Does God even exist?
By robehren
@robehren (86)
United States
20 responses
@mclendon (308)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Not only is statistically impossible that even one single organism could have accidentally been organized into existence; there is also no logical reason to believe that this amazing universe could have happened by cosmic accident. There has to be some intelligent force behind it, beyond it, and through it all.
I believe, based on the evidence around me and my own experiences, that God is creative, relational (seeks relationship), is loving, and just. These qualities imply intelligent deliberation.
Yes, God is out there.
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@robehren (86)
• United States
18 Jun 08
you are like me. I am an amateur sicentist and a very logical thinker. I have examined the evidence and come to the only logical conclusion. There are so many holes in the evolutionary theory that I just can't put my faith into it. No evidence exist for what is called Macro evolution. Thre is evidence of micro evolution, adaptation within a species but no fossil record of one species becoming another. I just can't conceive that everything arrived here ex-nihilio. There was a beginning and there will be an end. Science does not have the answers but God does.
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@startstop123 (435)
• India
18 Jun 08
God is a belief you Trust in yourself. God is Invisible and Intangible. He lies in your Faith. Keep Faith in your Work and God will be on your side.
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@Norfolk_Jim (214)
20 Jun 08
I was recently sitting on a hill watching accross some wetland meadows and enjoying the birds, animals and plants of this green and pleasant land, and pondering that very question. While I freely confess to being a Christian, having had a "road to damascus" experience some 17 years ago. Its still a question I ponder at times, because God is invisible and can not be proven in a true Scientific sense. Yet just looking at the creation itself is usually what convinces me that there is indeed a greater power beyond all that we see and experience around us. I'm a scientific person and the more I study the way the world and the Universe work, both on the great and micro scale, from the working of the atom and quantum physics, up to the galaxy and Universe in general, the more I see God and the less I see chance and meaningless in everything at every level.
It was then that I recalled how the cloest the bible ever comes to addressing the question of Gods existence at all is to say something along the lines of everyone has some idea that there is a God because of the creation itself. The existence of God is seen in the creation itself, and that makes perfect sense to me - however much the likes of Dawkins and his blind watchmaker might try to destroy any such belief. I defy anyone to explain adequately the evolution of the butterfly. But I digress...
The question then isnt so much one of Is there a God, but what is God like. Is God a term for a person, a spirit or a power the drives the universe? Is the God of the bible or the Koran, actually God, can God be known at all?
For that answer, we are left with subjectiveness alone for I think it can only be known by revelation, and revelation is subjective.
For sure the terror of God has been used to bully and exploit people from the earliest of days, but it has always been in the nature of humankind to manipulate and control by whatever means.
Perhaps more meaningful is the fact that humans everywhere are spiritual beings with a belief in a God. Really only recently has atheism come into serious being and even an agnostic / athiest people are unable to escape the reality that we are spiritual - seeking something, seeking meaning, in whatever way will satisfy for them.
So yes, I think there is a God who has created the universe. My personal belief is that God is revealed in scripture, but I can not prove it, neither does it particularly suit me, but there it is. Certainly there is a greater power, something, beyond us and more to consciousness than a random pattern of electrical impulses and some chemical reactions - but this question can not be addressed scientifically and so we will not have any definitive answer - of that I'm pretty sure. Until we die, then we'll either know at last or not care, because of our no existence.

@Norfolk_Jim (214)
21 Jun 08
Thanks. I really enjoy science and think its a shame that there is often this antagonism between faith and science, it isnt necessary in my opinion. I love science and have studied it to degree level, particularly environmental science but also chemistry and physics.
I'm particulary intrigued by the concept of energy. Theres quite a good analogy between energy and God - where did it come from? where does it go? You can see it in action but of itself its intangible. Its never destroyed, just transformed into another aspect of energy.
These sorts of things fascinate me. Like gravity.
And quantum physics, well thats something else.And science is now starting to consider that there may well be other dimensions, other realities, so why scoff at those who believe there is also a spiritual reality outside of matter?
