The Other Women!!!

United States
June 18, 2008 10:46am CST
Well I been dating this guy for 5 months and than we got married.. Well the first two months i was dating he ended up calling this girl baby well asked him about and he said that his phone mistakenly out there... HOW THE HELL DOES YOU PHONE DO THAT?!?!?! Well I let it go well now this girl is emailing me and well to come to find out my husband asked this girl to move in with him and told her that he got a new puppy and the dog that this girl is talking about is my dog. Teddy Bear. What do i do???? Should a let him hear it from me or just let is go again????
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23 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Boy, you've really gotten yourself into a situation. First of all, you got married way too early. You can't know a person in only five months and, secondly, you ignored red flag number one in the second month of knowing him. Now you're faced with red flag number two. Your husband is playing games that he should not play and, no, you shouldn't let it go. Do you really want a husband who cheats on you and who could bring home who knows what diseases from playing around with someone who played around with someone...and on and on? Do you think he'll change? From what I already see one or both of you are impulsive and probably not ready to settle down.
• United States
18 Jun 08
Well i guess i'm going to let it go for the simple fact that him asking her to move in with him was away before me.. So therefor i have nothing to worry about my husband is acually really i great guy... He has never cheated on me... the whole calling the girl baby thing i sometimes call other guys baby. So i just have to let it go his past is nonw of my business like my past is none of his business..
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Ooooh, I didn't realize this was from his past. Ok, and also since I see that he's also going to Iraq in Feb. it would probably be best for the two of you to focus on each other and forget about his past.
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• United States
18 Jun 08
I wouldn't say go easy on him or forget it. Take it from me, marriage is hard work. Five years on a normal job is easier than one year of marriage. Let me first say that women are deciteful and want what they can't have. Women can take things they heard and things they have seen and make them into what they want. Believe what your husband says and make it work. No one's relationship is perfect. There is no time limit on love. Love is something that comes with no discrimination. If you love your husband and want to spend the rest of your life with him, then work towards that by any means necessary. People these days give up too soon. Imagine if everyone gave up so easily. America wouldn't be free and I would still be a slave. PS...because the divorce rate in North Carolina is so high, you have to wait a year for a divorce to be final after filing it.
@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
18 Jun 08
You may say you don't believe in divorce and I totally understand that, divorce is hard. BUT, do you think God wants you to stay in a marriage that makes you feel miserable, do you think that God wants you to stay in a marriage where you are disrespected? He doesn't expect you to lay down and let someone walk all over you and to get away with something like this. You say that you both don't believe in divorce, well how strong are his beliefs?? I mean did you ever think that part of his beliefs were that it was okay to cheat on his wife so soon after being married? So what beliefs does he actually have that he stands by?
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Jul 08
Thanks for voting me best response. I was afraid that I was being to blunt, but I'm glad things worked out. I know how it feels to be in your shoes, and was just recently tested myself with a female that works with my hubby.
• United States
18 Jun 08
lol tru but we both don't believe in Divorce so guess what i'm stuck with him for the rest of my life anyway lol
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
18 Jun 08
let it go again? you should have kicked his butt to the curb the first time. i say cut your losses and move on. he is obviously a dog. don't let him keep lying to you and cheating on you. stand up for yourself. don't let anyone disrespect you.
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• India
18 Jun 08
hi, sorry to hear about this, but i could never let go of something like this. You did say you got married, right? so how does he think he can ask another women to move in..thats weird. Why would you take it dear.please dont. Today if you let go of small things they would get bigger and one day totally out of control I think you should talk to him seriously and find out what is happening.
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• United States
18 Jun 08
YEah well his stuff happened before i came in to the picture.. All i can do is tell him i don't feel comfortable with him talking to hher at all by e-mail phone
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• United States
18 Jun 08
You definitely need to talk to him about it. If there are problems between you two now, it needs to be resolved so that they do not get worse as time goes on. He needs to know that you are upset by it and how he handles the situation will be a great way of seeing how he will handle conflicts in the future.
