How many dog year equal to human years?

@anndocs (249)
June 18, 2008 4:51am CST
Do you know many dog years equal to human years? I have heard- dog year plus 7 , not sure, do you have any idea?
4 responses
13 Sep 08
the atcual amout is 1 dog year is equal to 7 human years so in that case your all wrong and im right im 12
• United States
22 Sep 08
Actually, every vet has a chart by breed to determine the age of a dog in human years. The formula given as a response to the original question is one of the more accurate ways of figuring a dog's age in human years but it does not take into account the typical lifespan of each breed. Oh, and you're still have a lot of learning to do in school. :) It's "you're" and not "your". Signed, Mother of two "A" students
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
25 Jun 08
I have heard of dog years , cat years, horse years, etc. I do not know what they are. Its nuts. Who ever came up with all that anyway? To me a year is 12 months. thats it. We really don't need all that. Is it just americans do that or what?
@Insung001 (740)
• Philippines
22 Jun 08
1 human year = 7 dog years Different breeds of dogs age at vastly different rates so this rule of thumb only goes so far. Giant dogs like Great Danes and St. Bernards may have a life expectancy of under 10 years. Chihuahuas might still be going strong at 15. You can think of some dogs as either aging faster or simply not living as long as others. In any case, a life that is significantly shorter than the average human life is one of the difficulties that dog lovers face. I have a friend who breeds dog and he might have a more definite answer on this. His name is Ramil Halayahay.
@kaezy_kulet (2465)
• Philippines
18 Jun 08
my brother who like dogs so much told me that 1 year in human is equal to seven years in dogs..and they last until 10 y/o..though i am not sure if it is really the exact ratio of the dogs life span..i just reechoed what my brother had told me..