here who are using English as a second language and I am one of them also. However, making mistakes is possible for everyone. Even if you are a native speaker of English you can make some spelling and even grammar mistakes sometimes. Since it says in the guidelines that we should tolerate people who doN't have a very strong command on english, then there is no need to worry about those stuff as long as you understand what they say. Of course, if any mistake cause misunderstandings, then it must be corrected. It may be connected by the owner or by someone else (if the owner of the word doesn't notice the mistake). However, in other cases I doN't think it would cause a great problem. Internet is a casual atmosphere and people are participating into these things (discussions, conversations) to relax, or to have some nice time. I don't think pressurizing them would be a good idea. What if there was a built-in spell checker on mylot?
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• India
18 Jun 08
I am talking about the mistake like : -- fast as firs -- can as cas, cvan -- that as taht -- Plenty as pleni This type of mistakes which you can easily change it know.? thats what i am asking.. i am not finding any fault from the users, i am asking why don't they correct themself to make this type of small mistakes.
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@mulau2u (1459)
• Malaysia
18 Jun 08
cause they like what they like to do, we cannot change what other people like, i think for me it not a big deal we can still ask the person if we don't understand what he or she are talking about.. happy posting :) by asking them this way we can more understanding how the person look like.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Jun 08
cnenai you are being too critical as you yourself in your 'posting have made a number of grammatical and spelling errors for one who is after other people's responses. I would think you would be super careful not to make the errors you accuse all of us of making.As I said before we all try our best to edit our responses but we all do err and sometimes miss an error when it is too late to correct it. be more patient with us okay?
@Elixiress (3878)
18 Jun 08
I think that you are one of those people that do not check their spelling and grammar, as "cann't" is actually "can't" or "can not" and if "i" is by itself then it should be capitalised. I have a spell checker add on on my browser, so my spelling is usually right unless I accidentally type the wrong word. My grammar might be incorrect some of the time as I do not re-read my sentences and responses, so I do not realise that the mistake it there. I am assuming the reason many people leave mistakes is because they do not realise they are there, because I doubt many people actually re-read their responses and once you have posted it there is nothing you can do about it.
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• India
18 Jun 08
Ok.. Thanks for sharing your view.
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@thaMARKER (2503)
• Philippines
19 Jun 08
I notice some mistakes as well in here but it's all okay with me because me too sometimes makes wrong grammars and wrong spellings hahaha.. I don't normally reread my responses so I think I made a lot of mistakes here (Sorry for that, by the way) :) anyway, It's not everybody here speaks perfect english and mylot admin is nice to include people from countries which english is not their main dialect. We're all good and we're all having fun. ;) I've read some suggestions regarding wrong spelling and hoping that it's going to be fine with the admin. ;)
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• India
19 Jun 08
Thanks for sharing your view..
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@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
19 Jun 08
I know my writing is full of falws when I write on my lot . I wish they had a spell checer and manybe in time they will. I don't mind smaller mistakes, but I have seen some post that I can't even make out.
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• United States
19 Jun 08
Oh my this post was full of mistakes. Sometimes, I just type way to fast. I think that is the main prob I have here on the lot . I know you were not pointing fingers, just curious on what people thought. Have a good day!
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• United States
18 Jun 08
I think they should download a spell checker to there toolbar. It has helped me alot. Most of the time I know what they are saying or trying to get at but some I have know idea as to what they are talking about.
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• India
18 Jun 08
yes, you are right.. and also i am ask them to make it 100% correct, atleast to some extend, which is easily identified by them, when they wrote. thanks for sharing.
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• Canada
23 Jun 08
People can make mistakes for all kinds of reasons. -They are not proficient in English -They might have a sore finger -They might have a keyboard with sticky keys -They might not just notice what they are doing If I can get the general meaning out of a discussion I'll respond to it, but if I really don't know what the heck the person is trying to say, I'll just move on. I am one of those people with bad keys on my keyboard, and I have an infection in one of my fingers.
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
18 Jun 08
It's kind of ironic tht you are commenting on people's spelling and grammar, when your post is riddled with them. I think a lot of spelling mistakes are simply typos, or people whose first language isn't English. I think as long as people are making an effort, and not speaking in "text speak" (which I hate), people can figure out what they are trying to say.
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• United States
18 Jun 08
I know that there are times when I will misspell certain words and it drives me nuts. I'm sure you will find many times in my writing when the words not and now are interchanged. I have no clue when this started or why but I have not been able to break myself of it. Sometimes I will catch it before I hit the post other times I will not see it until after. Sometimes I make so many errors just rushing it would make more sense just to delete my entire post and start over HAHA. Little mistakes don't bother me since I know I'm not perfect with my own, the part that bothers me is when people put in half words or so many slang words that the entire post makes no sense whatsoever. Not just here at MyLot but in general postings. My 7th grade teacher taught me that if you are going to speak, speak properly if not then don't speak at all, for me it translated to writings also. I'm not perfect by any measure but I make an honest effort.
• United States
18 Jun 08
I am not very good in english, I have seen my posts with this mistakes and I also submited some posts with spelling and grammer mistakes, but I think it should not bother anyone because we belong from different communities and cultures, we can not have same style of writing, this is one of the way to modify the Languages and their words, Now a days we are writing or listening the words in our language, many of them were very different from their present shape, they have changed because of the different style of writing or pronounciation, it is the slow way of Modification. Now we are living in Global world where we can easily interact with the people of different culture and society that must effect on our culture included our language. We should accept these changes. Thanks
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
19 Jun 08
I was just replying to a similar discuss about gramer mistake and i would like to paste it here """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Ahhh what a senstive topic i am sure no one will be more happy than me IF Mylot finally decided to have spell check and grammer check option. i type with single hand, not sure about gramatical mistakes but sure spellings mistakes are their, i have one more bad habit that i dont preview mu posts, just write what i have in mind, post it. i know its bad but ITS Me, """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" So all i want to say that some times its differnt in speling too, like british english got differnt spelling than american English. and other thing, non native people dont have vocabalry as well, Even if u have Grammer and spell check installed, by this i am sure u can control ur spell mistake but if u dont know mich about gramer then it will still be there. Other thing as far as u can get the meaning, its Ok. Take care
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Jun 08
chennai we all err at times and we usually catch them but unfortunately we are all human beings and as such we sometimes miss our misspelled words. You also missed a misspelled word yourself. definitely is not spelled defenatley so you are also all too human. see and if you have missed the error when you press post response you cannot correct it, as its too late.so' we are all at one time or another guilty of misspelling something so why not just smile and forgive,okay?
@kissie34 (2294)
• Philippines
19 Jun 08
Well,I understand your concern about lots of mistakes in grammar and spelling.. But I think, some people don't care whether they have type the wrong spelling or not.. Or maybe they are not aware that they were typing some errors... We cannot judge some people on how they type it.. I think it is ok that people will made some mistakes for as long as they were not hurting anybody and that would not cause of any problems...
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