• United States
18 Jun 08
Yeah that is tru thanks for the advice
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@kymber86 (165)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Honey, you know that you love this boy, and regardless of what anyone says, that will not change. You also know that he loves you and has tried to be honest with you about his past, though he often forgets some things... You need to confront him with the emails and ask him to tell you the truth. You have to be calm when you do this though, or he will lock up and not tell you the whole truth. Just be matter of fact about it and show him what she said, and remember that jealousy will make a person say and do some strange things!
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• United States
18 Jun 08
Yes i do love my husband... Alot i would do anything for him... he just needs to learn how to tell me the truth about things
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@sanell (2112)
• United States
19 Jun 08
I would DEFINITELY Not let it go!! I would print out a few copies of the email, so you have one in your file in case you need to take it to court or something, but I would give it to him and say "Hey baby, I got a note from your soon to be live in girlfriend? and apparently you got a new puppy? and if so,where is the puppy?" Then just watch his face....and see what he does to get out of that one...The other option is to email the girl back and send her a picture of your wedding??? Can you do that? Do you have any photos of you and your hubby in wedding scene? I would definitely do that!!! that would be a good one... Then you can play dumb and be like "What? I sent a picture to her? Who is she? I have no idea who that even is? " And that would be another way of catching him about cheating.. What a CRAZY moron! Why do you want to stay with someone like that anyway? I know you love him right? Is he worth it?
• United States
19 Jun 08
All this happened before i came into the picture.... So i'm not to worried about this girl is also married and has kids now..
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@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
19 Jun 08
My friend that is how Islam is superior to Christianity even though Christians will not admit it. Men will always practice a form of polygamy so why not make it official and control the damage instead of not admitting the problem and having the husband fool around and bring diseases into his household ? A woman may know her husband has lust for another woman yet still love him , that is why Allah in his wisdom made allowance for men to marry up to 4 women if the wives agree , that is how merciful Islam is and it shows nobody knows men better than the REAL Creator.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
19 Jun 08
I think you should take your stand firmly. he is taking extra advantage of you. also he may be two timing. so talk with him clearly in this matter. then take decision.
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Absolutely not!!! You should not just let this go!!! I agree with the first poster, you did get married way too soon, but with that already being done and said, you need to know that you are worth way more than what this man is willing to offer you. Do you believe that you deserve to be cheated on, disrespected, and lied to? Do you believe that you deserve to have an STD because your husband is out there cheating on you and being with other women??? Do you think that your husband really and truely loves you like a husband is to love their wife??? I would have to guess that the answer to those questions would be no, therefore you need to get out of this relationship ASAP. I wouldnt even wait for an explanation, what difference is his reasoning going to make? Is it going to change the fact that you two married waayy too early and didn't get to fully know one another? Is it going to change the fact that he has cheated on you basically from the start of your marriage?? I wouldn't even waste my time on letting him explain, get out of it. Save yourself from getting hurt more and from possibly getting a disease and get away from him. No woman/man deserves to go through this. I wish you the best of luck. Please keep us informed on your decision. I will be praying for you.
@neelygal (1022)
• Bahamas
18 Jun 08
You need to put your foot down and try to stop this before it gets worse.Dont let anoither woman even enter into the mix of you and you man.If this girl sees that she can get you upset she will keep at it until she destroys your marriage.Is that what you want?Dont let her destroy your marriage and your home.Put her in her place now!
@iamnes (324)
• Philippines
18 Jun 08
you should talk to him about these incidents and clearly straighten things out. you should have his respect and honesty. if you let it go again, most likely it would happen again and before you even realize it, things will get out of hand. as early as possible, settle things out and give your husband ultimatum. he should be faithful to you!
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Let it go AGAIN??? This is not the way to start a long lasting marriage. You definitely need to talk to this guy and let him know that this sort of thing will not wash with you. It's either you and you alone or there's the door, nice knowing you. If you let him get away with this, things will not improve as time goes by!
