Church Leader controlling members lives...Not sure what to do

United States
June 18, 2008 11:59am CST
My family was attending a church where the pastor demanded so much of our time because he said the Lord told him that my husband and i should be in leadership. Hesitantly we accpeted that responsibility, then we were expected to be at church everytime the doors were open. Many times when we or other leaders fail to be there the pastor would bring it to the attention of the entire congregation at the first opportunity saying we loved our jobs, etc more than God. We were ask to make sacrificial vows of $1000.00-$2000.00 anytime there was some need to raise money to go toward a new building. Then I was told I could not wear an ankle braclet, because I was in leadership. One leader lost her home, but she paid her sacrificial vow, while the pastor and his wife bought a new Mercedes. It got to be to much for me and I stop going. We thought we found a new church and this pastor ran so many scams on his people and other businesses that he had to skip town, literally. I have given up on church period but my parents tell us to keep trying to find another church. What would you do?
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14 responses
• United States
18 Jun 08
Question, At what point does a church stop being a church, and becomes a cult? Also, could not all religions be considered cults of some nature or other??
@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
19 Jun 08
I agree. It sounds more like a cult to me.
• United States
19 Jun 08
I kind of felt that way too. That the demands being put on us were cult like. even my father in law said it was a cult. I still love the Lord. it just just very discouraging when you see the kind of use and abuse we have seen.
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
18 Jun 08
what my mom and I have done when we were in the position where the pastor was asking too much of us. We found another church and small independent church. Yes Pastor asks everyone to help out and give to the church money and time, but it's not a requirement. If he says he thinks we would be good in some sort leadership role he mentions it once and lets us think and pray about it. I don't think you should give up completely, but church hop until you find one that is right for you.
@Jezebella (1446)
• United States
18 Jun 08
My family did the same thing. It is not good for a pastor to try and force you to do something by saying GOd told him. It should be God telling you.
• United States
19 Jun 08
I have really got to get over the hurt, before I can begin looking for another church. My husband and I quickly cut people off when they try to invite us to church now. People are so surprised at our position when it comes to going to church.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
23 Jun 08
Wow!! The pastor was insisting people give money like this, and not caring about if someone lost their home in the process? This is a shame. Especially when they bought the New cars to show off, it makes you wonder if they were really putting the $$ being received towards a New building or their own pockets. Personally, I do not blame you for wanting to get away from there, and refusing to be a member there anymore. It sounds like other things were controlling that Pastor other than God, and that will be on his head in the end. If you are praying about it, and really searching, I am sure you can find yourself a Good church to attend where the church and pastor will not be like this, and accept you there with loving arms as well. Wishing you the best.
• Australia
24 Jun 08
what was controlling the pastor was his own fleshy desires and felt he is God himself by controlling like minded people.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
19 Jun 08
Hi 3ddatawiz, Sadly, there are many out there that are using religion to their own advantage. Many evangelists have become very rich at the expense of those they are supposed to be helping. Some convince themselves that they are doing nothing wrong, even when they take money from pensioners who don't have enough to to live on to start with. My advice is to learn to be a spiritual person, not a religious person. Jesus taught us how to live, and that should be our main objective. We are to love one another, we are not to judge or condemn. I am not saying that you should not find another church, but look for tolerance, look for a church that talks more about living the golden rule than about the sins of others, or how much money you pay the church. Christianity is a way of life. Blessings.
• United States
19 Jun 08
Thank you for your advise. I think you are on to something. There has got to be church somewhere for us.
@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
19 Jun 08
To me a church is a group of people joining together because they have something in common. It is hard to find a real church any more. Most are a bunch of hypocrits miserable in their lives and trying to make everyone else the same. I find that I feel closer to a higher being up in the mountains than anywhere. I find many pastors, preachers and the like very materialistic and self promoting. I fear most of the churches I hear about now days seem more like cults than true churches. Sad but true.
• United States
19 Jun 08
That is exactly how I feel right now. Church should be liberating not a place that creates bondage. It is a sad situation.
@Jhordie (5115)
• Philippines
19 Jun 08
RELIGION isn't a place for BUSINESS!?@!?@! It should be treated with respect and dignity. If a religion does those things you have mentioned here... why not stop joining it? Just a word of advice... PLS DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THIS KIND OF FALSE PROPHETS!!! They just want the money you'll be bringing in their pockets and not you nor the faith that they are teaching.