@robehren (86)
• United States
21 Jun 08
You have explained it so well that there is not much I can add. I am a follower of science and especially love quantum mechanics. I have never believed that science could reveal God, but neither can it kill him. I place my faith in God but I trust in science to make my car run. They are different and divergent things, science and faith. What makes me different from most I guess is that I look at the complexity revealed by science and still find God. Science doesn't destroy my faith it makes it stronger. I think you and I are alike in this respect. Thank you for your eloquent post and God bless you.

@setroc (853)
• Philippines
21 Jun 08
i believe there is, might be entirely diferent from what we think he/she whatever is, but i believe there is a god or a creator, the one being from whom everything else begin, i just cant accept that all that is existing right now is existing by accident, you can get all scientific with me on this back it up with theories to prove that it was by accident, and i would say, thats the most stupid thing ive ever heard, now do i believe that that creator is exactly how the bible describe him to be, i dunno, we all dont know, maybe hes the god all religous book describe him to be, maybe that really is who he is, i dunno, but i believe that the creator has thought and mind of his own, and not just some force or whatever, i believe its a person
@robehren (86)
• United States
22 Jun 08
Faith and science are such different things. They do not have to be enemies. They are meant to be different. Faith describes the world of the spirit. Science describes the physical world. I don't think science can explain god and I think that it must be this way. If you could open a text book and find absolute proof of God I think this would negate faith. What faith does it require to believe that rocks exist. You can see one anytime you go out. Faith in what you can not see or prove is much harder and that is why it is rewarded by God. Scientists should stick with describing physical phenomenon and Faith should be the authority on GOD. Thanks for the post and keep the faith.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
20 Jun 08
Of course God exists. If one does not think so, how did we get to be here, and why should we cling to a high moral standard?
@1richgirl (126)
• United States
24 Jun 08
When I look at at anything in nature I am absolutely convinced that God is a heavenly father that loves us. All things testify of him- even the tola worm. Christ is compared to or called a worm- Why ? study the similarities of the tola worm and Jesus? There are amazing things in the Bible and nature that testify of Him!!!
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@mustafabadri (178)
• India
5 Jul 08
If someone says their is nothing but nature!
Ill ask him what is nature?who created it either? who tought her to work so brilliently?the sun the moon the day the night the distance of sun and moon from earth? how can a nature which has no mind or sence can creat something like human being which is so clever and intelligent?
It is not that we cannot imagin the god because we do not find the reasons and evidence of him but because their are so many that we cannot imagin and cannot accept that god is such a powerful thing.
Good Luck
@sparkster (181)
19 Jun 08
I do not believe in the bible, as it has been proven that there was half of the original transcripts missing and they were filled in fictionally and adequately in order to fit in with the parts that were present.
I also believe that if we were supposed to know that there is a God, then we would. I do not believe in God per se, but I do believe that there must be some kind of vast ranging intelligence way beyond our capacity in order to create a world containing so many different creatures and biological features that are so complicated in design and functionality.
@trell8402 (274)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I am an avid believer of God and the Bible. I don't try to persuade anybody of their beliefs, and I don't like when people try to persuade or question mine. We (people) have a tendency to believe what we don't see and won't question it, but when it comes to God, we question Him. God's intent is not to scare people. He's like most people; don't get on their bad side, and you'll be alright! LOL!! Everyone believes in something, and I think that's good. At least you believe in something. I choose to believe in God, and if I'm wrong in the end, I will have to pay an account of my beliefs and no one else's.
@robehren (86)
• United States
18 Jun 08
You seem to have the right idea, live and let live. I think what burns me up is the popular media and Hollywood constantly portray Christians as idoits and zealots and fools for thier beleifs. It is not true. There are some nut cases out there but the vast majority of us are good and understanding peopl. I just want equal treatment. If the press were to bash Muslims there would be hell to pay. If they bash Christians the ratings go up. What is wrong with this country. Thanks for the response and God bless you.