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Husbands can be trained, that's true. But, so can wives :)
• United States
18 Jun 08
thank you so much for the great advive. all this happened before me... So really there is nothing to worry about... All i'm going to say to him that i don't feel comfortable with him talking to him through phone, email, and text.
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@banadux (630)
• United States
18 Jun 08
I would have to say that if you feel something is wrong, you should openly express it. Usually someone in a relationship feels something wrong about 2 years after it's obvious to all of their friends and family. Talk to people you can trust amongst your friends and family. It's easier for people on the outside to see what is going on. It has to be people you trust to tell you the truth though, and a lot of times friends and family will hide the truth from you very wrongly because they don't think you're ready to hear it.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
19 Jun 08
wait a minute...something doenst make sense here....You are telling ppl that thsi is BEFORE you came into the picture BUT in your post you said. the dog that this girl is talking about is my dog. Teddy Bear If this all happened BEFORE YOU how is that possible??
• United States
19 Jun 08
Hey picked up a dog on the way home one time his name was buck... That wasn't my dog... I wrote this post before i knew all the facts... Sorry about that...
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Jun 08
I wouldn't let it go. You are way too young and you have your whole life ahead of you. It looks like you made a mistake and married too soon to someone who really can't be trusted. My advice would be to just leave and call it a huge life lesson. Of course it is your choice, but I don't think you should just ignore this sort of stuff.
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• United States
19 Jun 08
How sure are you that this is in the past? You said she was talking about your dog? That could not have been before you and therefore is not in the past. You need to know where you stand absolutely. I would not let it go! Resolve it before he leaves for Iraq or you will be in he11 while he is gone wondering.
• United States
19 Jun 08
The girl told me i met him in november this happened in september...
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@jorkin (67)
• China
19 Jun 08
Say goodbye to him,I don't think any young girl can bear it.
• United States
19 Jun 08
I really have nothing to worry about all this happened in the past... so it has nothing to do with me. Just some vindictive girl trying to get things start with my husband and i cause she lost him a long time ago.. All i said was i dont feel comfortable with you talking to her by phone, text, and email and he promised me he would... So i trust him
@jorkin (67)
• China
19 Jun 08
oh,I see,but please be careful.Man always lies to woman.I think if there is the first time,then years later,maybe there will be the second,third.....
• United States
19 Jun 08
yeah i know thank you... But i think i can trust him he realy is great guy...
@Chispa514 (871)
• Montreal, Quebec
20 Jun 08
I think you should confront him about it, and if he denies it, show him the email, and if he still denies it or tryes to cover up his tracks, then get the girl to meet you somewhere (if she lives close to you) or call her on the phone, and talk to them both side by side, one of them is bound to come out with the truth. Sorry that you're going thru that.
• United States
20 Jun 08
Thank you so much for the advice.. But this all happened in the past before i came into the picture.. So i'm really not to worried about it now i will tell him that i don't feel comfortable with him talking to her on phone, txt, internt none of the and i will get him to write her a letter telling her that we don't want nothing to do with her
@momz2gd (295)
• Yucaipa, California
19 Jun 08
Drop the loser and find someone that will treat you good. You should not have any doubt in your mind that he is cheating on you.
@momz2gd (295)
• Yucaipa, California
19 Jun 08
I am sorry if I have offended you! I hope everything works out for you and your hubbie. Tell that other girl off if she keeps on bugging you. Tell her that you have him now and laugh.....
• United States
19 Jun 08
No you didn't offend me i have been telling everyone that lol... Oh and i am going to tell the crazy girl off. she has no right telling me all this and han expect me to allow her to talk my husband..
• United States
19 Jun 08
hes not all this happened before i came in to the picture... So i have nothing to worry about just some crazy vindictive little girl jealous that i married the guy that she truely wanted and she dumped him for her jail bait loser...