• Australia
19 Jun 08
well said Jhordie
@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
19 Jun 08
We have had the same problem in the past. I had given up on finding a good church too. We finally found one that we are all happy in but I am still wary of the leadership since I have been burned so many times. I still love God and still read my Bible so I don't feel like my faith has diminished. Not in God anyway. I guess in finding a new church you just have to watch for those red flags and put your' foot down when your' gut tells you something is wrong. Faith doesn't mean blindly following a pastor off a cliff.
• United States
19 Jun 08
I miss going to church, but boy I am really skeptical about what is out there. I don't even watch as much evengelical TV as I use to. There are just too many scams and no enough truth.
• India
18 Jun 08
I don't like pastors who speak as if God directly speaks to him. I don't believe there is no one who has a hotline connection with God. God simply does not speak like that to his children. I grant that one in a billion billion time he may do, but not so often. That's the way God works. He rather speaks to us through our minds most often, then through Word, his people, etc. But if the pastor seems insincere take him to task. Confront him with love and boldness. Of course, the last resort is to walk out of that church.
• United States
19 Jun 08
You have such a king spirit in your words. Thank you. Believe it or not we actually talk to the pastor be fore we left the church and tried to explain that we did not need him to oversee every aspect of our lives and that he should exercise the same faith that he preaches about, that God will guide us. He said if other saw him treating us differently it would cause discord. We have explained to the Pastor that the church simply is not for us. You have to have too much money and you have to spend too mush time at the building. He said he understood and we have spoke in passing several times, he has even called us a couple of times but his wife the "Co-Pastor" has not spoken to us since. I trust God and we will be okay.
@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
19 Jun 08
I agree with your parents. Keep visiting around at different churches until you find a church that gives you the spiritual food from God that you need. A church with a pastor such as the one you left is not right. That sounded like the pastor was in it for the money, not to preach God's word and see people saved. People should do the jobs in church that they do because God leads them, not because the pastor tells them. I'm sure you are frustrated right now, but just keep looking and the Lord will show you the church that he has for you. Just stay in His will. God Bless!!
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
19 Jun 08
A minister driving a Mercedes? Sounds to me like the "sacrificial vows" were going for something besides the building fund! Don't let this one person keep you from going to church. Talk with friends and relatives about their churches and find one that you like. I am sure that God will make sure that that man gets what he deserves. I am also sure that God would not want you to stay away from religious fellowship because of him.
• United States
19 Jun 08
That you for your kind words. I have thought about going to visit some churches, but right now my husband won't even consider it. I will probably have to go by myself first. Please remember us when you pray.
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
22 Jun 08
You were part of a cult pretending to be mainstream. Any time a single leader makes demands of individuals like that, controls their lives, tries to shame them into compliance, they have crossed the line into cultism. As for the scammer leader you found, well - no one's exempt from sin. And, some find the religious to be particularly easy targets on which to prey...especially if it is a religion or a denomination known for its willingness to obey and/or trust anyone using the proper terminology. But, should you find another church? If you still believe, then I say yes. There is one somewhere that will help restore your faith in church in general. Just remember that even in the best churches, there will be hypocrites - Christians are still human. They are subject to failure as much as anyone. Maybe a non-denominational church is your best bet right now. I also like Assemblies of God, even though I don't believe every single thing they believe. For the most part, the people are wonderful and full of love for others. American Baptist is another good one. I would avoid independent or fundamental Baptist because they seem to have the most "cultish" behaviors.
@mclendon (308)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Find another church. There are crooks in every profession. Just because someone went through Bible college or seminary doesn't mean they have a heart for God or that they do everything with pure motives from then on. Find a church with a servant pastor who loves his congregation and God. Find a place where you can serve joyfully and not be enslaved by coercion and the threat of public humiliation.
• United States
19 Jun 08
You know you are right. There is someone who will pervert anything for the love of money. I am so glad to see you say that the pastor is to be a servant. That is what I thought too. Instead I've seen pastors talk about this kingdom building concept and the truth is they are creating kingdoms for themselves right here on earth. You simply would not believe the stuff we've seen. I might just create a post about it.
• Australia
19 Jun 08
I dont believe that we should give all of our time to the CHURCH but only to Jesus. here is a future question that the pastor may asked you to move into the church and be leaders is this. Just say...I will pray about this because i dont sense in my spirit that is what God want me to do. If he does not like this....too bad. You and the pastor must have the same feeling or longing that you would be right for the leadership. Alays watch for when you have alot of money that they will pay attention to you the most when you tithe 10% like $100.00 to 500.00 every week, you will get attention from the leadership when you do this. Do you follow me? if you do not sense in your spirit that lines up with the pastor....then pray about it til you get the answer. If its no and if the pastor reacts in away where he kinda shun you....leave.
• Canada
22 Jun 08
sounds like a cult to me.