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
18 Jun 08
Yes God does exist. I am not good at debate but there are things in this world that makes me know and believe that there is a God. I have been to deathbed over and over again. The last one is finding out that I am HIV positive and although I have found out three years in my relationship I am glad that I don't have to take medication and living on it because it is my only living hope. Yes I am positive and lost my job and my small business but God is still there opening doors and providing for me. This is the reason I said that yes he does exist. I am not going quote bible verses one have to witness the present of God for him/herselves to know that he does exist.

@vonkristoffer (833)
• Philippines
19 Jun 08
yes God does exist.. He is the Alpha and Omega.. no beginning.. as He said in His word, the Bible.
on the other hand, the universe have a beginning.. then who is only fit to do such things.. simply the one who have no beginning.. God. ..^_^
@luvinu617 (185)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Well my personal belief is that yes, of course God exists! What is the point of life without a better hereafter? But I am NOT religious. I do not believe in Religion, and personally think religion is the biggest reason people get turned away from God. I myself do not believe in the Devil, or hell. I believe we are living in Hell right now and our reward is going back to God. Religion is what scares children into line, not God, don't get them confused. God does not technically care what we do or what we don't do. He wishes we would live our live to strive to be good to people, and be good to ourselves, but if we don't he doesn't neglect us or hate us for it. Why would God put us here just to say that if we don't do all these things we can never come back to him? I love God, I hate organized religion.
@markita1956 (2)
• United States
20 Jun 08
My belief in God is from personal experience, but I KNOW that God exists. It's a matter of faith. If you stop and listen on a quiet night, you will hear Him. How can you not, when His voice is so loud?
My youngest son is a scientist, and he had tried to convince me there is no God. However, when his daughter was born recently, he was the one saying, "Thank You, God."
@robehren (86)
• United States
21 Jun 08
What a wonderful thing it is that even those who don't believe can be inspired by God. Something we take so for granted, the act of child birth, is a testament to the glory of God in heaven. I have children of my own and I can see the miracle of God in each and every one of them. I never stop being inspired by the most common of occurrences. I wish everyone could see these things for what the are, Miralces and blessings.
@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
20 Jun 08
why people discuss about God if he is not existed.It should never come to his mind, I think people are crazy about God, if he exists they have to give answer to them.

@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I will not try to preach you my gospel, but I do believe that god is out there. I won't say any more on this subject as I do not wish to offend anyone and their beliefs but I will say that I did have my own doubts, however, I avidly believe in him.
@alok51 (84)
• India
20 Jun 08
According to me God exists because sometimes God helps even if someone believes he isn't there. I mean God helps all the time but it sometimes help in a way such that we know that there is someone who is there. There is some supernatural power out there who has created thing universe. Sometimes i wonder if God isn't there how was this universe created and what is the meaning of life.
@koharukusumi (1539)
• Malaysia
21 Jun 08
Hey there,
I was not a strong believer before but after living 24 years of my life I began to notice some unexplainable events in my life. Whenever I have done something which my religion consider a 'sin', bad things will happen to me. And when I do good deeds, nice things will happen to me. I try to think of it as just a coincidence at first but after a long time it's too hard to ignore. Thus, my belief that God exists is stronger nowadays.
@oxymerc (28)
20 Jun 08
i do believe that there is a God, a Greater Power, within reach, for many reasons.. God is out there. you just have to believe.. because there are a lot of things not even science or scientists can explain.. everything is in order because there is someone who makes everything right..
@mythreya (90)
• India
22 Jun 08
It depends on what u think the god is.THE god is nothing but nature and the universe.the nature hasthe infinite power and ability to crete and destroy.The sun has the power to destroy the earth.If even the rotation of theearth from its axis we will get ice ace age permanantly and life is not sustainable on universe and nature are the god.U will get only one life so live to the fullest without physically and mentally hurting others.